How to Help Your Kids Dodge Digital Distractions

Posted on: 07/14/19 11:53 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Hands down, the biggest question I’m asked at my parent workshops is, “How can we help our kids if they are spending too much time with screens?”

Great question. And here’s another place you can find the answer.

I’ve been collaborating with Focus on the Family a lot lately, getting to know their leaders (my podcast interviewing Jim and John from the Focus Daily Show), speaking for them, writing articles, shooting podcasts and doing radio shows. It’s been fun working with them in this role, so much in fact that they have brought me on as a “Focus on the Family Associate.”

This doesn’t mean we’re married… but we’re dating.   🙂

In short, I provide them with content, and they plug much of our content at A win/win for both ministries.

They just released one of my new articles on their site with four tips moms and dads can use to help their kids who might be clocking in too much screen time Continue reading “How to Help Your Kids Dodge Digital Distractions”

7 Facts Undercover Adults Discovered about Teenagers Today

Posted on: 03/5/18 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

I love it when research discovers something we’ve been telling parents for years. And for the last few weeks A& E show Undercover High has been revealing an eye-opening peek to many parents about the reality of what’s truly going on in the lives of the high school just down the street from you (and one of these “uncover adults” is a youth pastor).

The show unveiled quite a few realities about teen culture- seven, in fact.

1. The biggest surprise for these undercover adults was how much social media and smartphones had changed high school culture completely… and for some of these young adults, high school was only 5 years ago Continue reading “7 Facts Undercover Adults Discovered about Teenagers Today”

3 Reasons Why Today’s Teens are Depressed More Than Ever Before

Posted on: 10/31/17 11:33 AM | by Jonathan McKee

If you’ve picked up a newspaper in the last few months, you’ve probably noticed article upon article about the rise of teen anxiety, depression and suicide. It was just last year that suicide moved up to the second-leading cause of death among US teens.

The question everyone is wondering is why?

Experts are speculating, and most of their theories have one “device” in common: the smartphone.

I can’t say I disagree. In fact, I see 3 ingredients catalyzing this unprecedented increase in teen anxiety and depression Continue reading “3 Reasons Why Today’s Teens are Depressed More Than Ever Before”

Stalking Your Daughter

Posted on: 09/12/17 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Yesterday I told my friend Brian, “I hope you don’t mind, I stalked your daughter last week on her Instagram account to see if she was posting anything dangerous.”

Sound creepy? I guess it is. Good thing it was just me.

Brian knows I research this stuff all the time, and my new book helping teenagers “think before you post” is coming out next week (kinda cool, the publisher just told me the books are in and have already shipped to my website and Amazon). So last week his daughter was my guinea pig.

The good news: so far she was being really wise with her Continue reading “Stalking Your Daughter”

When teens regret what they post

Posted on: 06/13/17 1:51 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Last month a youth pastor friend called and left me a message:

Jonathan, we have a teen who sent a naked pic of himself to some girls at his school (Christian school), and now everyone at the school has seen it. It’s all everyone’s talking about at youth group. How do I deal with this?

I wish I could say the situation is uncommon.

No, I’m not going to tell you that every kid with a phone is posting nudes, but we do live in a day where SEND NUDES is definitely “no big deal.” And even if kids aren’t sending nudes Continue reading “When teens regret what they post”

Social Media Keeping Teens Awake

Posted on: 01/26/17 4:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Exactly how much does social media entice today’s young people?

Enough to wake them up in the middle of the night just to check and see if they got any new Snaps?

A brand new study out of the UK revealed that one fifth of today’s young people are actually waking up at night just to check social media. Funny that this is a problem… when the American Academy of Pediatrics advises parents not to even allow phones in the bedrooms Continue reading “Social Media Keeping Teens Awake”

The drawbacks of constant connectivity

Posted on: 01/3/17 4:33 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Do you ever think about the ramifications of “constant connectivity” with our devices?

Do your kids?

I’m actually writing a book on it right now. That’s probably why I found this video so intriguing… and a great resource as well. In fact, I’d show this incredibly insightful little video to today’s young people at youth group, at church, or even at home after a family meal. Then if time is short, I’d ask one question:

“Is he right?”

Tons of application here Continue reading “The drawbacks of constant connectivity”