Christmas Flash Mob

Posted on: 12/23/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Let’s be honest, sometimes during Christmas we get distracted by shopping, wrapping, cooking, working… and we don’t necessarily forget, but we don’t take time to just stop and soak in the true reason behind Christmas.

Shoppers at a mall in Redondo beach couldn’t help but stop and soak it all in when a flash mob took a moment to sing and acknowledge the King. Here’s a peek:

Great fun.

Here’s another flash mob at a Macy’s in Philly I posted a few years ago.

Merry Christmas!

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What Ever Happened to Shrewd and Innocent?

Posted on: 12/19/13 12:46 PM | by Jonathan McKee

phil-robertson-suspendedI am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” -Matthew 10:16

This week Phil Robertson was suspended “indefinitely” after “disparaging gays as sinners” in his GQ interview.

Yes, it’s true. America has definitely evolved into a country where anyone who speaks their mind against homosexual behavior will be blacklisted. Just ask Victoria Jackson, or Blake Shelton… or Chick filA.

But let’s not be daft. We know better than this.

No, I’m not talking about changing our theology (I have clearly shared my own two cents on the gay issue), I’m talking about changing our methodology Continue reading “What Ever Happened to Shrewd and Innocent?”

The Kids Outside the Gates

Posted on: 10/10/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Here’s a puzzle to solve. No, it’s not a riddle or a mind bender. It’s a true ministry dilemma sure to spark discussion among people with a passion for ministry  (Which is the exact type of ‘case study’ I liked to always drop in the laps of my leadership team).

When I was in Uganda I visited a youth group made up primarily of international students from a certain private school. The kids were mixed racially and Continue reading “The Kids Outside the Gates”

The Perfect Man

Posted on: 05/30/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

“I want a man who…”

That’s how her paper started.

My daughter just graduated from High School last week and will be heading to California Baptist University in a few months. In the shuffle of paperwork flowing through her room, I noticed this paper she wrote about what she wants in a man, a list of characteristics. I loved the list!

I asked her if I could post it. Here’s Alyssa’s list:

I want a man who… (in no particular order)

  1. Doesn’t have a bad temper
  2. Respects my schedule
  3. Buys me See’s chocolates
  4. Will wait five months to Continue reading “The Perfect Man”

Seminary Trained Plumbers

Posted on: 05/20/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Do you have to be a minister… to do ministry?

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

“A fireman.”

“A doctor.”

“A pastor.”

Is one of these more noble than the next? Is only one of these jobs “ministry?”

The Washington Post just posted an article about seminary grads who Continue reading “Seminary Trained Plumbers”

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Posted on: 03/21/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

My pastor asked me if I’d go to Uganda with him again. I keep telling him, “If God tells me he wants me to go to Uganda… I’ll go.”

I’m not trying to be a pain in the butt, but I just haven’t heard the call yet.

My friends are all working on me. They all want me to go. So I’ve been asking God, “God, is this just the cool thing to do… or do you want me to go?” And I’ve been listening.

Well, as you know my daughter Alyssa just went with a team of 21 people from my church. This team consisted of my family (Alyssa, my mom and my dad) and some of my closest friends. I had other speaking engagements already scheduled, so the decision was already made for this particular trip… but now my pastor asked me Continue reading “Uganda”

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Unedited Advice to Teen Guys

Posted on: 03/12/13 2:05 PM | by Jonathan McKee

I’m in the middle of writing a devotional filled with advice for teen guys. In search of a few ideas, I sent a text to some friends and family members asking them what they would say if they could speak freely and truthfully to today’s teenaged guys.

It was funny seeing how differently each person replied. My kids took me seriously about the “truthfully” part, and their replies were hilarious. Across the board, I received some really fun and insightful answers.

Here’s what I got from a few of them… unedited.

My 17-year-old daughter Alyssa’s REAL advice to teen guys:
– Always make sure you Continue reading “Unedited Advice to Teen Guys”

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Media Fast

Posted on: 03/1/13 3:02 AM | by Jonathan McKee

No TV, no music, no texting, no movies, no Facebook, no Instagram, no Tumbler…

Sounds like teenage Hell!

Some teenagers might describe it as that, but about 100 kids at our church have opted to do this for 25 days. It’s a media fast that is preparing them for a missions trip they’ll take during Easter break.

