A Serendipitous Moment

Posted on: 09/17/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

The day was taking a severe turn for the worse… how could this possibly turn out well? But 2 hours later I was experiencing manna from Heaven. (My Twitter followers know what I’m talking about—they heard me chiming in about it last night.)

I’m writing this post from a Chicago hotel room. That’s not good, because I’m supposed to be home right now.

It started at speaking trip in Detroit this weekend. I had a great time teaching my Connect workshop to a network of Detroit area youth workers on Saturday, then preached Sunday, then taught my Parenting the Texting Generation workshop Sunday afternoon. The people were great… but I started feeling under the weather as the weekend progressed… not much I could do, so I just slept plenty and kept at it. Needless to say, I was pretty excited about flying home Sunday night.

After my final workshop, I got to the airport, checked in, arrived at my gate, and when it was time to board… Continue reading “A Serendipitous Moment”

Doctor’s Orders

Posted on: 09/3/12 1:43 PM | by Jonathan McKee

A little over a decade ago Lori and I used to go water-skiing and kneeboarding a few times a week. Then, due to a degenerative eye condition, I had to have cornea transplants. My doctor told me, “Pick a new sport.” Apparently when your eyeballs are sewn back together, they don’t do really well when they impact water at 30mph.

So for the last decade, every time I go on a boat with a friend… I drool. Then my wife looks at me the way a wife can look… and says, “Jonathan!!!” (which really means… “Don’t even think about it.”)

But every once in a while (like on our church family camp out this last weekend) I’ve gone out behind a boat on a kneeboard anyway. After all… I’m always really careful and don’t do anything stupid!


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Reading… for Fun?

Posted on: 08/24/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

My wife loves reading. My girls really enjoy reading.

I… I love movies.

When I’m not speaking, training, or writing, I’m at my desk all day reading journals, articles and studies about youth culture, ministry or parenting. Being completely honest… the last thing I want to do at the end of my workday is pick up a book and read for “relaxation.” If I wanna relax I’ll hang out with my kids, go kayaking, or plop down with Lori on the couch and watch something fun.

I know some people like reading for relaxation. I do it on occasion (usually because I have to)… but I just don’t enjoy it. I wish I did.

I know… it’s ironic. I’m an author… and I don’t like reading. Books offer so much more than the articles and journals I frequent. For example: Yesterday I received an email from a Christian group complaining about how our country was founded on Christian principles and it needs to return to those principles. Some guy was quoting Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and putting words in their mouths. I researched a bit and found Continue reading “Reading… for Fun?”

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43 Years Old

Posted on: 08/3/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

My amazing wife Lori turns 43 this weekend… and she just keeps getting better and better!

Friday we both are taking the day off and just… chillin! We’re going cycling, kayaking, eating dinner at her favorite seafood place… I can’t wait! I love hangin with Lori!

A little while ago I blogged about Lori being born in 1969 and how many beautiful people come from that year!  🙂  This weekend we celebrate her getting even more beautiful and aging like a fine wine.

Happy Birthday Lori!

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Making and Achieving Personal Goals

Posted on: 07/24/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Saturday I participated in my first triathlon. It’s known in Northern California as the “no-swim” triathlon because in Eppie’s Great Race, you run, bike, then kayak.

Before the race I told my wife, “If I do really good, I’ll come in at 2 hours and 13 minutes.”

My time?

2 hours and 13 minutes and 14 seconds.

I don’t think everyone needs to do a triathlon to prove themself; but I think most of us could probably use a little self discipline in various areas. Personally, I’ve let my eating, and consequently my weight, get out of hand more than a few times in my life. I was fooling myself thinking that it didn’t affect my health and my marriage. Yes, my marriage. Continue reading “Making and Achieving Personal Goals”

Saying Goodbye to Fat Clothes

Posted on: 07/13/12 3:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Hi, my name is Jonathan, and I am a glutton.

You wouldn’t know it by just looking at me. Sure, there’ve been times where I was pretty chunky, but it’s not like you see me walking around with a turkey leg in one hand and a box of Twinkies in the other. The fact is, over the last 20 years, I’ve shown very little self-control with what I put in my body.

Enough is enough!

Here’s the history of the situation:

I think the only reason I’m not 5’9” tall, 300 pounds is the fact that I’m so active. My wife Lori and I usually exercise, running or biking, 4 days a week. But as I passed 30-years-old, and then 40, all this running and biking couldn’t keep up with all the pizza, burgers and soda I shoved into my cake-eater. About 5 years ago Continue reading “Saying Goodbye to Fat Clothes”

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A Painfully Empty House

Posted on: 07/1/12 9:52 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Wednesday I dropped off Lori, Alyssa and Ashley at the San Francisco airport with my parents where the 5 of them boarded a big bird headed to Europe where they will spend two weeks hitting Italy, France, Switzerland and Germany.

I’m torn.

Part of me is thrilled that they get to do this trip. It started when Ashley did a report for school, years ago, about Florence, Italy and some of its architecture. My dad told her that they would take her there some day. Last year, they booked it, and Alyssa and Lori wanted in! I had enough airline miles to send all three of them with my parents, so Alec and I decided to stay home.

I know Lori and the girls will have a blast touring Europe with my parents… but the house is so quiet! Alec works and hangs out with his friends a lot, so many days it’s been just me. Continue reading “A Painfully Empty House”

Top 10 Reasons Why Growing Up in the 80’s Ruled!

Posted on: 06/24/12 9:24 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Ever just feel like ranting? I’m in a ranting mood. And as a child of the 80’s (well… that’s when I was a teenager anyway), I miss those good ol’ days.

So here’s my top 10 list of why it was waaaaaaaaaaaaay better growing up in the 80’s!

10. Every morning I got up, opened the paper to the comics, and read a Far Side Tale.

9. I could go to a video arcade and play Mrs. Pac Man, Frogger, and Donkey Kong. What the heck is there now!!

8. Movies were $4.50

7. I had 4 TV channels, and there was way more on! (The Incredible Hulk, The Greatest American Hero, The A-Team, Magnum P.I., Remington Steele, The Fall Guy and The Cosby Show… need I go on?)

6. I walked home from school… and no one thought it was unsafe!

Continue reading “Top 10 Reasons Why Growing Up in the 80’s Ruled!”

Ashley’s Note

Posted on: 06/18/12 4:42 PM | by Jonathan McKee

It’s so good to have my kids all in the house.

Alec is back from college and the girls are adjusting to having him around again. It’s been really fun overall, but I can’t say it’s been without incident. Yesterday we found this note from Ashley taped to the upstairs bathroom door:


Isn’t it fun being a parent of three teenagers?

Eye Stitches

Posted on: 05/16/12 5:26 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Sounds painful, huh?

This Thursday I go in for the third attempt to motivate my right eye to better take correction. That means a couple stitches, this time, with a day or two running start of antibiotics.

Many of you remember what happened last time we tried to do this… I got Zombie Eye! (not an official diagnosis… just what I called it). This time… I expect much better!

The worst part about it is the fact that I’m awake when they put in these stitches. They have this cool little gadget that pries open my eye, they numb me up, then they tell me, “Look forward… now a little to the left…” then they put in the stitch why I hold still! (Yeah… no pressure!)

If all goes well, I’ll be fine 24 hours later. Appreciate your prayers!

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