My Son is Driving

Posted on: 06/1/09 9:20 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It’s official. He’s on the streets!

I took Alec to his driving test Friday. He turned 16 a couple weeks ago and had been looking forward to this day for a while now. But as any good American knows… a trip to DMV is always a unique experience.

That morning Alec was a nervous wreck. I tried to console him, assuring him that I wasn’t worried and he’d do great. He’s been driving with us (with his permit) for the last 6 months and he’s shown really good improvement. He cautious, comfortable and aware. Aside from a few “slam on the brake moments” over the months… I was pretty confident that he’d do well.

When we arrived at the good ol’ DMV we checked in and he pulled his car up to the spot where the “tester” meets you in the car and takes you on the drive. I stood outside, chatting it up with a security guard.

There were several cars in front of my sons and two “testers” were on duty. One was a middle aged lady, the other was a blonde girl that couldn’t be more than 20 years old. At first glance, I couldn’t believe she was one of the “testers.” I thought she was some 16-year-old girl getting her license.

I went to the car to check in on my son. I asked him, “did you see the two ladies testing?” His eyes got really big and he replied, “Oh yeah. I hope I get the hot one!”


I went back to the front of the DMV and stood with the guard and watched people getting back from driving tests- some happy… some not. I asked the guard if he saw a bunch of these people coming and going. He was telling me all kinds of stories- it was quickly evident that this guy had seen a lil bit of everything when it came to people passing and failing their tests. So I asked him, “What is the biggest reason people fail their tests?”

Without hesitation he listed three things. “Oh, that’s easy. The railroad tracks up the road actually have a sign telling you to stop, and people often fly right through those. Then there is a “yield” where it is written on the road- but no sign. People sometimes don’t even slow down for that either. Lastly, people pull into the bike lanes too soon for a right hand turn. People need to wait for the dotted lines.”

I thanked him for his insight and quickly passed it onto my son, still in the car waiting for his “tester” to arrive.

God must have answered his prayers… he got the “hot one.”   🙂

I don’t know if he was more nervous or me.

As he was out driving with Paris Hilton, I asked the guard, “So can you tell if the person passed or failed as soon as they pull up?”


As my son pulled up in the car, I couldn’t read his face. I snapped a quick picture with my phone. He was soooooo nervous. I looked to the guard.

The guard said, “He passed.”

Sure enough… he had zero corrections. He aced it.

Props to the “hot one.”


So watch out. My son is now on the road… and my insurance is now through the roof. Aye aye aye.

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An Ubundince of Mispelings

Posted on: 05/26/09 10:40 AM | by Jonathan McKee

How many of us really can spell without Microsoft WORD’s little red squiggly lines warning us to try again?

According to this Telegraph article from across the pond… not many of us!

For some of us, spelling and grammar might not seem like a big deal. But according to the above article, 94 percent of job hunters risked missing out on job opportunities through poor spelling, grammar or presentation on their resumes.

Just in case some of you are looking for a job (you may have caught our recent article about finding a job in youth ministry), you might want to pay attention. It’s amazing just how commonplace misspellings and other mistakes are in today’s resumes or “CVs.” (for those who aren’t familiar with the term CV, it’s basically a marketing tool that tells your life history, job history, achievements and skills- a resume!)

Here’s a few of my favorite CV blunders from the Telegraph article:

– My interests include cooking dogs and interesting people.

– As security guard my job is to pervert unauthorised people from coming onto the site

– I am a pubic relations officer


– I have excellent editing and poof-reading skills


– I am a prooficient typist


– I was responsible for fraudulent claims


– While working in this role, I had intercourse with a variety of people


(ht to my mom at California State University Sacramento for passing this article on to me)

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Step Aside Jabez… Here Comes Eutychus!

Posted on: 05/4/09 10:26 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Do you remember all the Prayer of Jabez hype? Well, look out Jabez, here comes Eutychus!

The Prayer of Jabez was a book written in 2000 by Bruce Wilkinson that sold 9 million copies. It’s not that it was a bad message. I heard Wilkinson give the talk in person- it was very good. But I’m probably like most of you- I just got tired of a few things:

  1. Dare I say a “theology” that seemed to emerge, built on two small verses.
  2. Seeing Jabez coffee cups, Jabez placemats, Jabez ashtrays… etc.
  3. Some people seemed to take that “God will bless you” to a prosperity gospel level that was a little scary.

