3 Tips Speaking to Kids… Who Don’t Want to Listen

Posted on: 03/24/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan-AssemblyA few months ago a youth worker from El Paso, TX called me up and asked, “Do you want to speak at school assemblies for a week in Texas?”

If I would have answered him honestly, I would have responded, “No way!”

Why? Because who would be stupid enough to get up in front of a bunch of kids who don’t want to hear a speaker… and try to speak to them?

I guess I’m that stupid. That’s why in this post I’m going to give you 3 tips I’ve learned along the way that have helped me when speaking to kids in difficult venues Continue reading “3 Tips Speaking to Kids… Who Don’t Want to Listen”

Top 30 Youth Ministry Blogs

Posted on: 03/21/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Top-30-YM-Blogs-300x300This month posted the Top 30 Youth Ministry blogs and thanks to readers like you, we made the list… twice!

They listed THE SOURCE FOR YOUTH MINISTRY in slot No. 5, and then my personal blog in slot No. 12.

Take a peek at the whole list Continue reading “Top 30 Youth Ministry Blogs”

I’m On Your Radio Today

Posted on: 03/16/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan-McKee-interviewThis week I’ll be interviewed by Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine on Family Life Today, aired on over 1400 radio stations in the US.

I’ll be their guest three days in a row starting today- March 16, 17 and 18, talking with Dennis and Bob about engaging our kids in meaningful conversations about SEX. The two of them discuss my new book to parents, More Than Just the Talk.

Spread the word to parents in your area so they can hear the show live, or jump HERE on the Family Life website and you can listen to it online Continue reading “I’m On Your Radio Today”

Do Carl’s Jr.’s Sexy Ads Sell?

Posted on: 03/10/16 9:43 AM | by Jonathan McKee

memphis-bbq-Carls JrDoes sex sell?

Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s is known for their over-the-top sexy ads. From Paris Hilton sensually washing a Bentley while eating a burger, to two girls getting in a scuffle at the BBQ grill and seductively intertwining to eat the Memphis BBQ burger.

The question is… do these ads actually sell burgers?
Continue reading “Do Carl’s Jr.’s Sexy Ads Sell?”

Top 3 qualities I’m looking for when I hire

Posted on: 03/8/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

LeadershipSomeone just asked me, “Jonathan, we’re looking for a new youth pastor. What would you look for in a youth pastor?”

What would you say?

Good speaker?

Kids like them?


(Those are the ones I hear from people frequently.)

To be honest (see what I did there?), none of those three above make my top three Continue reading “Top 3 qualities I’m looking for when I hire”

Putting answers in the hands of young people

Posted on: 03/3/16 8:08 AM | by Jonathan McKee

LifeBookWorking with teenagers, I always have my eyes open for relevant books, evangelism tools and devotionals (last year I even answered that question in this blog, “Any good resources for my mentors to develop our student leaders?”).

This week I stumbled upon an incredible resource sharing the Gospel truth in a relevant way. It’s a little book from the Gideons called The Life Book… and being from the Gideons, that makes it completely free to churches Continue reading “Putting answers in the hands of young people”

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Terry Crews’ Porn Addiction

Posted on: 02/29/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Terry CrewsActor Terry Crews took a bold step this month, going public about his past addiction to porn.

Many know Crews from his acting in shows like Brooklyn Nine-Nine or even his voice work in the Veggie Tales Celery Night Fever video. He’s an ex-NFL player and a role model to many.

In his vulnerable Facebook post he talks about his Continue reading “Terry Crews’ Porn Addiction”

Today’s Teens Compared to Yesterday’s Teens

Posted on: 02/23/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Today's Kids DrinkWould you guess today’s young people are drinking more or less alcohol than you when you were a teenager?

What about drugs? More or less?



Last week released an article with a title saying, “Today’s teens have babies less than you did.” Then the words “have babies” scroll off the screen and are replaced by the word “fight.” Then “drink.” Then “use meth.”

The article goes on to compare the results of the Continue reading “Today’s Teens Compared to Yesterday’s Teens”

What age is too early?

Posted on: 02/16/16 2:38 PM | by Jonathan McKee is it to early to talk with our kids about sex?

This morning I received the following question from a concerned parent:

Dear Jonathan,

A few days ago my 8-year-old son was playing on a playground when another elementary-aged child told him a story about oral sex. Continue reading “What age is too early?”

Parenting Advice from Mom of Columbine Killer

Posted on: 02/12/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

InterviewTonight at 10PM ABC’s Diane Sawyer will be interviewing Sue Klebold, mother of Columbine killer Dylan Klebold. If you’re a parent, do not miss this interview.

I’m fascinated by this interview, not only as a student of youth culture whose done countless hours of research about school shootings (I’m finishing the final edit of my fictional book on the subject), bullying, and teen expressions of depression. But I’m also fascinated by this as a parent who looks back at my own parenting with a magnifying glass and asks, “What could I have done better?” Continue reading “Parenting Advice from Mom of Columbine Killer”