An Ubundince of Mispelings

Posted on: 05/26/09 10:40 AM | by Jonathan McKee

How many of us really can spell without Microsoft WORD’s little red squiggly lines warning us to try again?

According to this Telegraph article from across the pond… not many of us!

For some of us, spelling and grammar might not seem like a big deal. But according to the above article, 94 percent of job hunters risked missing out on job opportunities through poor spelling, grammar or presentation on their resumes.

Just in case some of you are looking for a job (you may have caught our recent article about finding a job in youth ministry), you might want to pay attention. It’s amazing just how commonplace misspellings and other mistakes are in today’s resumes or “CVs.” (for those who aren’t familiar with the term CV, it’s basically a marketing tool that tells your life history, job history, achievements and skills- a resume!)

Here’s a few of my favorite CV blunders from the Telegraph article:

– My interests include cooking dogs and interesting people.

– As security guard my job is to pervert unauthorised people from coming onto the site

– I am a pubic relations officer


– I have excellent editing and poof-reading skills


– I am a prooficient typist


– I was responsible for fraudulent claims


– While working in this role, I had intercourse with a variety of people


(ht to my mom at California State University Sacramento for passing this article on to me)

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