My sermon about battling anger

Posted on: 06/10/19 7:15 PM | by Jonathan McKee

What is the secret to battling anger?

That’s the sermon I preached this past weekend, Part II of a five week series I’m teaching about loving others… which is really about how we need to stay connected to Jesus so HIS strength flows through us (yes… king of like a Jedi!)

Last week my BIG IDEA was: When authentic faith saturates us, love leaks out.

Yesterday my BIG IDEA was: When I’m tempted to lose control, the answer isn’t self control… it’s taking the time to give HIM control. (I’ve posted an updated version on the TALKS/SERMONS page of HERE.)

Next week my topic is Forgiveness… and I’m flirting with this for the BIG IDEA: Forgiveness is the key unlocking us from the torture-chamber of bitterness

One Reply to “My sermon about battling anger”

  1. Jonathan, thanks so much for posting your sermon. Even though I heard it in person, I was blessed once again by reading it. I especially enjoyed the background info. I also thought the quote by Ironside was particularly applicable to us today. I am looking forward to your next message!

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