“Guy’s Guide” a Cyber-Monday Hit

Posted on: 11/28/16 4:27 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Amazon BooksIt’s always interesting to see which resources are a hit during that key shopping weekend Black-Friday through Cyber-Monday. And this year… it’s a bold little devotional for young men!

It’s crazy to watch which books Amazon move. Amazon ranks the books hourly so anyone can see how books are ranking among books in a certain category… or among ALL BOOKS EVER! And this weekend my candid little book for guys is going gangbusters!
Continue reading ““Guy’s Guide” a Cyber-Monday Hit”

A quick clip

Posted on: 11/23/16 4:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Most of you already heard that today I’m the guest on Focus on Family’s daily radio broadcast. Here’s a fun video clip Jim Daly, president of Focus on Family, posted on his Facebook page… the three of us talking about using technology to connect with tech-obsessed kids:

You can catch the entire broadcast online HERE. (And the book is on sale for just $9 HERE.)

On Focus on Family This Wednesday

Posted on: 11/21/16 9:40 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Focus-Jim-Daly-Jonathan-McKeeThis Wednesday I’ll be on Focus on the Family’s daily broadcast with Jim Daly talking about how to connect with your tech-absorbed kid, and my new book on the subject.

So pop on your local Christian radio station wherever you are Wednesday (in the car driving to Mom and Dad’s for Thanksgiving), and tune in. (You can listen online HERE once the broadcast airs.)
Continue reading “On Focus on Family This Wednesday”

Finalized Cover

Posted on: 11/15/16 4:31 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Last week my publisher sent me the final cover for my brand new parenting book coming out this January. I love the way it turned out!


I got a peek at the inside layout, and it looks really sharp as well. These babies will be heading to the printer soon! (And I noticed that Amazon is STILL doing some crazy pre-sale price of $4.99 for now… which is amazing since this thing retails for $12.99 and will be selling for over $10 in January! So don’t worry, I won’t be offended if you buy it from Amazon instead of me. That’s like cost. Grab it.)

Thanks to so many of you who gave me input in the writing of this book. I polled literally hundreds of parents doing research for this project, asking them the “one thing” they would change in hindsight. Fascinating stuff!

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The Gospel According to The Walking Dead CONTEST

Posted on: 10/18/16 4:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

The Walking Dead NEGANThis is an exciting week for The Walking Dead fans, because this coming Sunday they will finally discover the answer to the biggest cliffhanger since “Who shot JR?”

Which one of our beloved characters did we lose?

That’s why we’re having a “Who is it” CONTEST where we are giving away a prize to literally EVERYONE who guesses correctly! (Thanks to my Zombie book publisher, The Youth Cartel for going in on this with me!)

So if you watch The Walking Dead and don’t yet subscribe to our FREE blog, The Gospel According to The Walking Dead, where we provide a Biblical discussion to each and every episode each week… Continue reading “The Gospel According to The Walking Dead CONTEST”

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Walking Alongside a New Believer

Posted on: 09/26/16 4:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Montoring-Teen“What tools can I use to help new Christians understand the commitment they just made?”

It’s one of the most common questions I hear from youth ministries who are actually reaching young people for Christ. And I’m glad to hear the question, because it means these ministries realize the need to walk alongside new believers and disciple them.

My friend Scott Rubin, the Director of Student Ministries at Willow Creek Community Church outside of Chicago, just wrote a helpful little resource called The Essential Guide to My New Life With Jesus. I just read it and felt compelled to tell you about it… Continue reading “Walking Alongside a New Believer”

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Behind the Writing

Posted on: 08/2/16 9:11 AM | by Jonathan McKee

We just made a funny little graphic for my blog’s new book store with a picture of all my books… and it had 20 covers. That made me pause.

Twenty! Wow. It doesn’t even feel like twenty.


If you asked me about each one of them I could probably tell you the story of writing it, where I was (The New Breed I pounded out the majority of my half in one weekend, The Guy’s Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket… I wrote on my back patio, 52 Ways to Connect with Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid… on a LazyBoy)… it’s fun to reflect. But it just doesn’t seem like Continue reading “Behind the Writing”

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On TV Last Week

Posted on: 06/28/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee


Last week I was interviewed on live TV, the Canadian TV show 100 Huntley Street, sharing ideas from my new book about how to actually connect with our kids who can’t seem to pry their eyes from their mobile devices.

The interview was fun– take a peek:

Continue reading “On TV Last Week”

Your Honest Feedback

Posted on: 06/23/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

http://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-images-beautiful-girl-hiding-behind-blue-open-book-image31692429If you’d ever wanted to share your two cents on a book before it was published… now’s your chance. I’m looking for a small group of people who would be willing to screen my new book, “If I Had a Parenting Do Over” and give me their honest feedback.

That’s it. The only catch is that I need a quick turn around. I’d send you an e-copy of the manuscript this Friday, and I’d need your comments back by the following Friday, July 1.

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Giving you a free book

Posted on: 06/8/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

52-Ways-to-Connect-MONEY-PRODUCTI’ll make it simple: anyone who buys my brand new book on Amazon (the Kindle version released TODAY!), and posts an “Amazon verified purchase” review… I’ll send you any one of my parenting books for free… and personally sign it for you.

It’s that simple. Buy it from Amazon and review it—you get a book free from me.

Why? Because Amazon “verified purchases” hold a lot of clout with Amazon. So I desperately want my cherished readers (that’s you) chiming in on Amazon and posting good reviews of my books.

Here’s how you can do it: Continue reading “Giving you a free book”

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