Parent Reactions

Posted on: 09/30/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

teenagers-phone-adviceI love hearing feedback from parents after they attend one of my Parenting the Smartphone Generation workshops– it’s fun to hear how their kids respond when the parents arrive home with all this new information (knowing that I’m telling their parents to start paying attention to what they are watching, what sites they are browsing, etc.), and I’m always curious to hear how the parents responded to the glimpse I gave them of music, TV, video games and other entertainment media.

A good friend forwarded me the feedback from a church in Amish Pennsylvania where I spoke about three weeks ago. They actually printed the parent feedback right in one of their newsletters to the church.

Here’s the feedback, as printed Continue reading “Parent Reactions”

10 Things That Made Me Pause in Uganda

Posted on: 09/22/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Uganda-childI’m in my second week of my visit here to Kampala. Three days left. We’ve done three full days of training, I’ve spoke at several schools, met with youth workers, preached three services yesterday (three 2-hour services… a little longer than I’m used to. Wow!), and spoke at an Anglican conference that brought people from all over the region. It’s been a crazy week… with some amazing moments!

Here’s 10 things that caused me to pause and take notice in Uganda: Continue reading “10 Things That Made Me Pause in Uganda”

Free Online Training

Posted on: 09/4/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Screen Shot 2014-09-03 at 7.40.40 AMI constantly receive emails from people who can’t come to one of my training workshops, but wonder if we provide any free online training.

I’ve always answered, “Yes!” and provided a link to our Free Training Tools page, which includes a myriad of free online video training. But here’s the link to another training… this time… an entire workshop I taught online via “webinar” earlier this year titled, Grappling with the Smartphone Generation.

NOTE: I don’t typically like these kind of “online training webinars”… because they’re a little static and dry Continue reading “Free Online Training”

Dad’s Version of “Rude”

Posted on: 07/22/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Dad-Rude-ParodyMagic’s song “Rude” has been at the top of the charts for over a month now, currently at the No. 1 spot on Billboard, Spotify and iTunes. And now, a parody of the song is going viral on YouTube.

Magic’s version (the one you hear playing in Target, the Grocery Store and the gas station literally every hour of every day) is a song about a young man asking his girlfriend’s dad for his daughter’s hand in marriage. When he find’s out the answer is “no’, he decided he’s “gonna marry her anyway.”

Here’s a peek at some of the Continue reading “Dad’s Version of “Rude””

Kids or Adults?

Posted on: 06/24/14 5:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Dad watching TVThe biggest complaint I hear from parents is about the amount of time their kids are glued to their entertainment and technology.

Kids are glued?

Pop Quiz: Which generation watches more TV in America?

A.  My 16-year-old daughter?
B.  My 21-year-old son?
C.  Me (44, yet young and ruggedly handsome?)
D.  My 72-year-old dad?

In a world where young people spend so much time glued to screens, the answer might surprise some of you. The answer is Continue reading “Kids or Adults?”

64 Percent of High School Seniors Have Had Sex

Posted on: 06/19/14 5:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

teens in loveAre more kids having sex than years prior?

The answer depends on where and when.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) just released their brand new Youth Risk Behavior Survey (one of the three studies I’ve been anticipating), a study released every other year that asks teenagers about risky behaviors such as smoking, drinking, fighting at school, sexual activity… and even if they wear a seatbelt. The report breaks the numbers down by state, race, or grade, as well as providing national averages.

As an author who is just finishing up two books about sex, one to parents and another to teenagers, I immediately turned to Continue reading “64 Percent of High School Seniors Have Had Sex”

3 Studies I Eagerly Await

Posted on: 05/29/14 5:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

teen-social-media-hookup-cultureAs you know, I like to keep my thumb on the pulse of youth culture. (Funny analogy. Does anyone really take someone’s pulse with a thumb?) This means hanging out with teenagers, but also keeping my eyes on research about youth culture and technology.

Currently there are three reports I am eagerly awaiting because of what they tell us about teens and tweens today Continue reading “3 Studies I Eagerly Await”


Posted on: 05/13/14 5:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

teenagers-listening-parentsI’m working on a brand new Parenting Help article that will be featured on the front page of next week. I thought I’d give you, my blog subscribers, a first peek at it and throw me some feedback.

Which do you think is a more effective way to teach today’s young people how to make good decisions?

“You should do this.”


“What do you think you should do?”

It’s funny how often parents, mentors, and youth pastors end up becoming the voice of “you should” or “you should not” in a young person’s life Continue reading “Moving from YOU SHOULD to SHOULD YOU?”

The Lonely Road of Doing Whatever You Want

Posted on: 05/6/14 3:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Miley-do-what-you-wantThe following is an excerpt from my new book, The Guy’s Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. This is just one of the 101 pieces of advice I offer to young guys in that book.

In the summer of 2013, Miley Cyrus came out with a song with the following lyrics:

It’s our party we can do what we want
It’s our party we can say what we want
It’s our party we can love who we want

Repeated throughout the chorus is the line:

Doing whatever we want

Wouldn’t that be nice? I guess it’s possible . . . as long as Continue reading “The Lonely Road of Doing Whatever You Want”

The Social Media Irony

Posted on: 04/24/14 3:20 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Millennial watching laptop(and 5 Ideas to “Socialize”
the Socially Isolated)

In a world where 4 out of 5 teenagers are social media users, you’d think young people would be growing more… social?

Sadly, no.

In fact, most research is revealing quite the opposite. The reality is, the more time a young person spends dialoguing with people through screens, the fewer close friends they have, and the more difficult it becomes for them to actually communicate with people face to face.

Let’s break that down, and then I’ll provide 5 ideas to help you “socialize” a generation who have socially isolated themselves Continue reading “The Social Media Irony”