Lame Tweet Guy Twitter Contest Winners

Posted on: 05/6/11 2:38 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Last week we decided to have ourselves a little contest, and I offered a choice of any of my books to 5 winners (all the details here). A few minutes ago we just randomly drew the 5 winners.

The contest was simple. Sign up to follow either LameTweetGuy or me at InJonathansHead on Twitter. Those who did that were entered.

This contest has been fun. Since the contest has been running, LameTweetGuy has been really busy tweeting some of the most interesting tweets such as:

I love yawning!
I just paid my water bill.
I’ve got hairy elbows!
How do remote controls work?

and my favorite…

Fruit gives me gas.

Exciting stuff. (What do you expect from a guy named LameTweetGuy).

In the meantime, I’ve tweeted about Gaga’s new Judas video, “Three Buttons Every Parent Should Use,” What youth groups can do to have return visitors, some $10 and $15 training opportunities in KS and PA…. and more.

So a big thanks to our new followers. Here’s the 5 winners:

@Daveryfl, from New Port Richey, FL
@Mkranz86, from Michigan
@uthpastor, from Boerne, TX
@truthroots, from North Carolina
@jaredmburk, from PA

You 5, be sure to email me using the CONTACT US tab at the top right of this blog and tell me your name, full mailing address and which of these 8 books of mine you want me to mail to you.

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Lame Tweet Guy

Posted on: 04/29/11 2:03 PM | by Jonathan McKee

I think I’m going to reward some of you for Tweeting. (Wow, that sounds really weird without context) Yes, let’s have another little contest where I’ll give away a choice of any of my books in print. More on that in a minute.

Call me a hypocrite, but I’m really not much of a Tweeter. Yes, I have a Twitter page that I tweet on about once a day… but that doesn’t mean I like it! I think some people do like it. I can see the excitement of it in some of the people I follow. But I gotta admit, I’ve never been a fan of tweeting stuff like, “I’m mowing my lawn now!”

So I’ve tried to be good with my Tweets. I’ve tried to make them either funny, or informative or announcing something pretty cool. But all along, part of me still wonders, am I just that guy who’s saying, “Gotta go gas up the car now!”

This gave me an idea. My daughter Ashley and I started coming up with some really lame tweet ideas. “I just shaved.” or “I just pet my dog.” This gave us an idea!

I won’t take ownership of this… but I’ll just tell you this. There is now a guy out there in Twitterland called LAME TWEET GUY. (Hmmmmm. I wonder who he is!)   🙂      Here’s some of his tweets so far:

I just changed a lightbulb. 

Buying some new socks.

Just filled my dog’s water bowl.

Trimming my nose hairs.

Eating corn right now.

I’m going to the store to buy some romaine lettuce.

You can find LAME TWEET GUY by popping on my Twitter page here— then you’ll see him in my list of all the cool people I follow (I only follow 17 people). What can I say. I really enjoy LAME TWEET GUY’S tweets! He’s way more entertaining than me!

Oh yeah… THE CONTEST!!!! Okay… simple. I’ll give 5 people a choice of any of my books in print by simply beginning to follow either LAME TWEET GUY or me. Just follow one of us, or both of us (If you don’t have a Twitter page, take a few seconds and sign up, it’s simple and free), and you’ll be added to the running to win a book. I’ll draw 5 winners randomly next week and post them in this blog.

Well… I gotta go mow my lawn now.

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MTV’s Insights about the New “Kid-driven” Family

Posted on: 03/29/11 4:28 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Before I dive into today’s topic, I wanna throw something out there. Today’s blog title doesn’t mention “contest” … so I’m going to see how much you guys are actually paying attention.  😉  I’ve got some giveaways for you: I’ve got my hands on the brand new special edition of the classic Academy Award winning The Ten Commandments, the one with Charlton Heston as Moses and Yul Brynner as Pharaoh. It’s just been rereleased on Blu Ray and DVD. I’ve got a copy of each (1 Blu Ray and 1 DVD) that I’m giving away. I’ll also give away 5 copies of my new parenting book, Candid Confessions of an Imperfect Parent.

