I love giving stuff away…and today, this week, and in the next few weeks we’re giving away some really cool free prizes just as a thanks for reading, commenting, Liking, and Tweeting our free resources. Here’s a peek at the prizes and contests!
Life in 6 Words 7 Session DVD Curriculum— Today, ending Tuesday, March 20th. It’s simple– tweet, Like, rate or comment any of our FREE TRAINING TOOLS articles on the HELP ME page and you qualify to win. Details here. Announcing the winner at the end of the day, March 20th.
Real Conversations 4 Session DVD Curriculum– Later this week, ending mid April. This new evangelism curriculum is going to be available soon, so YS is sponsoring a video contest where youth groups create funny 1-minute videos demonstrating some over-the-top, awful attempts at evangelism. Winner will get the curriculum with up to 50 participant guides and a copy of every YS book I’ve written (that’s 5 books in addition to this curriculum). More details coming in this blog later this week.
Do They Run When They See You Coming?– Next week. Our free book of the week will be given free to anyone who uploads a video for the above Real Conversations contest.
Building a Youth Ministry that Builds Disciples, by Duffy Robbins– Following Week. The next book of the week giveaway.
That’s just a glimpse! The more connected you are, the easier it is to win. So make sure you’re a subscriber to this blog, you “Like” our Facebook.com/TheSource4YM page, and follow me on Twitter.
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