On Your Radio and YouTube Today

Posted on: 03/4/20 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Today I’ll be on Focus on the Family’s Daily Broadcast talking about how we can help today’s distracted young guys (a subject I’ve written a lot about recently).

Focus President Jim Daly, John Fuller and I talk about some of the distractions today’s guys are facing (especially in a world where 79% of them bring their phone to the bedroom with them each night… yikes), and how we can respond as parents Continue reading “On Your Radio and YouTube Today”

Teaching kids to think about their media decisions

Posted on: 01/27/20 1:16 PM | by Jonathan McKee

I just posted Episode 19 of our fun little “Parent Tips” podcast… and you won’t want to miss this one.

I recorded this episode at Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs a couple weeks ago when I was with the Plugged In team recording some episodes of their “Plugged In Show” (another podcast show I’m a part of… I’ll probably post more about this very soon). And honestly, I’ve been enjoying their perspective so much that I decided to interview them and ask them some direct questions like:

Plugged In used to be a place where parents almost looked for a simple YES or NO whether or not to watch a movie or TV show Continue reading “Teaching kids to think about their media decisions”

Focus Interviews Me about Bullying

Posted on: 10/29/18 1:50 PM | by Jonathan McKee

This Thursday and Friday Focus on the Family will be airing a two-day radio show where they interview me about how parents and teachings can prevent bullying.

Here’s just a quick snippet:

Here’s Continue reading “Focus Interviews Me about Bullying”

Walking Through Social Media Safety with Jim Daly

Posted on: 08/6/18 11:20 AM | by Jonathan McKee

My Interview on
Focus on the Family
This Wednesday

I always enjoy the dialogue with Jim and John when I’m invited to be a guest on the Focus on the Family daily broadcast. On this Wednesday’s broadcast Jim interviewed me about my new book The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices, asking how it can help parents open up this important dialogue with their kids. At this point in the interview he asked me how to help parents engage in a conversation about online safety in a way that kids will actually listen.

Here’s my reply:

You can catch the whole show on their broadcast this Wednesday on Focus on the Family… or online at FocusOnTheFamily.com

Coming to a city near you

Posted on: 09/21/17 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Fall is always pretty busy with speaking, youth leader trainings and parent workshops. Take a peek at my upcoming schedule and see if I’m coming to a city near you:

THIS WEEKEND- Sept 23, 24, New Hope Assembly Church, Rogers, AR
Parenting workshop, preaching in morning services

October 15, Steel City Mennonite Brethren Church, Bethleham, PA
Preaching in morning services, Parenting workshop 6-8 PM

Continue reading “Coming to a city near you”

On FOCUS this Friday

Posted on: 02/2/17 4:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Just a quick note to let you know that I’ll be on the FOCUS ON THE FAMILY daily broadcast again this Friday with Focus President Jim Daly and co-host John Fuller.

This time our topic is balancing bonding and boundaries as a parent, offering parents practical advice and encouragement in a discussion based off my brand new book If I Had a Parenting Do Over: 7 Vital Changes I’d Make.

You can listen to the broadcast on your local Christian radio, or use the link HERE online starting Friday.


Responding to argumentative teenagers

Posted on: 12/19/16 4:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jim-Daly-John-Fuller-Jonathan-McKeeMany of you caught when I was a guest on Focus on the Family’s daily broadcast last month (a video clip of that show HERE). Focus had me back last week to continue the conversation with Jim Daly and John Fuller about parenting…

…and this time to talk about the 7 vital changes I’d make If I Had a Parenting Do Over.

While I was there they filmed a quick Facebook video about “Why teenagers argue with their parents!”

Good times!PARENTING-DO-OVER-cover-WEB

(And as nice as it is to buy it from Focus… Amazon has it at the moment for a crazy pre-sale price of just $6 and change!)