Winning will be simple. Use the comments feature on this blog to post a comment about the subject at hand today– MTV’s take on the modern family (see below). Do you agree with their conclusions or not. At the end of your comment, you must mention the city and state you live in, and whether you would prefer the Blu Ray, the DVD, or my book. I’ll draw 7 winners 24 hours from now. (WINNER NOW POSTED AT BOTTOM)

Onto the subject at hand:

My dad just finished reading my parenting book, and today he forwarded me a relevant article from Fast Company Magazine, titled, Are You M-Ready (about the generation of older teenagers and young 20-somethings known as Millennials). The article interviewed an MTV VP whose job is to research the drives, desires, passions, fears, etc. in the lives of teens today (so they can market to them).

The entire article was intriguing, but the part I found the most interesting was what he described as “tectonic forces” that move beneath much of what defines the uniqueness of this generation.” The first “force” he described was the recalibration of the nuclear family and, as consequence, the way this generation was parented. Where the old family was parent-driven, the new family is more a democracy, if not even kid-driven. Personally, I totally agree with this observation, as probably evidenced by my youth culture window article this week, Raising the Bar, where I lash parents with questions, asking them, “Have you completely given up?!!!”

Here’s MTV VP Nick Shore’s description of this family recalibration. He says it well:


A century of “parent-centered” nuclear family has steadily been under-going a paradigm shift, and may have just passed the tipping point. The nucleus of the family has been moving towards the child, and Millennials look like the first generation raised in that new nuclear family structure. No longer the hierarchical structure with authoritarian parent “leadership,” the new family is flattened to a democracy, with collective (if not kid-driven) decision-making process. Parents are more like best friends, life coaches, or as we at MTV call them “peer-ents.”

75% of Millennials in an MTV study agreed that “Parents of people my age would rather support their children than punish them,” 58% agreed, “My parents are like a best friend to me.”

No longer is it necessary to “rebel against” authoritarian parents to individuate, engage in acts of self-expression, or push at the boundaries. As one youth psychologist we work with pointed out, “Parents don’t say you can’t go to the party, they create safe spaces to consume alcohol, they say Can I pick you up afterwards?, Here’s money for a taxi.”

Sound familiar?

I’m glad to hear Nick provide some of the reasoning why parenting are lowering the bar. It’s simply because… they aren’t in charge anymore. Little Brianna is in charge, and by the way, she wants the new iPhone… today!

Thoughts? Do you observe this? Are MTV’s descriptions of parents (in this article linked above) and my description of parents (in this week’s Youth Culture Window article) fair?


Sherri in Red Lion, PADVD winner

Danielle in Tyngsboro, MA- Blu-Ray winner

Patrick in Marion, Indiana- Book winner

Nick in Orlando, FL- Book winner

Jake in Butte, MT- Book winner

Pete in Glenwood Springs, CO- Book winner

Micah in Salina, KS- Book winner

An Insane Sale and a Freebie…

Posted on: 03/2/11 5:30 PM | by Jonathan McKee

For some reason my blog never was sent out via FEEDBURNER to all my email subscribers this morning. Weird! It only went out via RSS feed. I’m plugging it again below so that my email readers don’t miss out:

A lot of buzz about my 10-Minute Talks book lately, so I thought I’d give you all an insane deal… including a freebie. More on that in a minute.

I actually heard a youth pastor give one of the talks from this book a few weeks ago– then printed out the small group questions from the free supplemental CD that comes with the book. As I saw the kids responding to the talks and the small group questions, I remember thinking, “This is cool! I wonder how much venders are actually selling this book for?” (yeah, I think these things!)  But seriously, it’s funny looking at the variety of prices that people sell your books for around the web.

Right now BORDERS is selling it for retail which is $24.99, YS is selling it for $21.24, Amazon has it for $18.24. So I had my web guy go in and drop it down to almost 40% off. We’re selling it for just $15.99… that includes the supplemental CD that has all the transcripts of the talks and a complete small group curriculum– small questions and scripture that go with each talk (I include a link to sample talk with the small group questions from the book and CD on this page).

