Super Bowl

Posted on: 01/30/09 5:16 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Pittsburgh and who?

Those are probably fighting words in my house. My wife grew up in Phoenix, AZ. She’s not a football fan, but her dad is. And she’s a pretty big fan of her daddy!  🙂  

I’m looking forward to the game on Sunday. I have to admit, I don’t watch much football. Okay… I’ll be honest. I don’t watch any football, unless you’re using the word like they use it across the pond. Because I watch soccer, better known as “football” to much of the world (Shout out to my Manchester United!) But football fan or not, I always watch the Super Bowl. I think I enjoy it because of the social occasion. I love an opportunity to hang with family and friends, eating a lot of food! I’m especially looking forward to the hot wings we’ll be making (and consuming) on Sunday. (I’m salivating as I type this!)

Those of you who have used our ministry’s free resources for a couple years probably have seen our Super Bowl Party ideas we provide every year, including our annual quiz, a fun little element we add to the party. Take a peek at that if you haven’t seen it. It’s a great little addition to a Super Bowl Party.

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An Inconvenient Compassion

Posted on: 01/8/09 8:57 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Compassion is so inconvenient.

I flew back from the midwest Monday, I fly out again tomorrow morning for another speaking weekend… this has been a crazy three days. Add to that… “Jack.” That’s what the kids have named the stray that wandered into our life yesterday.

Lori and Alyssa  went on a run yesterday and happened upon “Jack.” He’s a medium sized dog, probably six months old, a little too skinny, unrecognizable as any breed… a mutt by all standards. He ran up to them with no collar, no tags and no worries- tongue out and ready to play. Unfortunately that meant dodging in and out of traffic along the roads.

Lori tried to get him to stop running in the street… but he didn’t always respond when she called to him. Enjoying the freedom, he would run a block ahead, stop, turn, then dart out across the road again, oblivious to the fast moving cars.

“Jack” followed Lori and Alyssa for a mile. Finally Lori burst in our front door and brought me into the loop. “Jonathan, a stray has been following us for a mile. He’s totally stupid. He’s gonna get killed.” (No time for tact.)

My first thought was, “A stray? Today? Isn’t that someone else’s problem?”
Apparently not, because even as I had that thought, we heard tires screech to a halt and a horn blare. Lori said, “See. That’s probably him again. He keeps running into traffic.”

We ran a block, following the sounds of horns and cars slamming on their brakes. As we rounded a corner we saw him- standing in the middle of the street like, ‘anyone want to play?’

He apparently liked Lori, so I told her to call him. She got down in a squat, “Here pup. Here boy.” He cocked his head to the side, paused, then ran full sprint to Lori and enjoyed a good scratching behind the ears. I ran and got a leash from the house and we brought him to our side yard.

Immediately the kids started in with, “How cute.” And “We’ll call him Jack.” And “What if he doesn’t have a home?” All loaded statements!!!

I quickly told them. “Kids. We have two dogs. We can’t keep Jack.” (Dang… I called him Jack!)

The kids were silent. I looked at his stupid little happy face and his brown little eyes. I couldn’t just let him run free in the street. I knew it was a matter of moments before he was gonna be hit.

“We will do our best to find ‘Jack’ his home… or a home.” I added.

So ‘Jack’ is now in our yard. He’s a digger, so we had to moves some rocks around and reinforce some fences. He spent the night in a kennel in our garage, with regular visits from my three kids and Jethro, one of our dogs.

Today now entails taking him to a nearby vet to have him scanned for a chip (Now most dogs have chips implanted in their coat in case they are lost. We’ll check to see if he has one since he has no collar and no tags). My wife called county animal care this morning and left a description of the dog in case someone calls missing him. The next step, if there is no chip… DOG FOUND signs with our phone number and his picture.

Compassion is very inconvenient. We’re hours into this dog already. Why? He was in danger. And no one else cared.

Such is ministry for many of us. Plenty of kids roam our community that would be very inconvenient to reach out to. They don’t have a faith, they don’t have a church home, and in all honesty, they seem content with their freedom.

Some people just ignore them and drive by them. After all… we don’t have much time.

Others might stop and try to make contact. But these strays aren’t always easy to connect with. It takes time and effort.


Compassion is so inconvenient.

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UPDATE: Lori just took “Jack” to the vet to get him scanned. He is chipped. (Whew!) His name is Trooper and he lives about a mile from us. They’ve been looking for him. Heading there now.

