Filtering Rihanna’s BBHMM

Posted on: 07/9/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

rihanna-BBHMM-videoRihanna released a brand new music video this month that is already causing a stir. The world would describe this scandalous video as shrewd marketing. Others, “art”…


I call it “selling out.”

Regardless, Rihanna knew that the over-the-top violence, nudity and even racial hatred would ruffle feathers… and garner web traffic!

The explicit video is heading toward 20 million views already.

And music videos like this always stir up a question I hear at literally every one of my parent workshops:

“How can I block this stuff from my kid’s phone?”

That’s why I just wrote a brand new Parenting Help article on titled “Filtering Rihanna.” This article provides Continue reading “Filtering Rihanna’s BBHMM”

How Christians React to the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage

Posted on: 07/7/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

The dust (and pink confetti) is slowly settling since the June 26th Supreme Court decision to legalize same sex marriage in all 50 states. The question is, how are Christians responding?

Barna released a fascinating glimpse last week revealing that not only Americans, but different denominations land all over the spectrum on this issue. For example, 53% of Catholics favor the Supreme Court’s decision (strongly or somewhat), where only 2% of Barna’s definition of an Evangelical favor the decision. At the same time, most the country seems to agree this decision was inevitable.

Barna breaks it down nicely on this chart Continue reading “How Christians React to the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage”

Diversity of Maturity in Middle School

Posted on: 05/26/15 11:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Girls textingA few weeks ago I talked with a group of middle school students about sex. As always, it was intriguing to notice the diversity of maturity around the room. I saw a 75 pound 6th grade boy who looked like he was plucked straight off the elementary school playground, sitting next to an 8th grade girl who looked like she was ready to leave for college next week.

How do you address a crowd with this kind of diversity in maturity? Continue reading “Diversity of Maturity in Middle School”

Actually Reaching Kids Experiencing Same Sex Attraction

Posted on: 05/4/15 9:46 AM | by Jonathan McKee

tough questions“We have a girl in our youth group who has decided she is a lesbian…”

“I want to share what the Bible says about homosexuality, but I’m afraid it’s going to just build walls instead of breaking them down.”

“My son doesn’t want to believe in God if God is against gays.”

The subject of same-sex attraction is probably one of the biggest issues youth ministries and parents are dealing with today. If our kids Continue reading “Actually Reaching Kids Experiencing Same Sex Attraction”

4 Free Videos

Posted on: 04/24/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee SEX  interviewThis month I’ve been busy with interviews, both radio and TV, talking about how caring adults can become young people’s “Go To” person about sex.

Sadly, we’re hearing a growing number of stories of kids who were too scared to open up with their parents about the subject of sex, but they’re looking for answers… sometimes to very embarrassing questions.

Of all the interviews I’ve done recently, here is a very helpful four-part series I did on the Canadian TV show My New Day Continue reading “4 Free Videos”

Sex and Screens

Posted on: 04/21/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

fleeing-pornLast Friday night I spoke to a group of middle school kids in Cincinnati about sex and screens… here’s a glimpse of how we got the conversation started.

The format was fun. I spoke to them first, letting them know Sex Matters, even in a world that thinks it’s no big deal (DYM actually published a version of this talk HERE). Then I gave them four tools to become smarter than their smartphone, fleeing some of the temptations that can be distractions today (something I also addressed in this week’s Parenting Help article, Preventing the Permeation of Porn).

After a break, the students met with an adult leader in small groups and dialogued about what they heard. Here are the discussion questions I provided Continue reading “Sex and Screens”

Today is the day… and a freebie for you

Posted on: 03/17/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

book-release-dateLast spring Bethany House Publishing set the release for both of my new books about sex for March 17, 2015, a date that seemed so far away… and it’s finally here!

In a world so full of explicit lies, I’m excited about these two resources helping us communicate the explicit Biblical truth to young people.

Please help me spread the word about these two brand new resources! Read them, and if they are a help, then tell someone else about them. Tweet about them, post a pic on Instagram when you receive them. Post a blog or a review.

I appreciate your help… in fact… here’s a little sum-something for ya… Continue reading “Today is the day… and a freebie for you”

Canadian Parents Forced to Talk about Sex

Posted on: 03/9/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan-McKee-100-Huntley-StreetOntario just updated their sex education curriculum for the first time in 17 years, and parents across the country are a little upset with some of the content. Students will learn about masturbation, oral sex, anal sex (hold on to your hats… I’ll be writing about this taboo subject in our next Parenting Help article), and gender identity theory. In fact, students will be learning six gender identities instead of just two.

Last week I flew to Toronto for a timely interview about my new book More Than Just the Talk on the Canadian TV show 100 Huntley Street (airing late March). This new book asserts “parents need to create a comfortable climate of continual conversations about sex” … a sore subject for Canadian parents right now Continue reading “Canadian Parents Forced to Talk about Sex”

Bringing up the subject

Posted on: 03/3/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Don't Talk About SexIn one of my recent More Than Just the Talk workshops where I encouraged parents to create a comfortable climate of continual conversations about sex, a parent asked…

“Well, what are we supposed to do, bring it up?”

The brand new article I just posted on answers that question in great detail. The short of it is… we don’t have to bring it up. The world does that for us. When we’re watching TV, it’s hard to avoid sexual references, innuendo, and images. Songs laden with sexual lyrics play on the radio, in the stores, and at the gym. If you let your kids out of the house (which I recommend you do), then they are exposed to Continue reading “Bringing up the subject”

Teenaged Doubters

Posted on: 02/26/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Teenage-DoubtersWhenever I talk with today’s teenagers, I see them processing what I tell them. It’s almost as if they are weighing it in their minds:

“Does he really know what he is talking about?

Does this make sense?

Would this make my life better…or worse?”

Today’s adults don’t have presumed authority. Kids don’t take us at our word. We’ve raised a generation who grew up watching Nick and the Disney Channel where they’ve learned that parents and teachers are Continue reading “Teenaged Doubters”