The drawbacks of constant connectivity

Posted on: 01/3/17 4:33 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Do you ever think about the ramifications of “constant connectivity” with our devices?

Do your kids?

I’m actually writing a book on it right now. That’s probably why I found this video so intriguing… and a great resource as well. In fact, I’d show this incredibly insightful little video to today’s young people at youth group, at church, or even at home after a family meal. Then if time is short, I’d ask one question:

“Is he right?”

Tons of application here Continue reading “The drawbacks of constant connectivity”

A Peek Inside the Top Music of 2016

Posted on: 12/20/16 4:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Billboard-2016-NO-1Every year-end we write a special Youth Culture Window article dissecting every Billboard No. 1 hit song of the year.

This year there were eleven No. 1’s filled with break ups and hook ups, drugs and alcohol, sung by musical legends and unknown newbies. 2016’s most popular songs were marked by tremendous diversity in theme, genre, and artists.

But when the music ended, what did our kids really hear?

Take a peek at our breakdown. We share lyrical excerpts, some links to online videos, and a brief discussion of the song’s meaning to help you understand what elements were imparted to teenagers through the music.

Here it is!

The No. 1 Songs of 2016
What Impact Did They Make on Young Listeners?

Responding to argumentative teenagers

Posted on: 12/19/16 4:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jim-Daly-John-Fuller-Jonathan-McKeeMany of you caught when I was a guest on Focus on the Family’s daily broadcast last month (a video clip of that show HERE). Focus had me back last week to continue the conversation with Jim Daly and John Fuller about parenting…

…and this time to talk about the 7 vital changes I’d make If I Had a Parenting Do Over.

While I was there they filmed a quick Facebook video about “Why teenagers argue with their parents!”

Good times!PARENTING-DO-OVER-cover-WEB

(And as nice as it is to buy it from Focus… Amazon has it at the moment for a crazy pre-sale price of just $6 and change!)

My Top 5 Titles in 2016

Posted on: 12/15/16 4:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

MY-TOP-FIVEThe year-end is upon us and we’re looking back at the best and worst of 2016. Here’s yet another Top 5:

At the beginning of 2016 my 19th book hit the shelves, and I signed contracts for two more, one which I finished writing this summer and will release next month. (You’ll hear about the second one soon enough—but I’ll tell you this. It’s based off the popularity of my candid book to young men, but this one is to ALL teens about what it actually looks like to be wise with social media.)

I always find it interesting to see which of my books resonated the most with readers… I can never predict it! Continue reading “My Top 5 Titles in 2016”

Top 10 Posts of 2016

Posted on: 12/13/16 4:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

top-10-Jonathan McKee postsIt’s been a fun year on this blog. We’ve had a bunch of exciting contests and giveaways, not to mention… this blog grabbed the No. 12 spot in the most recent TOP 30 YOUTH MINISTRY BLOGS from Good times!

I pulled up my stats and looked at the top 10 posts you guys trafficked this year… some really good ones.

Here’s what you liked the most:
Continue reading “Top 10 Posts of 2016”

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My Top 5 Time Traps

Posted on: 12/12/16 4:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

ackbarI love the year-end, because that’s when we post all the fun lists with the year’s top stuff!

That means we’ll be looking back at the entertainment media in our culture like the top movies, the top songs (our annual recap of the No. 1 hits of the year, see last year’s here)… and then we’ll look at your top clicks as readers like my articles you read the most, my most popular books, etc.

But let me start with the most random of lists…

Yes… these distractions have cost me countless hours in the past year!
Continue reading “My Top 5 Time Traps”

It Ain’t My Fault

Posted on: 12/6/16 4:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It-Ain't-My-FaultOxford Dictionary just released their brand new “word of the year” for 2016, and it should serve as a sobering slap in the face as to exactly how irrational and foolish we’ve become.

The word is post-truth.

The definition is basically this: who cares what’s true. It’s only what “feels right” that matters (see Romans 1:18 for an expanded definition).

We just posted our brand new Youth Culture Window article, Who Needs Truth?, about this dangerous mindset and how today’s young people are Continue reading “It Ain’t My Fault”

why STDs are at an unprecedented high

Posted on: 11/30/16 4:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Do-You-Wanna-Know-the-TruthThe CDC posted a press release last month revealing STDs are at an unprecedented high in the U.S. In fact, “despite recent declines, 2015 was the second year in a row in which increases were seen in all three nationally reported STDs.” It will be interesting to see where these numbers come in at the end of 2016. The increases from just 2014 to 2015 ranged from a 5.9% increase of chlamydia to a 19.0% increase of P&S syphilis.


This is where everyone begins tossing theories around. Some blame Continue reading “why STDs are at an unprecedented high”

“Guy’s Guide” a Cyber-Monday Hit

Posted on: 11/28/16 4:27 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Amazon BooksIt’s always interesting to see which resources are a hit during that key shopping weekend Black-Friday through Cyber-Monday. And this year… it’s a bold little devotional for young men!

It’s crazy to watch which books Amazon move. Amazon ranks the books hourly so anyone can see how books are ranking among books in a certain category… or among ALL BOOKS EVER! And this weekend my candid little book for guys is going gangbusters!
Continue reading ““Guy’s Guide” a Cyber-Monday Hit”

A quick clip

Posted on: 11/23/16 4:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Most of you already heard that today I’m the guest on Focus on Family’s daily radio broadcast. Here’s a fun video clip Jim Daly, president of Focus on Family, posted on his Facebook page… the three of us talking about using technology to connect with tech-obsessed kids:

You can catch the entire broadcast online HERE. (And the book is on sale for just $9 HERE.)