Top Tunes of 2015

Posted on: 12/22/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

2015-music-coversAs 2015 comes to an end, it’s always intriguing to look back at what young people were listening to.

Many of you may remember exactly how much young people value music from our recent Youth Culture Window article about entertainment media saturation. In this article we not only learned that today’s teens spend about 9 hours a day soaking in entertainment media and technology, but also that they sited music as their favorite media activity, devoting 1 hours and 54 minute per day to their favorite tunes (Common Sense Media, page 18).

The question you might ask is, “What are their favorite tunes?”

Here they are, all the No. 1’s of 2015, in our brand new Youth Culture Window article. These are the songs that made it all the way to the top… and then some tips on how we can dialogue with our kids about them.

CLICK HERE: Mature Messages in Today’s Music

Best Movie of the Decade

Posted on: 12/19/15 5:25 PM | by Jonathan McKee

starwars-fa posterI just saw the best movie I’ve seen in a decade… twice!

For those who have been following my Insta or Twitter… you’ve been hearing little blips of my excitement about the new Star Wars film that premiered this weekend. I went with my son on opening day (official opening day, Friday… I’m getting too old for midnight premiers), and then again with my girls the next day.

Sooooooooo good!

It was so fun, not only as a 45-year-old man who saw the original Star Wars as a kid back in 1977, but also as a parent now seeing this film 37 years later with my own teens.

But don’t let me lead you astray; this film isn’t Continue reading “Best Movie of the Decade”

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Top TV in 2015

Posted on: 12/14/15 8:49 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Families-Watch-Walking-DeadWhat are the top shows Americans are watching in 2015? Nielsen just cranked out the results.

But note that I said, “Americans” …not American teens or American families. That’s a huge difference, simply because Grandpa watches a whole lot more TV than my generation and my kids’ generation (today’s teens like screens, but primetime TV isn’t the top activity on their list). So don’t be surprised when you see Dancing with the Stars and NCIS on the list, and you don’t see The Voice (a teen favorite) on the list.

But Grandpa’s influence aside, you’ll still notice America’s love for Continue reading “Top TV in 2015”


Posted on: 12/8/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Most-Popular-Word-2015Honestly, if I were to choose the word for this year, it would be “honestly.”

It’s been building momentum for years, but honestly, this year it seems to have hit dynamic equilibrium. The word has reached its maximum capacity. Honestly, this young generation couldn’t possibly use it more than they already do (It’s hardly even noticeable when I overuse the word, isn’t it? Some of you are thinking, “Honestly, it is.”)

Think about it. Teenagers today can’t answer a question without saying the word “honestly.” Try it. Go ask a teenager Continue reading “Honestly”

Want a Sneak Peak?

Posted on: 12/3/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

52-Ways-to-Connect-with-Smartphone-KidMany of you have been hearing the buzz about my upcoming book, 52 Ways to Connect With Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid: How to Engage with Kids Who Can’t Seem to Pry Their Eyes from Their Devices (NOW AVAILABLE).

Would you like a sneak peek?

It’s this simple: I’m looking for some parents and youth workers who are willing to take a peek at this book and give me their honest two cents. In return, I’ll give them a free copy of the book when it’s released.

The only catch: I need a one-week turnaround with your comments.

It’s a quick read. I’ve actually only got a little over 30 ways to connect so far… just wanted some feedback before I finish.

So if you’re interested in reading what I got so far and sending me your comments, all in a week’s time… email me at [email protected] with the subject line: I’m in

Teens’ Advice for Parents

Posted on: 12/1/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

talking-with-teens“Don’t yell as much.”

“Don’t stress over the little things.”

“Let me learn from my mistakes.”

From the mouths of babes.

I love hearing the teen perspective on parenting. And that’s exactly what Elise just received in 20/20.

Elise is a youth worker who just polled the teenagers in her class of middle and high school students about their relationship with their parents and where God fits into that relationship. She asked them Continue reading “Teens’ Advice for Parents”