3 Tips Speaking to Kids… Who Don’t Want to Listen

Posted on: 03/24/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan-AssemblyA few months ago a youth worker from El Paso, TX called me up and asked, “Do you want to speak at school assemblies for a week in Texas?”

If I would have answered him honestly, I would have responded, “No way!”

Why? Because who would be stupid enough to get up in front of a bunch of kids who don’t want to hear a speaker… and try to speak to them?

I guess I’m that stupid. That’s why in this post I’m going to give you 3 tips I’ve learned along the way that have helped me when speaking to kids in difficult venues Continue reading “3 Tips Speaking to Kids… Who Don’t Want to Listen”

Recruiting Volunteers… in Hawaii?

Posted on: 01/28/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Maui-train-volunteersLori and I are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary this week, and that’s why I was pretty excited when the county of Maui booked my dad and I to teach a workshop on the island this Friday on mobilizing the power and passion of a New Breed of volunteers (we’ll be teaching this same workshop to church leaders in Colorado late September at Group Publishing).

I love teaching workshops on this subject with my dad based on our book, The New Breed. My dad talks about harnessing the power and passion of Baby Boomers, and I talk about understanding and mobilizing the younger generation Continue reading “Recruiting Volunteers… in Hawaii?”

CONNECT with Smartphone Obsessed Kids

Posted on: 01/20/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Old Brick Cell Phone SHORTRemember when cell phones looked like this?

This little baby came out in 1983 for $3,999, had a 30-minute talk time, and took 10 hours to charge.

The crazy thing is… today most parents probably wish their kids just owned one of these old brick cell phones instead of a smartphone!!! Think how much easier it would be!

Can I hear an Amen?!!

Connect-Smartphone-Kid-WORKSHOPI’m really excited about my brand new parenting workshop, CONNECT with Your Smartphone Obsessed Kids.

The book comes out this summer, and both the book and the workshop help parents discover everyday settings where their kids put their mobile devices aside and engage in good ol’ face-to-face conversation.

I don’t know many parents who aren’t struggling with this reality– their kids distancing themselves with technology. I have definitely experienced this firsthand as a parent and a youth worker. And I’m not alone noting some growing concerns. The good news is… it’s not too late! Today’s kids crave interaction and Mom and Dad can still provide that.

If you’d like to bring this workshop to your church or community, contact me and let’s get it in my calendar for 2016/2017!

Inside My Teaching

Posted on: 11/19/15 6:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan-McKee-TrainingThis week I flew to Kentucky to speak at four different venues: two venues for parents, an event for young people, and finally two workshops at the National Youth Workers Convention.

For those of you who are curious about my content, here’s a glimpse as well as some links for further reading:

All Pro Dad’s Breakfast—for Dad’s and Teens/Tweens
In this venue I basically raised the question to adults and kids alike if their phones helped or hindered their communication. I shared some basic research, then expanded on three thoughts Continue reading “Inside My Teaching”

5 Realities That Made Us Pause in South Africa

Posted on: 11/3/15 5:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan-McKee-Table-MountainAs I sit here on my 12-hour flight from Cape Town to Munich, my mind can’t help but decompress, processing my week of teaching at the Imagine Ignite conference and hanging out with youth workers in South Africa. God’s hand was so evident through this whole experience.

The week provided plenty of perks (pardon my alliteration), from the trip up Table Mountain, to wine tasting in the beautiful coastal vineyards, tasting a “Pinotage” for the first time. But none of those moments hold a match to the interaction my family and I experienced with the Continue reading “5 Realities That Made Us Pause in South Africa”

Heading to South Africa

Posted on: 10/22/15 10:28 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Cape TownI’m not sure how to pack…

Lori and I are headed to Los Angeles (85 degrees) to run a half marathon, then we fly to Cape Town (73 degrees) where I’ll speak at a conference next weekend, then we stop off in Munich (49 degrees) for an extended layover (3 days) on the way home just for fun.

Do you even own 14 pairs of underwear?

I’m really excited about this conference in South Africa. My dad and I are training youth workers for 3 days, then we’re speaking in a local church. Should be great fun! If you’re in South Africa… take a peek HERE, or get your tickets HERE.


The Most Vital Skill in Youth Ministry

Posted on: 10/8/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

connect-artwork“What is the most important skill I need to teach my volunteers?”

That’s what my friend Brandon asked me when he was planning his fall training with all of his leaders.

What would you answer?

Without hesitation I answered him, citing a ministry skill that trumps all others:

“Connecting with young people.”

“Go back to your Bible.” I always tell youth workers at my training workshops. “What did Jesus model? Did he sit there in the synagogue Continue reading “The Most Vital Skill in Youth Ministry”

Coming to SoCal, Little Rock, Louisville…and more

Posted on: 06/9/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan-Speak-micMy fall is almost booked solid, but I might be already coming to your area. So take a quick glance at my speaking calendar and see if your church would like to take advantage of any of these openings when I’m already near you… starting next weekend in…

Next weekend I’m going to be in SoCal speaking at Pacific Coast Church in San Clemente, CA on Sunday, June 14th. First I’ll be teaching a FREE parenting workshop from 3-5PM. Then I’ll be training youth leaders from Continue reading “Coming to SoCal, Little Rock, Louisville…and more”

Sex and Screens

Posted on: 04/21/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

fleeing-pornLast Friday night I spoke to a group of middle school kids in Cincinnati about sex and screens… here’s a glimpse of how we got the conversation started.

The format was fun. I spoke to them first, letting them know Sex Matters, even in a world that thinks it’s no big deal (DYM actually published a version of this talk HERE). Then I gave them four tools to become smarter than their smartphone, fleeing some of the temptations that can be distractions today (something I also addressed in this week’s Parenting Help article, Preventing the Permeation of Porn).

After a break, the students met with an adult leader in small groups and dialogued about what they heard. Here are the discussion questions I provided Continue reading “Sex and Screens”

Three states this week

Posted on: 01/5/15 6:27 AM | by Jonathan McKee

This week I hit three states, speaking to kids in WI, training youth leaders in TX and MN, speaking at a church in MN and teaching a parent workshop. Then later this month I’ll be in two more states… maybe even near you.

It would be fun to see you. Check out my calendar and see if I’m coming to a city near you! Continue reading “Three states this week”