
Posted on: 03/21/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

My pastor asked me if I’d go to Uganda with him again. I keep telling him, “If God tells me he wants me to go to Uganda… I’ll go.”

I’m not trying to be a pain in the butt, but I just haven’t heard the call yet.

My friends are all working on me. They all want me to go. So I’ve been asking God, “God, is this just the cool thing to do… or do you want me to go?” And I’ve been listening.

Well, as you know my daughter Alyssa just went with a team of 21 people from my church. This team consisted of my family (Alyssa, my mom and my dad) and some of my closest friends. I had other speaking engagements already scheduled, so the decision was already made for this particular trip… but now my pastor asked me Continue reading “Uganda”

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My Birthday

Posted on: 03/18/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Today’s my birthday.

In years past I’ve written creative articles and posts about turning 30, or Top Ten Signs you’re Turning 40… but not today. I’m just taking the day off and hanging with my family! I hope it involves burgers, pizza, the amazing ice cream cake Lori makes… and kayaking (to burn off the burgers, pizza and ice cream cake).

I’m easy to please.  🙂

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Unedited Advice to Teen Guys

Posted on: 03/12/13 2:05 PM | by Jonathan McKee

I’m in the middle of writing a devotional filled with advice for teen guys. In search of a few ideas, I sent a text to some friends and family members asking them what they would say if they could speak freely and truthfully to today’s teenaged guys.

It was funny seeing how differently each person replied. My kids took me seriously about the “truthfully” part, and their replies were hilarious. Across the board, I received some really fun and insightful answers.

Here’s what I got from a few of them… unedited.

My 17-year-old daughter Alyssa’s REAL advice to teen guys:
– Always make sure you Continue reading “Unedited Advice to Teen Guys”

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Alyssa’s Top 10 Uganda Pics

Posted on: 03/11/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

About a month ago I wrote about my 17-year-old daughter Alyssa leaving to Uganda for a two week missions trip (funny side note: last year I wrote a post about how my daughter will have no rules when she turns 17½. Guess where she was the day she turned 17½? Playing with little kids in Uganda.) It was such an amazing experience for her– everything from the worship with brothers and sisters across the globe, to the rush of children who would come up to greet her everytime she stepped out of the van (some who had never personally seen anyone with white skin before).

She’s back, she had a great time, and I told her to share some of her pictures that represented her time there. So here’s 10 random pictures she chose Continue reading “Alyssa’s Top 10 Uganda Pics”

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Sticks and Stones Contest

Posted on: 03/4/13 11:14 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It’s amazing how many voices are rising out of the playgrounds, past and present, to express the perspective of one who’s been bullied.

My dad, myself, and my son were all bullied as kids. My dad was called tubby; I, with my huge overbite was called “bucky”; and my son, with his vivid imagination was called names I refuse to type. So I resonate with these voices.

You’ve heard my perspective on this before in my article, The Voice of the Bullied, and many of you have heard my son share his story. Here’s another story, using poetry and animation, that is going viral on YouTube. I found it Continue reading “Sticks and Stones Contest”

Media Fast

Posted on: 03/1/13 3:02 AM | by Jonathan McKee

No TV, no music, no texting, no movies, no Facebook, no Instagram, no Tumbler…

Sounds like teenage Hell!

Some teenagers might describe it as that, but about 100 kids at our church have opted to do this for 25 days. It’s a media fast that is preparing them for a missions trip they’ll take during Easter break.

The kids aren’t embarking on this fast alone; most the parents are doing the fast with their kids. Our house has committed to it, and it’s been Continue reading “Media Fast”

My Baby in Uganda

Posted on: 02/15/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

As I’m stepping on a plane to NC today for a weekend of teaching, it’s actually my second trip to the airport within the last 24 hours. Yesterday Lori and I dropped off my daughter Alyssa, my dad and my mom at the airport where they joined a team of 21 people from our church who are going to Uganda to serve for two weeks.

I’m so excited for Alyssa… and a little scared.

I know I shouldn’t be worried. Our church has sent teams to partner with these Ugandan churches for years now. It’s an amazing time where Christians from different countries learn from each other and worship alongside one another. My dad is going to be training hundreds of Ugandan pastors, my mom (a CSUS professor) will be teaching at a women’s conference, and my little Alyssa (17) will be helping where needed and using her awesome photo skills to Continue reading “My Baby in Uganda”

The Story Behind My Nose

Posted on: 12/19/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Thanks to all of you who participated in yesterday’s contest. Great fun trying to guess what happened to my nose! Quite a variety of responses… some good imaginations.

