Why screen time inhibits toddler development

Posted on: 02/14/19 10:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Where’s Nathan?

I just changed his diaper and plopped him in front of the TV… again.

Any theories why Nathan doesn’t walk yet?

It’s probably not a surprise to you to hear that if we plop our toddlers down in front of a screen it hurts their development. We’ve heard the arguments before. Too much screen time has negative effects all around. And some experts even push back and try to contest it.

But according to a new study from the University of Calgary, the results are pretty clear about the effects of screen time on young kids Continue reading “Why screen time inhibits toddler development”

The “Relationships” Talk

Posted on: 02/5/19 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Next week is Valentine’s Day, and that means young people are thinking of relationships, which is a happy thought for some… and a depressing thought for others. This is probably why so many youth ministries do their “sex and dating” teaching series this time of year or at least a talk on relationships.

So here’s a few resources to help you with these conversations:

  1. One of our writers wrote two brand new FREE Music Discussions using Ariana Grande’s song “Thank U Next.” The youth ministry discussion uses scripture and provides small group questions.
  2. The parents’ discussion also uses scripture and provides three questions you can ask your kids in the car, also free.
  3. And for those in youth ministry who want a talk with graphics and everything Continue reading “The “Relationships” Talk”

Going Deeper

Posted on: 01/31/19 3:22 AM | by Jonathan McKee

I’ve always been a fan of using questions to open the doors of dialogue. But sometimes I forget how powerful they can be.

Last week I was in a corner booth at a local pizza place with four 8thgrade boys. The conversation was typical middle school boys—all over the place.

“Hey man, look at my new phone case!”

“I got one too, see?”

“I got it for Christmas.”

“Do you know what I got for Christmas? Your mom!”

Continue reading “Going Deeper”

New Music Discussions, Super Bowl Quiz and More!

Posted on: 01/28/19 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Many of you have probably noticed that in the last 6 months we’ve been doing some serious revamping with our websites, and …both are now not only mobile friendly and easier to navigate, but we’ve amped up the amount of new content we’re adding to each site!

What’s that mean for you?

If you’re a youth worker that means a new YOUTH MINISTRY HELP article literally every week- real world youth ministry tips and advice from guys on the front lines. And you’ve also noticed we’ve amped up the amount of MUSIC DISCUSSIONS (one new one per week) and YOUTUBE DISCUSSIONS, which all have small group discussions and scripture... and are FREE, of course Continue reading “New Music Discussions, Super Bowl Quiz and More!”

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Resisting the Urge to Talk Teen

Posted on: 01/24/19 9:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It’s funny how often I see “old people” like me trying so hard to be current with “young people.”

Today I was on a middle school campus hanging out with young people and I noticed something. They don’t care whether I’m wearing the newest Vans (you know, the kind that looks like a checkerboard), or if I use the current teen talk (“Man, that’s sus!”) … they just care that I’m there to listen.

And that’s the secret to talking teen: just shut up and listen Continue reading “Resisting the Urge to Talk Teen”

Lori in the hospital

Posted on: 01/15/19 1:26 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Many of you already read on my Facebook page that we had a crazy weekend–while I was in St. Louis speaking, Lori was rushed to the hospital to have her appendix removed.

The surgery went well, but her recovery has been a little slower than expected. Doc said even though her appendix hadn’t ruptured, it had turned nasty and adhered to her bowel and started spreading the nasty (I paraphrase). So her bowel was really angry at her and the docs were trying to fight it with antibiotics Continue reading “Lori in the hospital”

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Netflix’s “Sex Education”

Posted on: 01/9/19 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It premieres on Netflix in just two days, but it’s probably not what you think when you hear the words “sex education.”

In a world where many parents really struggle with how and when to engage their kids in “the talk”… Netflix is launching a show that once again (yes, they did the same thing with Big Mouth) is either addressing or exploiting—you decide—the subject that isn’t talked about much in most homes. But from the world’s perspective, of course Continue reading “Netflix’s “Sex Education””

Top Blog Posts of 2018

Posted on: 01/2/19 12:54 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Here are the top 10 blog posts of mine that you guys trafficked in 2018.

1. Gunning Your Kids Down

The No 1 trafficked post by far was “Gunning Your Kids Down”… my expose on violence in current music (including songs about gunning people down that went No. 1 during the Vegas shooting).

2. Mom, Is Justin Bieber a Christian?

Like my popular post, “Mom, is Chance the Rapper a Christian?” (Which, interesting side note, did you see what Chance posted on Insta last month? Fascinating.) This post provides you with questions to not rant or judge Justin’s imperfections, but dialogue about him in a helpful way Continue reading “Top Blog Posts of 2018”

Teens and Social Media

Posted on: 12/28/18 11:17 AM | by Jonathan McKee

If you happened to turn on Christian radio the day after Christmas you might have caught Focus on the Family President Jim Daly and I talking about teens and social media on their daily broadcast. They re-aired it December 26th because they said it was one of their most popular broadcasts of the year.

They just released the FULL video of the show in case you missed it:

Amazon has the The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices on sale HERE