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UPDATE: We just dropped him off. His owners were really greatful. They have a collar and tag for him, but had it off. He slipped out yesterday while the owner was working in the yard. It was good to see he had a home.

Sitting on Top of the World

Posted on: 01/5/09 2:48 PM | by Jonathan McKee

I just arrived home from a 5 day trip where I was the keynote speaker at a youth conference in Wisconsin. Great trip. Not only was it a rewarding ministry weekend, I also was able to bring my 13- year-old daughter Alyssa with me.

We flew into Chicago, ate some Giordano’s Pizza, drove up to Wisconsin, spoke for the weekend, then hung out in the Chicago downtown for one night before returning home. A fantastic time with my Lyssa. I’ll blog more about it later… I’m dead tired at the moment (got up WAY too early this morning to catch the flight home).

So for now… I’ll just leave you with this low res pic that Alyssa and I took with my cheap little camera phone from the top of the John Hancock building in downtown Chicago. We went up to the 96th floor (top floor) and had a virgin strawberry daiquiri in the “Signature Lounge.” Great view sitting in one of the tallest buildings in the world.

Good times.

(you can see the Sears tower in the upper right, Michigan Avenue the lit street below up the center of the pic)

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New Year’s Resolutions

Posted on: 12/29/08 10:36 AM | by Jonathan McKee

I’m trying to take a little time off with the family the next few days before I fly off again… so I’ll leave you with a list of my 5 resolutions for next year.

1. Yell less. I’m a parent, I’m Irish, and I’ve got teenagers in the home… there’s usually some yelling involved. I’m going to try to handle situations more like Clint Eastwood. Instead of yelling at my son, I’m just going to ask him, “Do you feel lucky… punk?”

2. Read more of the Word with my wife. This resolution will probably help the first one. In the last year Lori and I have spent some time studying the Bible and praying together, but not nearly enough. Lori loves this time, and I do too… when I actually do it. I’m wanting to have more of these times, so I’m resolving to make it happen.

3. See the 160’s on the scale. Some of you remember me talking about my weight before. I LOVE food. It’s my vice. That’s why I hit the 200’s a few years back (not a pretty picture). In the last year, I’ve really been working out hard and got down to the low 180s, I even hit 179 for a few days (before the holidays). But I really want to see 169 at least once. I’d be happy to settle in the low 170s… I just want to see my old friend 169 just for a day!

4. I want to bench-press 300. Call it what you want, but part of my getting back in shape has been hitting the weights again. Realize, in high school I was a lightweight (135 poundish), but I always liked lifting. I got close to benching 200 in high school, but never hit it. A few years ago I hit that mark. Now that I’m trying to get into shape, I’m up to about 235 on the bench… and trying to increase. Yes, 300 is a pretty lofty goal. Can I up it 65 pounds in one year and hit the 300 mark? I have no clue. But I’ve gotta have something to strive for.

5. I want to see our Training Tools page come to fruition. Most of these goals have been personal goals… but I’m pretty dang excited about this ministry goal. David and I are working on a training tools page that would offer youth workers two needed resources: online computer-based training for all youth workers, and “ready-made” power point  and training outlines for youth leaders. We’ve already started this, we hope to be launching three of the training outlines with powerpoint in the next couple months. This resource is gonna rock. And like all the other stuff on our site… it will be free.

How’s that?

Wow… that would be cool if I could look back and have accomplished those 5 things by the end of 2009.

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My Hot Wife and THE Best Cookie Recipe

Posted on: 12/25/08 7:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Yesterday I went into the kitchen to see what all the clamor was about. The sound of pots, spoons and mixers… my spidey sense was telling me that cookies were being made. Sure enough, there was Lori (my smoking hot wife) in an old pair of jeans, looking as beautiful as ever… baking my favorite kind of cookies.

I get to see my hot little lady daily (although those old jeans had her looking particularly steamy). But I only get to taste these cookies once a year. I’m not sure why, now that I think about it. These cookies rock! They are amazing. Maybe one step from a Giordanno’s Pizza (that’s huge by my standards). I should barter to see if we can make these cookies more often. They are Oatmeal Chocolate Chip. They aren’t a recipe I’ve seen anywhere else… only from my wife’s friend Dixie. And every time someone tries them, they say, “Oh my GOSH! I’ve got to get that recipe.”

