Your Smartphone Obsessed Kids

Posted on: 05/31/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

52-Ways-to-Connect-MONEY-PRODUCTIt’s coming this month…

In fact, I’m getting early copies in two weeks, so I’ll be personally signing every single book you pre-order!

I’ve gotta confess: this book was such a fun project! It’s a combination of research and hands-on parenting experiences revealing the most effective venues and connection points that actually work for today’s parents who want to connect with their “over-connected” kids. It’s packed with practical stuff parents and caring adult mentors can use to engage in meaningful conversations!

Order now HERE in our new store!

Which cover do you like best?

Posted on: 05/9/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Take a second and use our comments feature below to tell me which book cover you like best: A, B, or C? (I’m finishing writing this book now- it will be on the shelves in 2017.)

  • Which one would you be most inclined to buy?
  • What do you like about it?
  • Anything you don’t like? (Don’t force a criticism… just let us know if anything initially struck you weird.)

Continue reading “Which cover do you like best?”

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52 Ways to Connect

Posted on: 04/28/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

The book, the workshop… it’s happening.

Last night I taught my brand new parent workshop, Connect with Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid, for the second time. I’m excited with the feedback I’m hearing so far! And speaking of feedback…

My publisher just sent the final cover of the book, 52 Ways to Connect with Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid, to the printer. I really like the way it turned out (with Shaunti’s kind words on the front)…

Continue reading “52 Ways to Connect”

Parenting Do Over

Posted on: 04/21/16 5:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

parenting regrets“Here’s something I would definitely do differently…”

NOTE: Some great comments in this blog post. Clearly one of those posts where the true treasure is in the comments.

This question is for parents or grandparents who’ve been at it for a while (you’ve got kids tweens or older). Here’s the question:

If you could go back and change one thing about your parenting… what would you do differently?

I’m writing a parenting book about the 7 vital changes I’d make parenting if I had a do over. Let’s face it. Hindsight is often 20/20. I’m packing the book with wisdom and insight from numerous parents and grandparents who also look back introspectively and think, “Here’s something I would definitely do differently.”

Anything come to mind?

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I’m On Your Radio Today

Posted on: 03/16/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan-McKee-interviewThis week I’ll be interviewed by Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine on Family Life Today, aired on over 1400 radio stations in the US.

I’ll be their guest three days in a row starting today- March 16, 17 and 18, talking with Dennis and Bob about engaging our kids in meaningful conversations about SEX. The two of them discuss my new book to parents, More Than Just the Talk.

Spread the word to parents in your area so they can hear the show live, or jump HERE on the Family Life website and you can listen to it online Continue reading “I’m On Your Radio Today”

Putting answers in the hands of young people

Posted on: 03/3/16 8:08 AM | by Jonathan McKee

LifeBookWorking with teenagers, I always have my eyes open for relevant books, evangelism tools and devotionals (last year I even answered that question in this blog, “Any good resources for my mentors to develop our student leaders?”).

This week I stumbled upon an incredible resource sharing the Gospel truth in a relevant way. It’s a little book from the Gideons called The Life Book… and being from the Gideons, that makes it completely free to churches Continue reading “Putting answers in the hands of young people”

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Parenting Advice from Mom of Columbine Killer

Posted on: 02/12/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

InterviewTonight at 10PM ABC’s Diane Sawyer will be interviewing Sue Klebold, mother of Columbine killer Dylan Klebold. If you’re a parent, do not miss this interview.

I’m fascinated by this interview, not only as a student of youth culture whose done countless hours of research about school shootings (I’m finishing the final edit of my fictional book on the subject), bullying, and teen expressions of depression. But I’m also fascinated by this as a parent who looks back at my own parenting with a magnifying glass and asks, “What could I have done better?” Continue reading “Parenting Advice from Mom of Columbine Killer”

Sex and Valentines Day

Posted on: 02/4/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

between the sheetsValentines Day is rapidly approaching, romance is in the air, and there’s no better time to talk with today’s young people about sexual intimacy, specifically the “sexpectations” that many young people face around this holiday.

Don’t worry, we’ve got some helpful resources for you to have these conversations, both for YOUTH WORKERS and PARENTS Continue reading “Sex and Valentines Day”

CONNECT with Smartphone Obsessed Kids

Posted on: 01/20/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Old Brick Cell Phone SHORTRemember when cell phones looked like this?

This little baby came out in 1983 for $3,999, had a 30-minute talk time, and took 10 hours to charge.

The crazy thing is… today most parents probably wish their kids just owned one of these old brick cell phones instead of a smartphone!!! Think how much easier it would be!

Can I hear an Amen?!!

Connect-Smartphone-Kid-WORKSHOPI’m really excited about my brand new parenting workshop, CONNECT with Your Smartphone Obsessed Kids.

The book comes out this summer, and both the book and the workshop help parents discover everyday settings where their kids put their mobile devices aside and engage in good ol’ face-to-face conversation.

I don’t know many parents who aren’t struggling with this reality– their kids distancing themselves with technology. I have definitely experienced this firsthand as a parent and a youth worker. And I’m not alone noting some growing concerns. The good news is… it’s not too late! Today’s kids crave interaction and Mom and Dad can still provide that.

If you’d like to bring this workshop to your church or community, contact me and let’s get it in my calendar for 2016/2017!

Top Books of 2015

Posted on: 01/7/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

All-Jonathans-Books-WIDEWe’ve been looking back at the best of 2015 for the last few weeks, with a peek at last year’s music, then the top blog posts.

I always find it interesting to see which of our books people resonate with each year. This year was intriguing.

I’ve written 18 books, all available on this page. 11 are youth ministry books, 4 specifically for parents, and 3 for teenagers. I’ve partnered with others for 4 of these books: Doug Fields, David R. Smith and my dad.

Two of these Continue reading “Top Books of 2015”

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