Recruiting Volunteers… in Hawaii?

Posted on: 01/28/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Maui-train-volunteersLori and I are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary this week, and that’s why I was pretty excited when the county of Maui booked my dad and I to teach a workshop on the island this Friday on mobilizing the power and passion of a New Breed of volunteers (we’ll be teaching this same workshop to church leaders in Colorado late September at Group Publishing).

I love teaching workshops on this subject with my dad based on our book, The New Breed. My dad talks about harnessing the power and passion of Baby Boomers, and I talk about understanding and mobilizing the younger generation.

As exciting as it is to teach this workshop… I’m a lot more excited to take off with my wife to the other side of the island next week by ourselves and celebrate 25 years of marriage.

I love this girl like crazy… and she actually seems to put up with me pretty good.

Just keeping you posted in case I’m slow to answer emails!

(And don’t worry… we’re still posting the BIG GAME quiz next week on our web site HERE for your Super Bowl parties.)

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