Funny… my brother just emailed me and asked me for a copy of an article I wrote that I never ended up publishing, I called it the Prayer of Eutychus (remember, the guy who fell out of the window when Paul was preaching on and on….) I opted not to post it at the time, I thought it was a little to cynical. But I read it the other day and had a good laugh. So here, nine years after the fact, I post it just for you all!  😉 

The Prayer of Eutychus
If you think the prayer of Jabez was a blessing . . . hold on to your shorts!
An Abridged version of the new hit book, “The Prayer of Eutychus”
by Jonathan McKee
Ever feel tired and weary? Does your job got you down? Tired of getting home from work only to find that your dog ate your remote control, your new white shirt just went though the wash with your new red towels, and your two year old just tried to play a fruit roll-up in your CD player?
Well a young man named Eutychus had the exact same struggles.   “Who is Eutychus?” you ask. He’s only found in two little verses of scriptures. Two small verses that you can miss if you blink. And these two small verses can change your life for good . . . that’s what you want to hear right?
Here in the middle of the 20th chapter of Acts, Luke inserts two small life-changing verses about a young man named Eutychus, and I’ve built a theology on it! Check out the blessings in store for you.
Let me give you some back history. Paul is speaking to a group in a three story house in Troas. It is hot, and a young man named Eutychus sits by a window for some fresh air. The name Eutychcus is Greek, so we can only assume that this is a man of Greek birth. Therefore we can only conclude that he frequented a lot of the Greek Restaurants in Troas, and these restaurants load their food with Garlic. . . thus, explaining everyone making him sit by the window. But as Paul speaks . . . something magnificent happens. Let’s look together:

Acts 20:9-10 (NIV)

    Seated in a window was a young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on. When he was sound asleep, he fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead. [10] Paul went down, threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “He’s alive!”

Wow. These two verses can change your life. 
Many of us feel like Eutychus. Maybe it’s because we are young, like verse 9 says Eutychus was.  Maybe it’s because are surrounded by rich friends. You’ll notice that this was a 3 story building. Only the very rich could afford such an edifice. So we can only conclude that the host here had some PHAT BANK!!! And Eutychus, a young Greek boy invited into this environment, must have been a close friend of these homeowners. Possibly best friends. Eutychus probably went bowling with them every Friday night. If he would walk into a restaurant, and these friends were there, they would all yell in delight, “Eutychus, come join us. But please . . . sit over here by the window!”
We also see from this passage that Paul talked “on and on.” We all can relate to that. Sitting in church listening to some guy who THINKS he’s Andy Stanley! Guys that aren’t Andy, and just put us to sleep!
Many of us might also relate to Eutychus because we are working on our computers all day. The reference is subtle, but the verse clearly says, “seated in a window.” The New Centurion Version of the scripture said “as Eutychus was in . . . Windows.” We can only conclude that this is a prophecy as to the upcoming computer age where many of us will spend much of our time in “Windows.” It doesn’t specify whether this means Windows 2000, or XP, but it clearly says in Windows, unfortunately for our Mac user friends, God Bless their souls.
Well, Eutychus did what many of us feel like doing: just going to sleep. He slept and then fell “to the ground.” Notice this scripture says “to” the ground not “on” the ground. If it just said he fell “on” the ground, then the journey to the ground wasn’t important. But because it said “to” the ground, we can only conclude that this journey was important!
Greek culture teaches us that a journey is a time of storytelling and expression. Any Greek young man living in Troas, going on a journey in that day, would always share his feelings on that journey, he would express himself. The jewel that is here in this small overlooked verse in the book of Acts is a prayer: The Prayer of Eutychus.   (You’ll find keychains and devotionals at your local Christian Bookstore- let’s share the blessing together!) 
Eutychus cries out a prayer as he’s falling from the window, as he’s escaping his overwhelmed situation, as he’s fleeing his rich friends who always make him sit by the dang window! We don’t get to hear the prayer, but we know it was something like, “Aaaaaaaauuuuuuuuugh!”
Do you ever feel like just crying out to our Lord, “Aaaaaaaauuuuuuuuugh!” I sure do. But what the Lord is telling us here is that when we cry out to him in the midst of our retreat . . . he will declare us ALIVE, just like the Apostle Paul did to Eutychus.
How many of you would like to feel alive. Well, God wants to give you that feeling, and you don’t even have to jump out of a window. You simply pray the prayer of Eutychus, “Aaaaaaaauuuuuuuuugh!”
Many of you aren’t sure how to pray the prayer of Eutychus. And it’s good to be sure, so make sure you buy any of the guidance books in the Prayer of Eutychus series:
“How to Pray the Prayer of Eutychus Properly’
“Worship Like Eutychus”
“Using Windows XP Like Eutychus”
“Croc Wrestling and Yelling Aaaaaaaauuuuuuuuugh!”
And you can feel much better sipping coffee out of your “Prayer of Eutychus” coffee mug, making toast in your “Prayer of Eutychus” toaster oven with the “Prayer of Eutychus” toaster cozy and sleeping in your “Prayer of Eutychus” comforter set. These are just a sliver of the blessings you can purchase if you want to feel alive.
So don’t let life get you down.  You too can say “Aaaaaaaauuuuuuuuugh!” and be made alive! You too can experience the Prayer of Eutychus and be blessed.

