Helping Bullied, Bullies AND Bystanders

Posted on: 06/28/18 3:23 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Today I’m working on a brand new workshop for parents, teachers and youth workers helping kids experiencing bullying.

Notice I didn’t say “helping kids who are bullied.” This is where my training will immediately differ from others. I’m not just advocating help for kids who have been picked on, but help for the bullied, bullies and bystanders. After hundreds of interviews and 100+ hours of research for my upcoming book The Bullying Breakthrough… I found that most kids fall into one of three categories Continue reading “Helping Bullied, Bullies AND Bystanders”

Everything’s different in just 5 years

Posted on: 05/29/18 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

A few months ago I was eating dinner with a couple who had been in youth ministry for several decades, took a 5 year break, and just began serving in youth ministry again this year. The husband leaned over to me and said, “Jonathan, everything’s different! I’ve got kids who say they’re ‘pan’ or ‘a-gender’. I’ve got a girl who doesn’t want to be a she or even a he… she wants to be a ‘they.'” Then he asked me, “What the heck has happened in the last 5 years?!!”

Great question. And I answered it in this quick little YouTube video

This is what prompted us to launch the Anchored Leadership Conference… check it out HERE! (One day early bird registration is this Thursday!)

Four conversations parents must have

Posted on: 04/17/18 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

As requests are coming in for speaking this fall, I wanted to let you know about a new workshop I’m launching… FOUR CONVERSATIONS! It’s the first parent workshop I’m doing where I have parents and kids in the same room!

Right now my go-to workshop for parents is PARENTING THE SMARTPHONE GENERATION… I taught this workshop in almost 30 churches in the U.S. last year Continue reading “Four conversations parents must have”

Coming to a city near you

Posted on: 09/21/17 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Fall is always pretty busy with speaking, youth leader trainings and parent workshops. Take a peek at my upcoming schedule and see if I’m coming to a city near you:

THIS WEEKEND- Sept 23, 24, New Hope Assembly Church, Rogers, AR
Parenting workshop, preaching in morning services

October 15, Steel City Mennonite Brethren Church, Bethleham, PA
Preaching in morning services, Parenting workshop 6-8 PM

Continue reading “Coming to a city near you”

Talking with teens AND parents about social media

Posted on: 08/2/17 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

How can we get teens AND parents to engage in conversation about the devices that are dominating most of their waking hours? (yeah… even parents)

I’ve been teaching parent workshops for about 15 years now, and speaking to teens about 20. But I’ve never done a workshop with them in the same room… until now! This is a subject that needs to be addressed to families, together… in the same room.

This fall when my new book (The Teens Guide to Social Media and Mobile Devices) hits the shelves I’ll be launching my “WISE POSTING IN AN INSECURE WORLD” family workshop. In this two hour workshop I’ll address Mom’s, Dads and kids about something we all struggle with– wisely navigating the digital world. Much like the book, I’ll be asking Continue reading “Talking with teens AND parents about social media”

“Here’s the passage”

Posted on: 07/5/17 3:34 AM | by Jonathan McKee

I’m as type-A as you get. My wife says I’m borderline OCD. I don’t go on a picnic without exhaustive preparation and planning. That’s why Africa is always a stretch for me. Africa is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum.

“I’ll meet you at 9:00.”

That means maybe 9:00… or maybe 10:00. Depends on if something else comes up.

They call it Africa Time. Continue reading ““Here’s the passage””

Here’s my sex talk

Posted on: 02/7/17 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

In the youth ministry world, February is the time to talk about sex and dating. So I thought I’d give you the outline of one of my sex talks (or Download Youth Ministry put their professional flair on it HERE with readymade slides, the complete transcript and small group questions, all for just a few bucks. Those guys rock!)

In this talk I equip young people how to actually save sex in a world that exploits it. In other words, how can I “flee”? (This talk is drawn from chapter 2 in my book to teens, Sex Matters.)

TALK TITLE: What do you mean, “Flee”?

INTRODUCTION: I tell a story of a teenaged boy and his girlfriend going to her house after school. Her parents aren’t home, they go upstairs to her room “to talk”, begin kissing, the laying down… and next thing they know they end up having sex.

The young man goes to his youth pastor and tells him, “We didn’t intend to do it. It just happened. We couldn’t stop! Why?”

The youth pastor wisely responded, “Because you weren’t designed to stop Continue reading “Here’s my sex talk”

On FOCUS this Friday

Posted on: 02/2/17 4:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Just a quick note to let you know that I’ll be on the FOCUS ON THE FAMILY daily broadcast again this Friday with Focus President Jim Daly and co-host John Fuller.

This time our topic is balancing bonding and boundaries as a parent, offering parents practical advice and encouragement in a discussion based off my brand new book If I Had a Parenting Do Over: 7 Vital Changes I’d Make.

You can listen to the broadcast on your local Christian radio, or use the link HERE online starting Friday.


A Look at Today’s Top Music… even in Amish PA

Posted on: 10/25/16 3:54 PM | by Jonathan McKee

hot-100-glimpseI just arrived home from a great weekend with Victory Church in Lancaster, PA. I trained their youth leaders Saturday night, preached in the three morning services, and then taught my Parenting The Smartphone Generation Workshop that night.

The church shoots video of their services, streams them live to their 5 locations, and then posts it online.

So here’s my sermon “Opening Up the Doors of Dialogue In Your Home”… where I gave an eye-opening peek into today’s youth culture (starting about about 20 minutes into it), including a tour of the top music young people are listening to today (starting at 29 minutes)… even in Amish Pennsylvania.

For those of you who haven’t had the chance to hear me live, here’s a peek!


10-23-16- Let’s Talk: Part 7 – Special Guest, Jonathan McKee from Victory Church on Vimeo.