These aren’t normal cookies… they have an 8 oz Hershey bar crushed into the mix. (drool… slobber). When you get to the final stages of the recipe… you almost have to break a few wooden spoons (we have) to stir them. I had to step in and do my part yesterday. Lori needs my huge biceps to stir the mixture every year.

An hour later, I was on the couch, eating the cookie dough. Oh! Amazing!!!

My favorite cookies and my hot wife… a great Christmas memory. It doesn’t get better than that.

Oh… I guess I should share the recipe.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
Dixie’s Recipe

2 cups butter
2 cups sugar
2 cups brown sugar
4 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
4 cups flour
5 cups oatmeal
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. baking soda
24 oz. chocolate chips
one 8oz. Hershey bar
3 cups chopped walnuts (optional)

Cream together- butter, sugar, brown sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Set aside.

Using a blender, grind all of oatmeal into fine powder (do a small amount at a time). Pour into a LARGE bowl. Next, grate chocolate bar and combine with oatmeal. Now add flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda to same bowl and mix well. Combine creamed ingredients and dry mixture (here’s where the stirring takes some real strength… and a big bowl!) After well blended, add chocolate chips and nuts. (and this is where I eat a bunch of the dough!)

Make golf ball size cookies. Place 2” apart on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 for about 9-11 min.

You are soooooooo lucky I shared this recipe with you!!!!



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Benjamin Button

Posted on: 12/19/08 10:52 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Last night I got a chance to see a screening for the new film coming out Christmas Day, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. If you’ve seen the previews, it’s the peculiar film with Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett where Pitt plays Benjamin Button, a person who ages “backwards.” He was born old and wrinkled, and “grew” younger each day of his life.

The film was truly remarkable. It started with a very “Forest Gump” feel, with plenty of humor and heart. Unique creative storytelling… like nothing I’ve ever seen. Then it transitioned into a romance much like “The Notebook.”

I really enjoyed the film, and I can see why it’s getting so much Oscar buzz. Pitt was amazing. But Pitt is always amazing. Don’t discount his talent because of his pretty boy appearance or his reputation in the tabloids. Pitt has proven himself over the years with a range of roles and accents (think of the range from Kalifornia to 12 Monkeys, Meet Joe Black, Snatch, etc.).

Blanchett was equally good. It took me over half an hour to recognize her under the makeup of an elderly woman- the makeup and special effects in this film were mesmerizing. (You’ve seen films where you could tell that someone young was playing someone old. Not in this film.)

So, was it one of my favorites of 2008? No. It was a little long, and slow at parts. And I have nothing against long films. Several of my favorite films of all time are over three hours long (i’ll share those in my podcast tomorrow). This film was 2 hours and forty five minutes. In its defense, I didn’t look at my watch once until an hour and forty minutes. After a 10 minute lull, it had my interest back for another 35 minutes and I looked at my watch again.

It was good… just not the best of 2008. I’ll be sharing my top films of 2008 in our podcast coming out tomorrow on our podcast page.

It’s not for kids. Sensual at times (like The Notebook), and very much reflecting the world’s values and philosophies.

I’ll be giving my complete take on the film on our movie review page the day before its release Christmas Day.

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Movies of 2008

Posted on: 12/16/08 9:16 AM | by Jonathan McKee

As the year comes to a close, we’re starting to see a lot of lists posted about the best movies, the most popular TV, music, websites, etc.

Last year we jumped on the bandwagon and launched a podcast where Todd and I shared our favorite films of 2007. This podcast episode was one of my favorites… that’s why we did it again this year. It launches this weekend. Check out the cool pic we took.

Todd really looks evil in that picture!  (Do you think that bowl makes my butt look fat!)

Todd and I are both movie geeks, but we don’t get caught up in all that artsy Oscar buzz. In other words… 1977 was a catastrophic year for us (Annie Hall won best picture! Come on… what film did you really enjoy more? Annie Hall, or Star Wars?) On our movie review page, Todd and I review films based on “enjoyability.” (and we also try to provide a little commentary on what we as parents should let our kids see)

This year, we not only reviewed a film together and came up with our personal five favorites of the year… we also came up with our favorite movie clip discussions from the past year. We know that many youth workers enjoy using movie clips to springboard discussion. That’s why our website provides an entire page of these ideas, most of them with small group questions, transition statements, scripture and a wrap up.

