Answering top questions from today’s parents PART III

Posted on: 11/16/17 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

In PART I and PART II of this series we already tackled some of the big questions today’s parents are asking…

How do I regulate screen time with a high functioning autistic kid?

When your kids push you away and go silent, how do you reconnect?

Is there a way to receive your kids’ texts directly on your device?

These are just a few of the countless questions I just received from parents… and for three days I’ve been answering them in this blog. Each day I’m narrowing it down to the top 10.

Here are the final 10 answers to the last 10 questions… Continue reading “Answering top questions from today’s parents PART III”

Answering top questions from today’s parents PART II

Posted on: 11/15/17 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Yesterday we already tackled some of the big ones…

What age do you recommend allowing children on social media?

Is there a way to filter the stories on SnapChat?

How do you prevent sexting?

These are just a few of the countless questions I just received from parents… and for three days I’m going to answer all of them in this blog. Each day I’m going to narrow it down to the top 10. (See yesterday’s 10 answers HERE.)

Here are today’s 10 answers to 10 questions… Continue reading “Answering top questions from today’s parents PART II”

The words I’ve been waiting for…

Posted on: 09/18/17 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

“In stock”

I’ve had sooooooooo many parents asking me about this book for their teens/tweens… it’s so good to see it finally “in stock” ( over two weeks early). I received boxes of them Friday, and Amazon began shipping them Saturday.

Enjoy the book! Here’s what those who screened the book for me said about it:

“McKee’s best yet. This book will most definitely be the new ‘phone contract’ today’s parents use to engage their kids in meaningful conversation about their use of technology. Required reading for any teenager.”
—Doug Fields, Author of Speaking to Teenagers and 7 Ways to Be Her Hero Continue reading “The words I’ve been waiting for…”

What is your biggest concern with young people and mobile devices?

Posted on: 08/16/17 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Let’s have a little CONTEST!

I have 5 “Advanced Reader’s Copies” of my upcoming The Teens Guide to Social Media and Mobile Devices sitting right here on my desk… and I want to give them away. (I don’t know if you saw… for some reason Amazon is offering these right now as a pre-order for just $7 and change! Grab that price while you have the chance. Wow.)

Simple: post a comment in this blog post answering this question Continue reading “What is your biggest concern with young people and mobile devices?”

Social media making kids less “social”

Posted on: 02/27/17 3:28 AM | by Jonathan McKee

My friend Ryan brought this YouTube video to my attention… a creative insight into how social media is making us less “social.” It’s super short, incredibly insightful… and guarantied to provoke conversation.

Here’s the video and some followup questions to engage in meaningful conversation with your kids:

Questions you could ask Continue reading “Social media making kids less “social””

If you’d like a sneak peek

Posted on: 01/17/17 4:23 AM | by Jonathan McKee

As one of my regular blog readers, you know I enjoy giving you unique opportunities to read and try out resources before they’re even finished, chiming in with your opinion. This month I have one of those opportunities.

At the end of this month I’ll turn in a finished manuscript to my publisher—my newest book-in-process—The Teens Guide to Social Media and Mobile Devices. This is the first time I’m even releasing this title (it comes out later this year).

Here’s where you come in. I’m looking for Continue reading “If you’d like a sneak peek”

On Focus on Family This Wednesday

Posted on: 11/21/16 9:40 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Focus-Jim-Daly-Jonathan-McKeeThis Wednesday I’ll be on Focus on the Family’s daily broadcast with Jim Daly talking about how to connect with your tech-absorbed kid, and my new book on the subject.

So pop on your local Christian radio station wherever you are Wednesday (in the car driving to Mom and Dad’s for Thanksgiving), and tune in. (You can listen online HERE once the broadcast airs.)
Continue reading “On Focus on Family This Wednesday”