8th Grader’s Amazing Impersonations of Trump, Clinton and Sanders

Posted on: 06/20/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

8th grader grad speechThe video is going viral. It’s garnered literally a million new views since I saw it 12 hours ago. It’s an 8th grader’s graduation speech.

This is no grad speech I’ve ever heard. His name is Jack Aiello, and he just graduated from Thomas Middle School outside of Chicago. This kid nailed the mannerisms of presidential hopefuls Trump, Cruz, Clinton, Sanders… and even our current commander in Chief. Sure, the kid is only in 8th grade and the voices aren’t dead on… but he’s truly got a gift impersonating the mannerisms.

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Today’s Teens Compared to Yesterday’s Teens

Posted on: 02/23/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Today's Kids DrinkWould you guess today’s young people are drinking more or less alcohol than you when you were a teenager?

What about drugs? More or less?



Last week Vox.com released an article with a title saying, “Today’s teens have babies less than you did.” Then the words “have babies” scroll off the screen and are replaced by the word “fight.” Then “drink.” Then “use meth.”

The article goes on to compare the results of the Continue reading “Today’s Teens Compared to Yesterday’s Teens”

Parenting Advice from Mom of Columbine Killer

Posted on: 02/12/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

InterviewTonight at 10PM ABC’s Diane Sawyer will be interviewing Sue Klebold, mother of Columbine killer Dylan Klebold. If you’re a parent, do not miss this interview.

I’m fascinated by this interview, not only as a student of youth culture whose done countless hours of research about school shootings (I’m finishing the final edit of my fictional book on the subject), bullying, and teen expressions of depression. But I’m also fascinated by this as a parent who looks back at my own parenting with a magnifying glass and asks, “What could I have done better?” Continue reading “Parenting Advice from Mom of Columbine Killer”

How Christians React to the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage

Posted on: 07/7/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

The dust (and pink confetti) is slowly settling since the June 26th Supreme Court decision to legalize same sex marriage in all 50 states. The question is, how are Christians responding?

Barna released a fascinating glimpse last week revealing that not only Americans, but different denominations land all over the spectrum on this issue. For example, 53% of Catholics favor the Supreme Court’s decision (strongly or somewhat), where only 2% of Barna’s definition of an Evangelical favor the decision. At the same time, most the country seems to agree this decision was inevitable.

Barna breaks it down nicely on this chart Continue reading “How Christians React to the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage”

Canadian Parents Forced to Talk about Sex

Posted on: 03/9/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan-McKee-100-Huntley-StreetOntario just updated their sex education curriculum for the first time in 17 years, and parents across the country are a little upset with some of the content. Students will learn about masturbation, oral sex, anal sex (hold on to your hats… I’ll be writing about this taboo subject in our next Parenting Help article), and gender identity theory. In fact, students will be learning six gender identities instead of just two.

Last week I flew to Toronto for a timely interview about my new book More Than Just the Talk on the Canadian TV show 100 Huntley Street (airing late March). This new book asserts “parents need to create a comfortable climate of continual conversations about sex” … a sore subject for Canadian parents right now Continue reading “Canadian Parents Forced to Talk about Sex”

Sexual Consent… App?

Posted on: 10/1/14 9:41 AM | by Jonathan McKee

sexual consent app

NOTE: As of Oct 7th, this app has been pulled by iTunes. See comments below.

We’ve seen apps helping people hook up, apps for people who just want to “cuddle”… I guess it’s no surprise that now some college students will rely on an app for sexual consent.

In a world where laws are emerging requiring mutual “affirmative consent” in attempt to prevent or reduce sexual abuse, miscommunication or regretted sexual activities, I guess I should have guessed this app would surface Continue reading “Sexual Consent… App?”

Shy, Teased, Isolated…Teen Killer?

Posted on: 04/10/14 8:32 AM | by Jonathan McKee


It’s the one question no one can really answer at this moment describing the rampage 16-year-old Alex Hribal embarked on yesterday at Franklin Regional High School in Murrysville, PA. One can only speculate.

His attorney is saying he is just a normal kid. Most are saying he was “shy”, “quiet” and “small.” Some are already using words like “bullied” and “teased.” Like Alex’s classmate who described the teasing as “relentless” at times.

“They just said things. They’d ride him and ride him, and today was the day that he snapped.”

I felt a unique twinge in my spine when I read that quote… because I remember that feeling. I know that emotional state well, not from studying youth culture, or writing and speaking about bullying, but from hearing the jeers and pokes from my classmates in my early teen years Continue reading “Shy, Teased, Isolated…Teen Killer?”

Shame on us

Posted on: 03/26/14 4:26 PM | by Jonathan McKee


Interesting… I was halfway through writing this blog Wednesday and everything flipped on its head. If you missed the scoop, here’s the skinny:

–       A few days ago international world relief organization World Vision decided to “hire gay Christians in same sex marriages.”

–       In response, evangelical Christians began pulling their support for World Vision, which, according to some sources with contacts at World Vision, resulted in thousands of children losing their sponsorships.

–       Then late Wednesday, March 26th, World Vision reversed its decision, posting, “We failed to be consistent with World Vision U.S.’s commitment to the traditional understanding of Biblical marriage and our own statement of faith.”

It’s sad to see how these events are polarizing people. I have just two things to say Continue reading “Shame on us”

Scared of e-Readers?

Posted on: 02/6/14 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Shift towards e-readersThis week someone asked me, “Has the shift towards Kindle and iBooks hurt your book sales as an author?”

For me the answer was easy. “Not at all. I think it’s helped it.”

Yes, it’s a fact e-readers are growing in popularity. According to a new PewResearchCenter report last month, “the percentage of adults who read an e-book in the past year has risen to 28%, up from 23% at the end of 2012.” But this same report reveals most people who read e-books, also read print books, with only 4% of readers being e-book only.

Why am I not concerned? Probably because most Continue reading “Scared of e-Readers?”

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Smartphones for Kids?

Posted on: 01/16/14 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Girls texting“Do you know where your children are?”

If you’re my age, you probably remember that catchy slogan from the 80’s. I don’t think I’ve heard that question in over a decade. Probably because parents have access to handy little GPS locators in every one of their kid’s pockets!

They’re called “iPhones.”

The problem is, many parents are hesitant to by their 10-year-old an iPhone when they find out Continue reading “Smartphones for Kids?”