I can’t give away our favorite films of the year… but I’ll drop a hint: comic book characters were very big in both our lists this year. 🙂

Something else we did was each share our favorite films of all time! Fun stuff.

If you like movies, be sure and catch that free podcast this coming weekend on our podcast page.

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Posted on: 12/13/08 12:03 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Last weekend my little Ashley knocked the proverbial “ball out of the park.” We were so proud.

Ashley is my 11-year-old… my youngest… the craziest of the three! Ashley has no inhibitions at all (yes… scary at times). But that made her perfect for the lead role of this year’s annual Christmas program at our church. The role usually goes to an adult, but the director thought Ashley would be perfect.

She played a talk show host who interviewed different missionary kids from around the world. She hammed it up big time.

Lori and I caught glimpses of her at practices and practiced lines with her… but it was hard to know how she’d do in front of a big audience. Ashley had never done anything like this at all. She shows no fear in daily life (she regularly goes to the mall wearing striped kneehigh socks, patterned soccer shorts and a spotted shirt)… but I didn’t know what standing in front of 1,000 people would do to her.

It didn’t even phase her.

My dad and mom (her “Papa and Nana”) came out to see her, along with the whole family. Ashley did remarkable. I don’t think she was nervous at all. It was really amazing. Then she had a short little solo singing… she did beautiful. My wife was so happy she was in tears.

It was a great moment.

One of the funniest moments was getting her costume together in the weeks prior. You have to understand Ashley. In daily life Ashley wears oversized soccer shorts and a ragged t-shirt. It’s hard to get her to dress up. If you mention the word “dress” … she shudders. She gives new meaning to the word “tomboy.” I don’t think she thought that one through when she happily accepted this role. Because about one month into practice she learned that she would be dressing up in pantsuit or blazer. She almost popped a capillary!

After much wrestling, we found a little dressy red jacket and nice pair of dress slacks. She wasn’t happy. I had to put the smack down and just told her to quit her whining and tough it out!

Funny… she wasn’t worried about the lines, the audience… any of that. She just didn’t want to “dress up.”  🙂

The end result? She was amazing!

Pretty good for a little squirt! Daddy was really proud.

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My Driver’s Licence

Posted on: 12/5/08 9:55 AM | by Jonathan McKee

My son just got his driver’s permit and will take his first “behind the wheel” lesson tomorrow.

Wow! I’m getting old.

I remember my first behind the wheel lesson. I was barely 15, I didn’t have a permit, my parents were out of town… and my brother taught me how to drive our VW bug over to my girlfriends house at 2AM. (Yeah… I wasn’t a very good kid. Don’t hold it against me.) I’m sooooooo glad that my kids aren’t like I was.

Thinking about driver’s licenses… I found this in my scrapbook.

Yeah… take a look at all the mischeif behind those eyes!  (Ha… 143 pounds! And no, I don’t live there anymore!)

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In the Middle of Nowhere

Posted on: 11/27/08 10:16 PM | by Jonathan McKee

For Thanksgiving my family and I went up to my brother’s… in the middle of nowhere.

Okay… it’s not really nowhere, but he lives in a small Northern California town, population 368. One grocery store, one “farm and feed supply,” and the next town up (17 miles away) has a McDonalds!

My brother is a pastor in a small country church that brings out almost 200 people (from his and surrounding towns). It’s a fun town. Everyone waves to each other as you pass them on the roads. Most people farm or ranch. Good people.

For Thanksgiving day we go out to my cousins, who live in an even smaller town. They have a 900 acre ranch. 30 to 40 of us ate a Thanksgiving meal together. Then some cousins rode quads, others went on a walk on the property… I went skeet shooting with my son, my brother and a heap of cousins (then, just for fun, we decided to experiment and see what shooting a 12 gauge slug into a gallon jug of water would do. Wow! Very cool!)

At night we ate another meal together and everyone got out their guitars, banjos, violins, etc. My daughter Ashley has been learning guitar from my dad… they both played. My dad played banjo (no Deliverance jokes!), and my son played the uke. One of my cousins (my son’s age) is an amazing fiddler. We had quite the little band, half of which were 15 or under.

From my brother’s 8 month old daughter, to my 80-something grandma… fun for all. We sang worship songs, Christmas carols, even some really old bluegrass. It’s not necessarily my style of music, but it’s my style of family fun.

It doesn’t get much better than this.

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