She Stole What?

Posted on: 03/24/09 2:16 PM | by Jonathan McKee

I have to admit, I’ve never heard of these being stolen before, but I guess anything’s possible!

CNN linked this story from KTLA News: Woman Sought for Stealing Breast Implants.


This story writes itself.

HUNTINGTON BEACH — Police are searching for a 30-year-old woman accused of stealing someone’s identity and a pair of new breast implants.

Yvonne Pampellonne is accused of using a fake id to pay for liposuction and new breast implants valued at more than $12,000. According to Huntington Beach police, Pampellonne opened a line of credit in someone else’s name in September 2008.

Huntington Beach police detective Larry Pitcher said Pampellone lied to her doctor and the staff at the Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery about her name and other personal identification. She used the credit to have the procedures done and never showed up for any follow-up appointments, Pitcher said.

So I’m curious. If they catch her… does she have to give them back?

What will the charge be? GTB?

The article gets better.

Employees at the plastic surgery center identified Pampellonne based on a  photo line-up.

Photos of what?

(Sorry… I couldn’t resist.)

Should we use this for a discussion starter about integrity? This might really keep the attention of junior high students. (I kid!)  🙂

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Top 10 Signs You’re Born in 1970

Posted on: 03/18/09 9:53 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Today I turn 39… my last year as a “young man!”

That’s right. I have one year left of claiming that I’m “thirty-something.” Then, when I’m filling out applications and they ask me to choose my age bracket… it will look like this:

Under 12

Don’t worry… I’m really not thinking this way. I actually love it exactly where I am in life right now. All three of my kids are still at home (two in middle school, one in high school), my wife and I- our relationship has never been better… no complaints.

It’s funny. I was browsing my web site and found the e-ZINE I wrote 9 years ago (wow…that’s a lot of EZINE’s we’ve sent out between then and now) … the week I was turning 30. I wrote it as a 29 year old. I included a top 10 list that really isn’t about turning 30; it’s about being born in 1970.

Listen to this rant:

I sit today and write to you all as a 29 year old. But next week . . . I will be 30. So for just this once, allow me to vent!

Next week, I will be regarded as “the old guy” to all teenagers and I will soon graduate to “the old fat guy,” finally reaching my pinnacle as “the old fat bald guy!” My life as the “the young guy” is gone quicker than “New Coke.” (what ever happened to that stuff?). Next thing you know I’ll fall and break my hip and start spending all my miscellaneous cash on Rogaine and Preparation H. The signs of the times are here . . . I’m turning 30 . . . I’ve seen it coming for a while:


Top 10 Signs That You’re Turning 30

10. You’re still bummed when Tuesday nights roll around because they cancelled the A-TEAM.

9. You feel like Jeff Goldblum in The Fly because of the amount of hair growing out of your ears!

8. You find yourself watching Adam Sandler movies just for the soundtrack.

7. McDonalds is no longer good- it’s SIN! It looks good before you partake of it, but after you indulge, it hurts you deep within.

6. The youth you work with don’t understand why you peg your 501s

5. Your spouse regularly asks you when you’re going to start exercising and if you’re really going to put that much mayonnaise on your burger!

4. You’re embarrassed if anyone sees your 501s because your waist size is now bigger than your length

3. You just bought stock in Diet Coke

2. Your parents just gave you a subscription to Modern Maturity

1. You wake up every night by at least 5:30 AM to pee because you can’t make it through the night any more.

There! It’s all out of my system. I’m actually going out this weekend with my best friends and our wives. Then we will indulge in my wife’s incredible cheesecake that she makes for me once a year- I’ll save you a piece!


Ooooooh! I remember that cheesecake! That was good. This year I get banana cream pie!  MMMMMmmmmmmm!

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18 Foot Python Attacks Three Year Old

Posted on: 02/11/09 10:22 AM | by Jonathan McKee

18 Foot Python + Child = lunch?

I’m not great at math… but I’ve read enough Far Side Tales to easily see this formula come to fruition. A family decided to take care of their friends’ 18 foot reticulated python. The snake get’s loose (well… yeah!), and it attacks the kid and his mother.