The kids aren’t embarking on this fast alone; most the parents are doing the fast with their kids. Our house has committed to it, and it’s been Continue reading “Media Fast”

The Popularity of Unaffiliated

Posted on: 01/2/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

A new year brings new trends, and one of these growing trends just might be claiming “unaffiliated.”

On December 18th, The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life released their newest Global Religious Landscape study. In other words… who believes “what” around the world?

Christians led the pack, with 31.5% of the population claiming, “I’m Christian.” Muslims came in second (23.2%)… and then the bronze winner… “Unaffiliated.”

The picture in America isn’t much different. The number of unaffiliated rose from 15% to 19% in the last 5 years. Even more intriguing… when you break it down by age. Pew’s other recent report, “Nones” on the Rise, provides this nice chart showing the recent trends in affiliation, by generation:

As you can see, the younger the American, the greater the chance of being unaffiliated with any religion. My son’s age group (born 1990-1994) leading the pack with 34% unaffiliated.

Interesting enough, unaffiliated shouldn’t be confused with being an atheist or agnostic. While 19% of Americans claim unaffiliated, less than 5% still claim to be either atheist or agnostic. Does this mean they’ve never had doubts? Actually, PEW asked a question about doubting God’s existence. When asked if they’ve never doubted the existence of God, 80% of Americans said, “Yes, I’ve never doubted this,” compared to 88% in 1987.

What does all of this mean for us, especially those of us working with young people?

It means many of us are going to encounter different types of kids in our respective mission fields and we should take some time to consider who they are, what they believe and what our conversations with each of these kids just might look like. This is exactly what I teach in my CONNECT training workshop, and what we taught in this little youth leader training video on YouTube, Connecting with the Six Types of Kids.

(When I hear the words “unaffiliated,” I think “not interested kid.”)

What about you? How are you going to connect with each of the six types of kids we encounter in today’s culture?

FOR FURTHER READING… you’ll enjoy Jonathan’s book Connect: Real Relationships in a World of Isolation, where Jonathan helps youth leaders connect with the six types of kids they’ll encounter in their community.

Cribs: Part 3

Posted on: 12/22/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

The following guest post is a special Christmas series from George Lockhart of the Youth Culture Report:

MTV produced CRIBS, a show that takes us into the homes of famous people. In the span of 5 to 15 minutes, we can catch a glimpse of all that is important, meaningful and celebrated by this “star.” Taking virtual tours like this through a celebrity’s home reveals much about the person and gives insight to who they really are.

There’s nothing like seeing the “crib” of someone you admire or idolize! We look at houses as a reflection of who we are. Our home is an extension and revelation of what we value.

The case is no different for Jesus! Not only was the fact that Jesus was born in a manger something to take notice of but the city in which Jesus was born! Jesus made His grand appearance in a small town called Bethlehem. It is in this small village where He established His “crib.” In doing so, He fulfilled a prophecy:

Micah 5:2
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.”

In Hebrew the word “Bethlehem” means “House of Bread.” Could this be why Jesus chose to refer to Himself as the Bread of Life? If your house/crib represents you, then wouldn’t you take up the name for your house? I don’t think it’s any coincidence that Jesus is born in this “crib.” It is nothing short of the supernatural sovereignty of God that has the Bread of Life being born in the “House of Bread,” Bethlehem.

Going a step further, in Aramaic the word “Bethlehem” means “House of Flesh.” Is this more irony? Another coincidence? I believe this is HUGE! Here we have the God of all, who is Spirit, taking on FLESH! He has come. God with us is truly WITH US.  It was in the House of Flesh that Jesus became flesh with us and for us. He would never be the same, nor would we because of this one single act. God was now tangible, huggable, and even kissable, because He was in the flesh. He was able to also feel hurt, pain and even suffer death because of this incarnation. Jesus had become the physical representation of His crib, the House of Flesh.

So here we are at Christmas celebrating a babe born in a little town called Bethlehem. How would this Christmas be different if Jesus was born into you?

What if the House of Bread and the House of Flesh became the House of You?

What if Bethlehem was more about Calvary?

What if the manager was more about the resurrection and God saying to us through His Spirit: “Be Him In Them”?

If our lives are an extension of God and we are the temples in which He dwells, then we are His CRIB for life.

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