The short answer: new kitten

The long answer: We bought a kitten a few weeks ago and have really been enjoying her. Zazzy is a little crazy, and loves this one toy in particular that looks like a fishing pole with a feather on the end of the string (some of you can already see where this is going).

Well, my son Alec thought it would be fun to land the feather on his dad’s lap so the cat would attack… uh… my…. uh…. well you get the idea.

So after threatening Alec’s life and notifying him that I would drive him to Yosemite, duct tape him to a pole, and pour honey on him, he avoided landing it on my crotch, and instead… landed the feather on my face!!!

The rest of the story is evidenced by the picture in yesterday and today’s blog.

So, for those of you who guessed cat scratch, you are correct. And as promised, the first three get a copy of my brand new book, MORE 10-Minute Talks, which is discounted 25% and available for pre-order right now on my site, the only place where you’ll get an autographed copy.

So… erring on the side of being overgenerous, I’m going to go ahead and count Roger’s answer, “Clawed by a Hobbit cat.” Then I’ll count the three cat scratch answers to follow.

So the FOUR winners who will receive my new book are:


Susan Daggett



To the rest of you who answered correctly… more contests are coming. So you’ll just have to buy the book this time. Besides… all the proceeds of these book sales go to feed starving children. Mine!

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The Hobbit Premiere

Posted on: 12/14/12 10:35 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Last night my family attended The Hobbit midnight premiere, with my three kids in full Hobbit apparel. Loved the movie and the time with my family… hated the time of day! (I think I’m officially old)

A few months ago my girls asked me if they could go to The Hobbit midnight premiere. As a parent these questions are always difficult. I don’t want my kids out at midnight, and I’m not too happy about it being on a school night (Thursday night). But as a parent, I’ve learned to pick my battles, as well as seizing any moment where we have an opportunity to hang out together. So when they asked, I simply replied, “Sure, I’ll go with you… and you can’t miss school the next day.”

They readily agreed.

My kids’ first midnight movie premiere was Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Such a fun experience! Earlier this year, the kids and I talked Lori into going with us to The Avengers midnight premiere. Another amazing movie watching experience—many of you remember my blog post about the late night adventure. So, a chance at hanging with the whole family, watching the newest film from a series I love? No question.

We knew that the nerd community would really come out of the woodworks for this one, so we decided to grab a fast food dinner and get into line at 8PM. When we arrived at the theatre, the line had only 38 people in it, lined up outside on the sidewalk. We spread out some blankets and got as comfy as possible on the sidewalk. Alec provoked a few cheers with his bare hobbit feet and pointy ears, but soon we were all covered with blankets trying to deal with temperature in the low 30’s. (Remember, this is California, that’s like below 0 for the rest of the country!!!)

We quickly received word that we’d get let into the theatre about 9PM so we could endure the 3-hour wait indoors. At 9PM sharp they opened the doors, and we grabbed 5 seats together in about the 5th row of the stadium seats. Great seats.

Ashley and I did a Wal Mart run and bought some magazines and a couple books (our plans to play games hadn’t worked out sitting in a row of theater chairs).

Time passed rather quickly, and soon the film started.

We opted to see the regular version of the film, not 3D (because I hate 3D). Alec had already screened the 3D version and after seeing the premiere, he attested that the regular version is WAAAAAY better.

Our theatre never got to see an extended Star Trek preview, like my friend Mark Matlock and others tweeted about. I wasn’t too disappointed, I was just eager to get to The Hobbit.

All five of us really enjoyed the movie. I don’t have much to add to Alec’s official review of the film, already posted on our Movie Reviews & Quick Q’s page, other than the fact that all five of us felt like it was an amazing continuation of the LOTR trilogy and we will definitely be adding this film to our blu-ray collection.

After the film, we drove home, groaning like a herd of zombies and finally crawling into bed at about 5 minutes to 4AM.

My poor girls had to get up at 6AM to get ready for school (so glad Alyssa drives!!!!). That was part of the deal. No missing school the next day (no mercy from this dad).

Well… they are the ones that asked to go to this thing!!!