Stop dwelling on past mistakes

Posted on: 05/23/17 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

This month I was interviewed by Host Maggie Johns on Canadian TV show 100 Huntley Street about my parenting mistakes… and what I’d do over.

The interview provides good news for parents. We’ve all made mistakes. Instead of beating yourself up, ask, “How can I learn from this? How can I make changes? Lets stop dwelling on the past and let’s look at the future.”

Here’s a six minute clip Continue reading “Stop dwelling on past mistakes”

Free 7-week Parenting Curriculum

Posted on: 05/9/17 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Many of you have been asking me about the free 7-week parenting curriculum I announced on social media last month.

It’s here!

We just uploaded the first two videos to our “If I Had a Parenting Do Over” playlist on YouTube, and the remaining 5 are going up in the next 24 hours.

I actually got the idea during Continue reading “Free 7-week Parenting Curriculum”

Your stars

Posted on: 02/16/17 4:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

As one of my loyal blog readers, you know I love giving you free stuff and rarely ask you for anything in return.

Today I ask for one simple thing… your stars.

Okay… I guess I’m actually asking you to read my newest book (hundreds of you have already bought it), because that’s the only way you can give it five stars. I’m talking about my brand new parenting book, If I Had a Parenting Do Over. Amazon has it in stock now and I’m asking my readers to simply pop onto Amazon and post a quick review after you read the book.

Here’s what others are already saying about it Continue reading “Your stars”

On FOCUS this Friday

Posted on: 02/2/17 4:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Just a quick note to let you know that I’ll be on the FOCUS ON THE FAMILY daily broadcast again this Friday with Focus President Jim Daly and co-host John Fuller.

This time our topic is balancing bonding and boundaries as a parent, offering parents practical advice and encouragement in a discussion based off my brand new book If I Had a Parenting Do Over: 7 Vital Changes I’d Make.

You can listen to the broadcast on your local Christian radio, or use the link HERE online starting Friday.


Do you want a “Do Over?”

Posted on: 01/11/17 12:43 PM | by Jonathan McKee

It’s time! (I’m so excited!)

My publisher just emailed, and they’ve received my brand new book, If I Had a Parenting Do Over, fresh from the printer… and boxes are on their way to my house, my upcoming workshops, Amazon, LifeWay… and all the other book stores. (Many of you saw Jim Daly talking with me about this book on Focus on the Family’s Facebook page just a few weeks ago).

And Amazon is literally crazy right now! “Crazy” in a good way.

Amazon changes prices all the time… so this could change before you even read this. But at this second… as I type this… they have my new book for the best you’ll get it. Get this Continue reading “Do you want a “Do Over?””

Responding to argumentative teenagers

Posted on: 12/19/16 4:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jim-Daly-John-Fuller-Jonathan-McKeeMany of you caught when I was a guest on Focus on the Family’s daily broadcast last month (a video clip of that show HERE). Focus had me back last week to continue the conversation with Jim Daly and John Fuller about parenting…

…and this time to talk about the 7 vital changes I’d make If I Had a Parenting Do Over.

While I was there they filmed a quick Facebook video about “Why teenagers argue with their parents!”

Good times!PARENTING-DO-OVER-cover-WEB

(And as nice as it is to buy it from Focus… Amazon has it at the moment for a crazy pre-sale price of just $6 and change!)