This is crazy… check out just a snippet from this article:

“It took all six of us to get that snake into custody.  It made just a little loop on my hand while we were wrestling with it, and it felt like a vice.  I’ve never felt anything like that,” says Metro Sergeant, Steve Custer.

Custer and officer, Jerry Ybarra, have almost half a century of law enforcement experience between them, but even that could not prepare them for the snake attack they rushed to Tuesday.

“We go into bars after bad guys all the time, guns, never blink an eye, but we looked at that snake, and there was a lot of dancing and screaming going on,” says Custer.

“Once animal control got there, we’d try to grasp him with her little tool that she has, and he would just hiss at us, and that was pretty terrifying,” adds Ybarra.

The Reticulated Python was about eighteen feet long, far bigger than the three-year-old boy it had wrapped itself around.

Hmmmm. Keeping a snake near a toddler. I’ll put this right next to “buy Lil Wayne album” in my parenting “to do” list.

The parents are now being charged- the video here.

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A Big Booty is Healthy

Posted on: 01/16/09 10:34 AM | by Jonathan McKee

A fat bottom might actually be “a sign of good health.”

Husbands. Try that one on your wives. “Honey, you look extremely… HEALTHY!”

Don’t believe me. New research from the journal Cell Metabolism suggests that “the fat responsible for producing the pear shape flaunted by celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce may be active in protecting women from diseases by releasing certain hormones.”

Click here for the entire article.


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She Blew Her Nose and I Liked It

Posted on: 12/23/08 10:11 AM | by Jonathan McKee

I’m always amazed at the “perceived” value of things. Things like… a snot filled tissue.

Yeah, that’s right. Currently, a snot filled tissue is on Ebay selling for over $2,000. Not any snot filled tissue, mind you. This is the mucus from the snout of the one and only Scarlett Johansson. And the tissue was handed to her by Jay Leno on his show. She blew her nose… and the rest of history.

Check out whole story in this small USA Today article.

I wonder where the highest bidder will keep it? Will they buy a plexiglass case? What will they label the case?


Christmas Shopping Tips for Clueless Husbands

Posted on: 12/14/08 2:48 PM | by Jonathan McKee

There’s not much to say about our newest FOUR MINUTES video on our YouTube pageother than it’s a lot of fun!

For all the dads and husbands out there… we put together what should be advertised as The Top 10 Christmas gift ideas NOT to get your wife! I’m giving you a sneak peek at it before it is put on our front page and gets mailed out to our EZINE list. It’s poking fun at clueless men this Christmas (and ironically, it will be sure to bring in complaints from numerous women!)  🙂


 Click here if you don’t see the YouTube link above. Or here for the high res version.

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Beaming Movies to Space

Posted on: 12/10/08 8:47 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Yeah… I thought it was a joke too. But apparently not. Twentieth Century Fox is making history this Friday by beaming the brand new remake of THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL into space.

I got a chance to interview the film’s director Scott Derrickson this morning and asked him how it felt to be the director of the first film to be beamed to space. He felt privelaged. (Good interview. You’ll be hearing that soon in an upcoming podcast. He’s a really sharp guy. If you missed it, you can read my last interview with him here.)

I gotta give Fox props for their movie choice. I just saw a screener of the film yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it (I blogged all about it). And the message of the film is all about redemption- whether humans are redeemable. So I guess this film isn’t a bad choice of films to send… the message is solid.

Business Wire reports:

The first deliberate deep space transmission of this highly anticipated science fiction thriller will begin this Friday, December 12, 2008, to coincide with the film’s opening day on Planet Earth. If any civilizations are currently orbiting Alpha Centauri, they will be able to receive and view the film approximately four years from now in the year 2012…

Commented Twentieth Century Fox domestic distribution president Bruce Snyder: “We at Fox always like to think big, and what’s bigger than a ‘galactic’ release of a major motion picture event? We look forward to sharing THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL with our galactic neighbors near Alpha Centauri — and look forward to their feedback…eight years from now.”

Interesting article. It even includes a list of spots in our own solar system where and when the transmission can be intercepted… in case you happen to be near Neptune 4.03236 hours from the film’s release. (Neptune has always been Soooooo behind the times!)

I wonder what films got rejected from being sent into space? You could almost make a Top 10 List.

Starship Troopers
Independence Day
Indiana Jones 4
Alien Vs. Predator
Mars Attacks

etc. etc.

Wow… I’m wasting way too much time on this!