But what the heck… I’ll even throw in another bonus. The first 10 of you– my blog readers– to order the book today… no… I’ll do better than that. I’ll do it for ALL of you just this week. For EVERY person that orders the book this week and puts MR. or MRS. or MS. in front of their name (when you fill out your mailing address), I’ll throw in a free copy of my book, THE TOP 12 RESOURCES THAT YOUTH WORKERS WANT. I’ll do that all week with the order of any of my books, for those that follow directions.  🙂

Buy it from us RIGHT HERE.

The First Ten of You…

Posted on: 03/1/11 1:23 PM | by Jonathan McKee

A lot of buzz about my 10-Minute Talks book lately, so I thought I’d give you all an insane deal… including a freebie. More on that in a minute.

I actually heard a youth pastor give one of the talks from this book a few weeks ago– then printed out the small group questions from the free supplemental CD that comes with the book. As I saw the kids responding to the talks and the small group questions, I remember thinking, “This is cool! I wonder how much venders are actually selling this book for?” (yeah, I think these things!)  But seriously, it’s funny looking at the variety of prices that people sell your books for around the web.

Right now BORDERS is selling it for retail which is $24.99, YS is selling it for $21.24, Amazon has it for $18.24. So I had my web guy go in and drop it down to almost 40% off. We’re selling it for just $15.99… that includes the supplemental CD that has all the transcripts of the talks and a complete small group curriculum– small questions and scripture that go with each talk (I include a link to sample talk with the small group questions from the book and CD on this page).

But what the heck… I’ll even throw in another bonus. The first 10 of you– my blog readers– to order the book today… no… I’ll do better than that. I’ll do it for ALL of you just this week. For EVERY person that orders the book this week and puts MR. or MRS. or MS. in front of their name (when you fill out your mailing address), I’ll throw in a free copy of my book, THE TOP 12 RESOURCES THAT YOUTH WORKERS WANT. I’ll do that all week with the order of any of my books, for those that follow directions.  🙂

Buy it from us RIGHT HERE.

A Quick Little Give-away

Posted on: 02/14/11 12:29 PM | by Jonathan McKee

I know you all love free stuff… so I’m going to go ahead and give you a chance to quickly win some free books and DVDs… in the next 24 hours! (How’s that for “quickly”?)


Tomorrow the movie “Waiting for Superman,” the award-winning documentary shedding light on our country’s failing public school system, releases on BluRay and DVD. I have 5 copies to give away. (I like what they’re doing with the promotion of this film. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of each BluRay/DVD goes to benefit, an independent non-profit organization trying to improve high school graduation rates and college-going rates)

And what the heck… I’ll give 5 of my books away too. Any one of my seven books in print.

Winning is simple.

Just pop on our brand new and take a peek around the page. Then come back to this blog and simply post two things: a comment telling us what you think of, and where you live (just city and state is fine- I’ll get full addresses from winners).


I’m Karen from Hershey, PA and I can’t wait to read some of these helpful articles posted in the PARENTING HELP section! They look awesome.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon I’ll pick 10 winners (5 books and 5 DVDS) from the people who commented.

Doesn’t get simpler than that!

WINNERS: I have emailed the following 10 winners of this contest. If you are listed and did not receive an email from me, please use the CONTACT US button at the top of my blog and drop me a note.

Vallerie from Espanola, NM
Henry from Douglas, GA
Yong from Chatsworth, CA
Shelly from Denison, IA
Kris from Elkton, KY
Dave from Cookeville, TN
Eric from Wheaton, IL
Evelyn from Auburn Hills, MI
Peggy from Lincoln, NE
Kelly from Hiawassee, GA

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Contest Winners

Posted on: 02/3/11 11:58 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It’s time to announce the winners to our little contest.

As most of you know, last week I offered up any one of my seven books currently in print to 10 different people who would simply jump on our new MUSIC and MOVIE CLIP discussion pages and just rate the resource and/or post a comment. Here’re all the details of the contest.

