Parenting Amish

Posted on: 10/22/16 8:30 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Amish-PA-TargetIn the beginning of my book More Than Just the Talk I give an example of speaking in a conservative Mennonite Brethren church in Amish, PA, and listening to parents share stories of the racy content their kids were exposed to in this perceived mecca of purity in North America.

This weekend I returned to Amish, PA to speak at yet another church (my third in Lancaster County), and I decided to visit the local Target to take a peek for myself. After all, every other state I visit I hear frustrated parents mumble under their breath, “Maybe I’ll just move to Amish, PA… then I won’t have to deal with any of this!”

Is that true?

Continue reading “Parenting Amish”

Today’s Kids and Tech in 3 Minutes

Posted on: 10/13/16 4:44 AM | by Jonathan McKee

We just finished posting a brand new YouTube video that gives an excellent summary of today’s over-connected kids… and today’s over-connected adults (Yep! I went there.)

Here it is… in 3 minutes:

Connect-Smartphone-Kid-WORKI’ve been teaching parents how to bridge this gap in our brand new parent workshop, CONNECT WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE OBSESSED KID, based on the book of similar title.

Bring this 2 hour workshop out to your city!


Are Any of These Cities Near You?

Posted on: 09/29/16 4:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan-Speak-ParentsThis month I fly to 5 different U.S. states to teach parent workshops… and I’m hoping that I’m coming near you! (and if not… let’s start a dialogue about bringing me out to your city)

It all starts this weekend when I fly to Colorado to record a radio interview about my new book on Jim Daly’s show on FOCUS ON FAMILY, and while I’m there I’m teaching a FREE parenting workshop just outside of Denver. The workshop is Sunday night, October 2nd, from 6:00 to 8:00 at Peace Lutheran. This will be my brand new workshop: Continue reading “Are Any of These Cities Near You?”

The Volunteer from Hell: Part III

Posted on: 08/16/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

background checkYou’ve discovered an amazing potential volunteer… but you don’t want to mess anything up!

You’ve taken the advice of experts and dedicated actual time out of your schedule each week for recruiting and keeping volunteers. Then you took the next step and actually asked them to serve in a small way, a one-time opportunity that was easy for them to say “yes” to, and that gave them a taste of your ministry. After that, you’ve met with them several times and they seem like a perfect fit…

But how can you make sure they don’t turn into the Volunteer from Hell?

Continue reading “The Volunteer from Hell: Part III”

The Volunteer from Hell: Part II

Posted on: 08/11/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee week I began a 3 post series in my blog about those ministry volunteers who make our lives miserable. How can we avoid getting ourselves in this mess in the first place?

Great question.

Let’s continue with our 3 effective ways to screen volunteers so you avoid ‘The Volunteer from Hell.’

In the first post, I addressed the importance of actually calling references. Not just asking for references… but using them. (How many of you have skipped this step?)

Today, let’s talk about the second way to avoid ‘The Volunteer from Hell’… Continue reading “The Volunteer from Hell: Part II”

The Volunteer from Hell

Posted on: 08/9/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Serial KillerWhenever my dad and I teach a workshop about recruiting, retaining, training… and even firing today’s New Breed of volunteers (based on our book on the subject), we can guarantee we’ll get questions about ‘The Volunteer from Hell.’

You know the one I’m talking about. That one volunteer that you either inherited or recruited without thinking. We’ve all had them. I had one. She was terrifying.

The question most people ask is, “How do I get rid of this volunteer?” (Garlic and a cross?)

Allow me to ask a much better question: “How do I make sure I never recruit this volunteer?”

Continue reading “The Volunteer from Hell”

Summer Youth Ministry

Posted on: 07/19/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Youth ministers know we have a FREE TRAINING TOOLS page with all kinds of free training, including FREE TRAINING VIDEOS. (How to connect with kids, how to get teenagers talking, how to share your faith, how to lead games, how to lead skits… check it out!)

We’re halfway through our summer ministry. Take a peek at our brand new Summer Youth Ministry training video if you haven’t seen it yet!



52 Ways to Connect

Posted on: 04/28/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

The book, the workshop… it’s happening.

Last night I taught my brand new parent workshop, Connect with Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid, for the second time. I’m excited with the feedback I’m hearing so far! And speaking of feedback…

My publisher just sent the final cover of the book, 52 Ways to Connect with Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid, to the printer. I really like the way it turned out (with Shaunti’s kind words on the front)…

Continue reading “52 Ways to Connect”

Free Ministry-Leaders Training in NorCal

Posted on: 03/30/16 9:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

New-Breed-Wkshop-LOGO webRecruiting volunteers ain’t like it used to be. Volunteers have changed. Have you changed too?

I love ministry leaders.. and ministry leaders love FREE. So Saturday, April 9th I’m teaching a free training workshop in Northern California for any ministry leaders who recruit volunteers! (Thanks Youth for Christ for hosting this!)

The training is based off my two Group books on the subject (The Skinny, and The New Breed), equipping ministry leaders to Continue reading “Free Ministry-Leaders Training in NorCal”