Want a Sneak Peak?

Posted on: 12/3/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

52-Ways-to-Connect-with-Smartphone-KidMany of you have been hearing the buzz about my upcoming book, 52 Ways to Connect With Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid: How to Engage with Kids Who Can’t Seem to Pry Their Eyes from Their Devices (NOW AVAILABLE).

Would you like a sneak peek?

It’s this simple: I’m looking for some parents and youth workers who are willing to take a peek at this book and give me their honest two cents. In return, I’ll give them a free copy of the book when it’s released.

The only catch: I need a one-week turnaround with your comments.

It’s a quick read. I’ve actually only got a little over 30 ways to connect so far… just wanted some feedback before I finish.

So if you’re interested in reading what I got so far and sending me your comments, all in a week’s time… email me at [email protected] with the subject line: I’m in

A Free Book for Your Idea

Posted on: 11/12/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

52-Ways-to-Connect-with-Smartphone-KidI’m putting the finishing touches on my new parenting book this month, and I’d love your help! I’ll make it simple. If I use your idea, I’ll send you a FREE copy when this book is released.

BONUS: Even if I do NOT use your idea, I’ll randomly draw 3 names out of the comments below and send them a book! So don’t hesitate to send your best idea.

Many of you remember the title of this upcoming book because you voted on the best cover in September (the cover on the right won, hands down). The book is titled, 52 Ways to Connect with Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid: How to Engage with Kids Who Can’t Seem to Pry Their Eyes from Their Devices.

This book has been an intriguing project. I’m providing parents with tools to help them entice their kids to naturally set their phones aside and engage in rewarding face-to-face interaction. As you can imagine, this can be quite tricky, in a world where today’s teens spend Continue reading “A Free Book for Your Idea”

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Book Cover Winners

Posted on: 09/23/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

52-Ways-to-Connect-MCKEEThanks to so many of you last week who gave me feedback on my blog about my new book cover. I, and my publisher, both really appreciate it! It was great to hear what you all thought.

I turned it into a little contest, prompting you that I’d pick five names out of a hat and give them a free copy of the book once it’s on the shelves in the spring. We picked– and here’s the five names Continue reading “Book Cover Winners”

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Which book cover do you like?

Posted on: 09/17/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

My publisher just sent me two sample covers for the new book I’m writing to parents about connecting with their “Smartphone obsessed” kids.

Which cover do you like better? Use the comment feature below… in fact… anyone who includes their name and city in their comment, I’ll drop your name in a hat to win a free copy of the book when it hits the shelves. I’ll draw 5 names and give away 5 of them!


Or take a peek HERE at the other books I’ve written
(or my Amazon author page HERE).

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They are just so… SKINNY!

Posted on: 06/11/15 5:44 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Soooo-skinnyLast week a brand new set of books hit the shelves that are SO SKINNY…. any youth worker can read them!

Yeah, even that one intern!

Group Publishing had a creative idea of grabbing 6 authors on 6 vital youth ministry subjects. I was blessed to be one of those authors—writing “The Skinny on Volunteers.” Then Mark Oestreicher wrote Continue reading “They are just so… SKINNY!”

Developing Student Leaders

Posted on: 05/7/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Mom and Teenager TalkingThis week I received a great question in the form of a tweet, one I’ve been asked repeatedly about mentoring young people.

Youth pastor Brandon asked me about developing today’s student leaders. He finished reading my book, Ministry By Teenagers, and was challenged by my emphasis to provide an adult mentor for each student leader. His specific question was Continue reading “Developing Student Leaders”

4 Free Videos

Posted on: 04/24/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee SEX  interviewThis month I’ve been busy with interviews, both radio and TV, talking about how caring adults can become young people’s “Go To” person about sex.

Sadly, we’re hearing a growing number of stories of kids who were too scared to open up with their parents about the subject of sex, but they’re looking for answers… sometimes to very embarrassing questions.

Of all the interviews I’ve done recently, here is a very helpful four-part series I did on the Canadian TV show My New Day Continue reading “4 Free Videos”

Getting her to interact for the first time

Posted on: 03/30/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Teenagers-SmartphonesDo you ever encounter a kid who just won’t seem to engage in spiritual conversations?

I just received the following encouraging note from “Josh,” a youth worker who happens to also be a foster dad:

I wanted to share with you that our family just began your Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide for Teenagers last night. I have a 16-year-old foster daughter who has been with us for 5 months now, and she hasn’t responded much to spiritual things. We only went through the first few opening pages of the book – setting the stage, so to speak, for future family devotionals with this – but she interacted with those pages more than she has with any other family devo we’ve done. Her reactions ranged from laughter to, “Does it really say that?”  It was fun to Continue reading “Getting her to interact for the first time”

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Today is the day… and a freebie for you

Posted on: 03/17/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

book-release-dateLast spring Bethany House Publishing set the release for both of my new books about sex for March 17, 2015, a date that seemed so far away… and it’s finally here!

In a world so full of explicit lies, I’m excited about these two resources helping us communicate the explicit Biblical truth to young people.

Please help me spread the word about these two brand new resources! Read them, and if they are a help, then tell someone else about them. Tweet about them, post a pic on Instagram when you receive them. Post a blog or a review.

I appreciate your help… in fact… here’s a little sum-something for ya… Continue reading “Today is the day… and a freebie for you”