Pretty simple. Hundreds of comments and ratings posted… 10 winners. Here they are.


I just sent these 10 people emails congratulating them.

For the rest of you… you’re winners too (now I sound like that teacher at school… you know the one)… because you can make great use of our free MOVIE CLIP DISCUSSIONS and MUSIC DISCUSSIONS. Please continue to post your comments and rate them one through five stars, helping make it an even better resource!

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Wow! That’s a lot of mistakes!

Posted on: 02/1/11 10:12 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Okay… my poor web guy had a bad day yesterday. I’ll keep it simple– a bunch of stuff broke, and he worked a 20-hour day trying to fix everything.

That being said… our annual Super Bowl Quiz that we sent out to our EZINE subscribers this morning was ROYALLY MESSED UP!!! (to put it nicely)

No worries. We’ve got it all corrected and sent out a new “Big Game Quiz” to all our EZINE subscribers (you can sign up to subscribe to our free EZINE at the top right of So if you’re looking for a CORRECT copy of the quiz, CLICK HERE. (where I also detail exactly how we dealt with my web guy!)

NEW NOTE: Another mistake on the answer for number 37. The answer is actually C. The Steelers have only won 6 Super Bowls. (Now I’ll have to have Todd tortured as well)

Also, if you missed my blog yesterday, be sure to tune into the Law Abiding Texan informing us on what we can and cannot do this year at our “Big Game” party (that’s right, we can’t even call it a Super Bowl Party). CLICK HERE for that blog.

Enjoy the game! (I’m gonna enjoy half of it!)

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Wow… it doesn’t get easier than this

Posted on: 01/30/11 4:58 PM | by Jonathan McKee

So last Thursday I announced a contest where I’m going to give away some of my books to 10 different people. I’m running this contest thru the end of this week… it doesn’t get any easier than this to win a book of your choice.

It’s like this. Jump on our totally revamped MOVIE CLIP DISCUSSIONS page and/or our MUSIC DISCUSSIONS page, comment and vote… and you’re entered to win. How’s that for simple?

The more of these dicussions that you rate/comment, the more times your name gets thrown in the hopper.

This is pretty easy folks. Most of you have already used many of these  MOVIE CLIP DISCUSSIONS and/or MUSIC DISCUSSIONS … so it will be even easier. Just pop on the page, click on the discussions you used… then rate and comment.

Good chances for winning here– plus, you help us keep our pages more accurate with your feedback!

I’ll draw the names at the end of the week.


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A Little Movie/Music “Contest” for ya

Posted on: 01/27/11 11:02 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Okay… I’m feeling like giving some books away.

I’m going to give away 10 of my books. 10 people will win a book of their choice… and winning is very simple. Here’s how to play.

We just totally revamped our new MOVIE CLIP DISCUSSIONS page and our MUSIC DISCUSSIONS page on our site (I have to specify which site now that we have our parents site also). These pages are awesome! Now they are each organized by the song/movie (and the songs can also be organized by artist), topic of discussion, and rating. This is a great tool… because once people start going thru and rating these discussion resources, people will be able to organize them and select them by the “highest rated.” Pretty cool, huh?

So here’s what I want you to do. I want you to check out some of these resources- just give a few of them a solid read-thru. Each of them provides small group questions, transition statements, wrap ups, etc. (all you need, really). Read em, then post a comment and rate em! (choose 1 thru 5 stars).

For some of you, this will be easy. You can start by just rating/commenting on the MUSIC or MOVIE discussions you have already used with your group. Let us know how the discussion went. Rate them suitably. I just did this myself on the Movie Clip Discussions page. I organized the list by Title, selected the “Batman Begins” discussion (my absolute favorite), made a comment and rated it.

Each time you post a comment and rate one of these resources… I’ll put your name in the hopper for a free book. Yep. If you rate 15 of our resources… your name goes in there 15 times!

I’ll draw 10 winners.

I’ll run this contest for a week or so then post the winners in my blog. Winners can select any of my books. So rate/comment as many of those discussions as possible!

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