Promiscuity or Monogamy

Posted on: 07/17/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

true monogamyWhat’s more enjoyable, a monogamous sexual relationship, or promiscuity (sleeping with whoever you want)?

Most entertainment media seems to lean towards the latter. Why is this? Does promiscuity really make more sense?

This week I finished writing a book to teenagers about sex that will be released at the end of this year/early next year. It’s a book addressing some pretty candid questions about sex and intimacy. In a world full of explicit lies, this book shares the explicit truth.

One fun aspect of this project was showing what current research reveals about sexual satisfaction in relationships. In other words, in a world where very few people seem to care what the Bible says, it’s fun to see if Biblical concepts like monogamy actually make sense Continue reading “Promiscuity or Monogamy”

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64 Percent of High School Seniors Have Had Sex

Posted on: 06/19/14 5:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

teens in loveAre more kids having sex than years prior?

The answer depends on where and when.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) just released their brand new Youth Risk Behavior Survey (one of the three studies I’ve been anticipating), a study released every other year that asks teenagers about risky behaviors such as smoking, drinking, fighting at school, sexual activity… and even if they wear a seatbelt. The report breaks the numbers down by state, race, or grade, as well as providing national averages.

As an author who is just finishing up two books about sex, one to parents and another to teenagers, I immediately turned to Continue reading “64 Percent of High School Seniors Have Had Sex”

Gimme Your Sex Questions

Posted on: 05/27/14 5:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

between the sheetsFor the last few months I’ve been writing a book to parents encouraging and equipping them to have candid conversations with their kids about sex. In a world so full of explicit lies, today’s kids need parents who aren’t afraid to tell the explicit truth. This book will help parents create a climate of calm, continual conversations about sex.

But I need your help with chapter 12. I’m titling it, Tough Questions, and I want to equip parents with answers to some of the tough questions they will encounter from today’s young people about sex.

So don’t hold back! Hit me with the most common, and even the craziest questions you have heard from today’s young people. I’m writing the chapter this week!

Post the Q’s in my comments, and if I use your question Continue reading “Gimme Your Sex Questions”

Brutally Honest Advice to Today’s Guys

Posted on: 04/22/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Teen-Boy-TodayA bunch of people have been asking me the story behind my brand new book of brutally honest advice to today’s guys. The truth is… I almost didn’t write it.

Last summer my agent called me and said, “I’ve got a book for you to write.” I thought, No way. Already swamped. I was wrapping up my Zombie book, and halfway through writing Get Your Teenagers Talking, all this on top of all my speaking and training for our ministry… but then he told me what the publisher wanted:

“It’s a book that will provide candid advise to teenage guys.”

He hooked me. I couldn’t say no. Next thing I knew, I was writing The Guys Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket.

I sent out texts to my friends and family and asked them this question Continue reading “Brutally Honest Advice to Today’s Guys”

Grandma’s Read Beyonce Lyrics

Posted on: 03/19/14 3:36 AM | by Jonathan McKee

This is just too good for me to mess up with words. My friends over at Youth Culture Report tweeted me this. It’s three grandmas reading and commenting on the lyrics of Beyonce’s current hit song, Drunk In Love.


(Warning… these grandmas got mouths on them)

(Click Here if you don’t see the embedded video)

Young People and Selfies

Posted on: 03/12/14 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee


“Aren’t we cute?”

Within seconds the selfie pic is posted to Instagram, and Tweeted to her 326 followers. Just another emblematic snapshot from the life of today’s teen.

Five years ago we didn’t even know the word “selfie.” Fast forward to the end of 2013 and it was declared “word of the year.”

What’s the fascination teens have with selfies? Does this desire to snap pics in everyday life make them narcissistic?

When most people hear “selfie,” they probably think of a Continue reading “Young People and Selfies”

The Naked Truth

Posted on: 02/14/14 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

between the sheetsTonight I speak to a few hundred middle school kids about sex at an event at a church near Chicago called The Naked Truth.

I’m really proud of this church for addressing this subject so candidly with families, a subject that is often hushed by the church. I’m excited to share the explicit truth with these young people, especially in a culture where they hear so many explicit lies.

Here’s the intro to my talk Continue reading “The Naked Truth”

The Biggest Surprise from the Super Bowl

Posted on: 02/4/14 3:15 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Bruno-Mars-Halftime-ShowBoring, depressing, a complete blowout… call it what you want, but Sunday’s Super Bowl game was the most-watched television show in U.S. history, drawing 111.5 million people on average. That’s a lot of people watching the competition between the top two teams, the greatest commercials of the year… and a 12-minute concert that literally changed the music charts.

So, what did families take away from this year’s Super Bowl television experience?

Past years’ on-screen antics have probably made some parents a little apprehensive about the content of this event that historically has brought friends and families together in one room watching one big screen together. Did this year prove to be the same?

Starting with a bad snap, the day was full of surprises, but the most unexpected element most people found was Continue reading “The Biggest Surprise from the Super Bowl”

Searching for Sex Answers

Posted on: 01/14/14 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Don't Talk About SexGoogle has become the number one place young people go for answers to their questions about sex.


Two glaring reasons.

  1. It’s embarrassing. Who wants to ask Mom or Dad what they heard in the locker room that day, “What does ‘anal’ mean?”
  2. Mom and Dad will freak out. (Wouldn’t you if your kid asked you what ‘anal’ meant? Regrettably Continue reading “Searching for Sex Answers”

Happy Birthday… Here’s Your Boob Job

Posted on: 01/8/14 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

free-boob-jobIn a world where our young girls seem to struggle with self-image more than ever before, what is the greatest thing we can do to boost their confidence?

How about the gift of cosmetic surgery for their 18th birthday?

“Happy birthday sweetie… let me fix that for you.”

That’s what Orange County cosmetic surgeon Dr. Michael Niccole did for his daughters when they were as young as age 10. He fixed his daughter Charm’s protruding belly button at 10, then gave Brittani new boobs at 18, followed by a new nose three years later. Now both sisters have had their Continue reading “Happy Birthday… Here’s Your Boob Job”