What Parents Need to Know about Zendaya and Euphoria

Posted on: 08/6/19 7:52 PM | by Jonathan McKee

What do you get when a former Disney star feels the need to break free from innocent roles?

No, I’m not talking about Miley, or Selena…I’m talking about the 2019 Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Awards “Favorite Female TV Star,” Zendaya, who many of you might know as ‘MJ’ in the most recent Spiderman: Far from Home…and let’s just say her most recent HBO show Euphoria is a little far from home.

Exactly how far does this TV-MA series stray?

The plot “keywords” might give you an idea Continue reading “What Parents Need to Know about Zendaya and Euphoria”

Coming to TN, CO, OK, KS. . .and more

Posted on: 07/30/19 5:08 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Next week Lori and I take off to MO, then onto TN to speak (which we are super excited about. . .because our newly married baby girl Ashley lives there!)

Here’s a quick glimpse at my speaking calendar for the next few months, because anywhere you see “parenting workshop” it’s usually open to the public. (Or click here for my actual speaking calendar where you can click on these individual links)

Don’t see me in your city? Consider bringing me out.

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Instagram Hides “Likes”

Posted on: 07/23/19 5:47 AM | by Jonathan McKee

In the last year we’ve seen some really positive strides by tech and social media giants to actually help the mental health of its users…last year when IOS and Droid released new updates that includes screen time limits, downtime, etc… and now Instagram testing (lets just hope it lasts) hiding the likes everyone receives in effort to create a “less pressurized environment.”

This is HUGE for young people today.

It’s like this:

Kristy posts a picture of her new shoes and gets 32 likes Continue reading “Instagram Hides “Likes””

How to Help Your Kids Dodge Digital Distractions

Posted on: 07/14/19 11:53 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Hands down, the biggest question I’m asked at my parent workshops is, “How can we help our kids if they are spending too much time with screens?”

Great question. And here’s another place you can find the answer.

I’ve been collaborating with Focus on the Family a lot lately, getting to know their leaders (my podcast interviewing Jim and John from the Focus Daily Show), speaking for them, writing articles, shooting podcasts and doing radio shows. It’s been fun working with them in this role, so much in fact that they have brought me on as a “Focus on the Family Associate.”

This doesn’t mean we’re married… but we’re dating.   🙂

In short, I provide them with content, and they plug much of our content at A win/win for both ministries.

They just released one of my new articles on their site with four tips moms and dads can use to help their kids who might be clocking in too much screen time Continue reading “How to Help Your Kids Dodge Digital Distractions”

80’s fads they NEED to bring back

Posted on: 06/24/19 3:19 PM | by Jonathan McKee

(and a few that are better long gone)

I was in 4thgrade when I entered the 80’s.

Good times.

I have nostalgic memories of gliding along to Journey at the roller rink, or watching Family Ties and the Cosby Show (yeah… before “Cosby” was a bad word) on Thursday nights with the family!

Looking back, I can’t help but wonder where some of those fun fads have gone, like guys wearing no socks with a suit, or girls with bangs so high they added 6-inches to their height (okay, maybe I’m glad that one is gone) Continue reading “80’s fads they NEED to bring back”

New film about South Carolina Church shooting

Posted on: 06/17/19 7:39 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Many of you might have heard the buzz about the new film, Emanuel, about the 2015 shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC (a film produced by Steph Curry).

Our THE SOURCE writer Rob Chagdes had an opportunity to preview the film and gives us his two cents:

Emanuel Movie Review
Rob Chagdes 

Nine African Americans were murdered by a white male Dylan Roof. The new documentary Emanuel tells the story. The 75 minute film weaves themes of racism, faith, and forgiveness through interviews with survivors and others who were impacted by the tragedy Continue reading “New film about South Carolina Church shooting”

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My sermon about battling anger

Posted on: 06/10/19 7:15 PM | by Jonathan McKee

What is the secret to battling anger?

That’s the sermon I preached this past weekend, Part II of a five week series I’m teaching about loving others… which is really about how we need to stay connected to Jesus so HIS strength flows through us (yes… king of like a Jedi!)

Last week my BIG IDEA was: When authentic faith saturates us, love leaks out.

Yesterday my BIG IDEA was: When I’m tempted to lose control, the answer isn’t self control… it’s taking the time to give HIM control. (I’ve posted an updated version on the TALKS/SERMONS page of HERE.)

Next week my topic is Forgiveness… and I’m flirting with this for the BIG IDEA: Forgiveness is the key unlocking us from the torture-chamber of bitterness

You gonna get ate up

Posted on: 06/4/19 3:28 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Classic 2 minute video trending on YouTube right now… probably in part to Craig Groechel’s amazing post where he played this video and talked about it. (Shout out to Craig- he can preach!)

The video is from “Sister Pooh,” and let me just say this: She is an amazing communicator!

Watch this quick little video, if you haven’t already stumbled upon it Continue reading “You gonna get ate up”

Ted Bundy’s take on porn

Posted on: 05/23/19 10:16 AM | by Jonathan McKee

In the last two weeks I watched the Netflix documentary about serial killer Ted Bundy. . .fascinating and truly frightening.

As I was watching it I wondered if they’d mention the Dr. James Dobson interview because Dobson was actually the last person to interview Bundy before his execution. Sure enough… they offered a little blip at the end of the documentary.

Bundy was very open about the influence pornography had in his life Continue reading “Ted Bundy’s take on porn”

Helping Teens Become Wise with Their Screens

Posted on: 05/15/19 3:22 AM | by Jonathan McKee

How should parents, mentors, teachers and youth workers respond to a generation that can’t seem to pry their eyes from their screens? The answer is conversations… and here is a YouTube video where I present four necessary conversations we need to have with today’s young people!

This is a talk I gave at Summit Ministries’ Basecamp event in Colorado Springs last week… and they just posted my talk to YouTube! The topic was helping teens become wise with their screens… only 30 minutes and change. Enjoy! (He introduces me at 4 minutes and 30 seconds into the video.) Continue reading “Helping Teens Become Wise with Their Screens”