Do you want a “Do Over?”

Posted on: 01/11/17 12:43 PM | by Jonathan McKee

It’s time! (I’m so excited!)

My publisher just emailed, and they’ve received my brand new book, If I Had a Parenting Do Over, fresh from the printer… and boxes are on their way to my house, my upcoming workshops, Amazon, LifeWay… and all the other book stores. (Many of you saw Jim Daly talking with me about this book on Focus on the Family’s Facebook page just a few weeks ago).

And Amazon is literally crazy right now! “Crazy” in a good way.

Amazon changes prices all the time… so this could change before you even read this. But at this second… as I type this… they have my new book for the best you’ll get it. Get this Continue reading “Do you want a “Do Over?””

“Guy’s Guide” a Cyber-Monday Hit

Posted on: 11/28/16 4:27 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Amazon BooksIt’s always interesting to see which resources are a hit during that key shopping weekend Black-Friday through Cyber-Monday. And this year… it’s a bold little devotional for young men!

It’s crazy to watch which books Amazon move. Amazon ranks the books hourly so anyone can see how books are ranking among books in a certain category… or among ALL BOOKS EVER! And this weekend my candid little book for guys is going gangbusters!
Continue reading ““Guy’s Guide” a Cyber-Monday Hit”