On Focus on Family This Wednesday

Posted on: 11/21/16 9:40 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Focus-Jim-Daly-Jonathan-McKeeThis Wednesday I’ll be on Focus on the Family’s daily broadcast with Jim Daly talking about how to connect with your tech-absorbed kid, and my new book on the subject.

So pop on your local Christian radio station wherever you are Wednesday (in the car driving to Mom and Dad’s for Thanksgiving), and tune in. (You can listen online HERE once the broadcast airs.)
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New Netflix Discussions Page

Posted on: 11/17/16 4:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

new-Netflix-Discussions-pageA few years ago we launched as a sister page to with similar FREE resources, but specifically for parents who want to build into their kids. That page features unique resources (like our Parenting Help articles)…

…and we just added a brand new one that I’m REALLY excited about!


This new FREE resource for parents features questions and Biblical discussions of popular Netflix shows, both TV and movies.
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Finalized Cover

Posted on: 11/15/16 4:31 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Last week my publisher sent me the final cover for my brand new parenting book coming out this January. I love the way it turned out!


I got a peek at the inside layout, and it looks really sharp as well. These babies will be heading to the printer soon! (And I noticed that Amazon is STILL doing some crazy pre-sale price of $4.99 for now… which is amazing since this thing retails for $12.99 and will be selling for over $10 in January! So don’t worry, I won’t be offended if you buy it from Amazon instead of me. That’s like cost. Grab it.)

Thanks to so many of you who gave me input in the writing of this book. I polled literally hundreds of parents doing research for this project, asking them the “one thing” they would change in hindsight. Fascinating stuff!

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The 30 Most Influential Teens

Posted on: 11/10/16 4:31 AM | by Jonathan McKee


Time has released their annual list of the 30 most influential teens of 2016, and it’s intriguing to see the personalities who are resonating with today’s young people.

When you read through the list you’ll probably discover some common denominators. Most are TV and music stars, a few Olympians, some entrepreneurs, and then another prominent category… LGBTQ.

Here are some of my observations about this year’s list:
Continue reading “The 30 Most Influential Teens”

An Election Day Example to Follow

Posted on: 11/7/16 12:31 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Trump-or-ClintonI already voted… and no… I’m not gonna tell you who I voted for. But I will offer you some hope in the one place hope exists during tough times.

“Tough times:” is kind of a laugh for us in America. Let’s be honest. Tough times are typically when our new ISO upgrade stalls mid-download and it takes us another ten minutes to fix it. Or maybe we feel hopeless when we look at the election ballot this week and feel like we’re playing a game of “would you rather…” (Would you rather get eaten by a great white shark, or be fed into a wood chipper feet first?)
Continue reading “An Election Day Example to Follow”

5 Netflix Shows to Binge-Watch with Your Teens & Tweens

Posted on: 11/3/16 10:21 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Stranger-Things-Screenshot(and discussion questions to ask them on the fly)

In a world that offers plenty of shows NOT to watch, it’s nice when families can discover entertainment to watch together—especially now that Netflix is rapidly becoming a tool for Netflix-Binge-Bonding!

So here are 5 shows that many families have found fun to watch together and enjoy.

Are these shows The Waltons? Nope. But they each aren’t pushing the envelope with imitatable behaviors, actions without consequences, and gratuitous sensual scenes.

Here’s five Neflix shows you can binge-watch with today’s young people… and they might actually enjoy it! (And I’ve included a few discussion questions at the bottom of this post- questions to occasionally ask your kids on the fly.)

Continue reading “5 Netflix Shows to Binge-Watch with Your Teens & Tweens”

A Look at Today’s Top Music… even in Amish PA

Posted on: 10/25/16 3:54 PM | by Jonathan McKee

hot-100-glimpseI just arrived home from a great weekend with Victory Church in Lancaster, PA. I trained their youth leaders Saturday night, preached in the three morning services, and then taught my Parenting The Smartphone Generation Workshop that night.

The church shoots video of their services, streams them live to their 5 locations, and then posts it online.

So here’s my sermon “Opening Up the Doors of Dialogue In Your Home”… where I gave an eye-opening peek into today’s youth culture (starting about about 20 minutes into it), including a tour of the top music young people are listening to today (starting at 29 minutes)… even in Amish Pennsylvania.

For those of you who haven’t had the chance to hear me live, here’s a peek!


10-23-16- Let’s Talk: Part 7 – Special Guest, Jonathan McKee from Victory Church on Vimeo.

Parenting Amish

Posted on: 10/22/16 8:30 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Amish-PA-TargetIn the beginning of my book More Than Just the Talk I give an example of speaking in a conservative Mennonite Brethren church in Amish, PA, and listening to parents share stories of the racy content their kids were exposed to in this perceived mecca of purity in North America.

This weekend I returned to Amish, PA to speak at yet another church (my third in Lancaster County), and I decided to visit the local Target to take a peek for myself. After all, every other state I visit I hear frustrated parents mumble under their breath, “Maybe I’ll just move to Amish, PA… then I won’t have to deal with any of this!”

Is that true?

Continue reading “Parenting Amish”

The Gospel According to The Walking Dead CONTEST

Posted on: 10/18/16 4:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

The Walking Dead NEGANThis is an exciting week for The Walking Dead fans, because this coming Sunday they will finally discover the answer to the biggest cliffhanger since “Who shot JR?”

Which one of our beloved characters did we lose?

That’s why we’re having a “Who is it” CONTEST where we are giving away a prize to literally EVERYONE who guesses correctly! (Thanks to my Zombie book publisher, The Youth Cartel for going in on this with me!)

So if you watch The Walking Dead and don’t yet subscribe to our FREE blog, The Gospel According to The Walking Dead, where we provide a Biblical discussion to each and every episode each week… Continue reading “The Gospel According to The Walking Dead CONTEST”

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Today’s Kids and Tech in 3 Minutes

Posted on: 10/13/16 4:44 AM | by Jonathan McKee

We just finished posting a brand new YouTube video that gives an excellent summary of today’s over-connected kids… and today’s over-connected adults (Yep! I went there.)

Here it is… in 3 minutes:

Connect-Smartphone-Kid-WORKI’ve been teaching parents how to bridge this gap in our brand new parent workshop, CONNECT WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE OBSESSED KID, based on the book of similar title.

Bring this 2 hour workshop out to your city!