
Posted on: 11/25/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

One thing I really love about Thanksgiving is the fact that it triggers much of the country to stop and reflect about what they’re thankful for. Here’s the top 7 items on my “thankful for” this year:

  1. My 18-year-old daughter Alyssa came home from college for a week! (Man, we miss her!)
  2. My 16-year-old daughter Ashley Continue reading “Thankful”

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Not So Sweet Dreams

Posted on: 11/1/13 11:34 AM | by Jonathan McKee

unmade bedLast night I had a really cool dream… and then, like always, it fell apart. Literally.

I dreamed that I was with my family at a restaurant that served the world’s biggest burger. The burger came on this huge platter and was so tall, that it was laid down sideways across the platter so as not to spill. It had multiple layers of bun, huge patties and every cool topping you could imagine (You have to understand my love for food to comprehend why this would be such a good dream).

So just as we began to dig into this amazing burger, my dream pulled one of its typical maneuvers and became Continue reading “Not So Sweet Dreams”

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Running for you

Posted on: 10/17/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It’s that time a year again… the one time I actually ask you for a favor. My daughter and I are each running in ENDURE, our big fundraising event this Saturday, and all the proceeds go 100% to you!

If you have used the free resources on our websites, then you know that’s truly what they are… free. No catch there. We have literally thousands of pages of free resources (games, music discussions, curriculum, youth culture articles, event ideas, etc.) and one page where you can buy some books if you really want to. No strings attached at and

This Saturday is a chance for us to raise funds to keep the resources free. So if you’d like to help, donating is easy. You can jump on THIS PAGE, give a general donation, or sponsor me, or my daughter Ashley… all the money goes to the same place. The Source is a non profit dedicated to providing free resources around the world.

Donate Here!


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Brand New Training

Posted on: 10/1/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

This weekend I launch a brand new workshop at one of my favorite conferences, the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention (NYWC).

Thursday I’m loading up Lori and Ashley, and we’ll be driving the 8-hour jaunt from Sacramento down to San Diego for NYWC. This convention is always a lot of fun, getting to connect with friends like Doug Fields, Mark Matlock and Greg Stier; but this weekend will have an extra little perk… we get to see Continue reading “Brand New Training”

iPhone Scavenger Hunt

Posted on: 09/23/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

My daughter Ashley wanted to do something a little different for her 16th birthday party with her friends, so I reached into my old youth ministry toolkit ( and planned something just a little different than the same ol’ same ol.’ We called it the “Great Hunt.”

It was a blast! (I embedded the video below)

We didn’t tell her friends anything in advance other than Continue reading “iPhone Scavenger Hunt”

Proud Daddy

Posted on: 07/22/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Saturday was a fun day for me as a dad and a husband. I, once again, participated in Sacramento’s “no swim” triathlon called Eppie’s Great Race… but this time my wife and my daughter did it too.

My daughter Alyssa and I both did the “ironman” (run, bike, and kayak) and Lori ran with a team.

Both girls did better than they thought they’d do. They ran together, clocking roughly 8:30 minute/miles for the 5.82 mile run. Alyssa then hopped on her mountain bike for the 12.5 mile ride, averaging over 17mph (which is good for a mountain bike, especially after a run), then did the 6.35 mile paddle in about 57 minutes, for a total time of 2 hours and 33 minutes. She’s a stud!

My time was 3 minutes Continue reading “Proud Daddy”

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Experiencing New York City

Posted on: 07/17/13 10:23 AM | by Jonathan McKee

This past week I took my 15-year-old daughter Ashley on one of my speaking trips, speaking 8 times in three states… then two days in New York City just for fun!

Rather than blabbing all about it… here’s the picture highlights:

The flight out was very comfortable. It’s always nice when the person next to you doesn’t take up any of your elbow room at all Continue reading “Experiencing New York City”

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shortest post ever

Posted on: 05/22/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

On layover flight in LA… tired. Jet lagged.

Looking at my speaking schedule… really excited about teaching at all three STUDENT LEADERSHIP CONFERENCES with Doug Fields this Summer (Dallas, SoCal, and Philly)… check it out:

Also excited about our new book for parents that just released: SHOULD I JUST SMASH MY KID’S PHONE?

Starting to book a ton of workshops already for this fall. See here:  (still updating a few dates)

Must sleep… ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz

A Week Off

Posted on: 04/25/13 12:03 PM | by Jonathan McKee

I just spent a week hanging out with my bride on vacation. We used some airline miles and hotel points and went to a tropical escape (a pic I took yesterday) for 6 nights… and wow! It was so nice just having “us” time.

(This is rather ironic… as I’m writing this, here in my hotel just 30 minutes before we leave for the airport, my wife is now tugging at my shirt, saying, “Come hang with me.” So I’m neglecting her for 5 minutes to write to you about how important she is. This will be a quick post.)

We spent 7 days Continue reading “A Week Off”

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You Must Rest

Posted on: 04/18/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Tonight I leave for a week long vacation with my bride. You won’t be hearing from me for a week!

I’m so looking forward to this break. As I’ve grown older (and hopefully a little wiser), I’ve learned I have to go away on a vacation. If I don’t go away… I work!

Do not worship other Gods
Do not worship idols
Do not steal

Check, check, check…

Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy

Hmmmm… uh… does that mean the whole day?

It’s funny, but sometimes the commandment I have the most trouble keeping is the one that tells me Continue reading “You Must Rest”

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