
Posted on: 07/7/09 10:52 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Wow… internet access. Cool!

I’m on my fourth day of travel with my family in the Olympia (Seattle), WA area and it’s been a blur. I’m speaking at a camp called Black Lake Bible Camp this week. I’m excited because it’s been a great opportunity for ministry and a great family time for me as well.

Last night I presented the Gospel at the camp and over 30 kids gave their lives to Christ. Exciting stuff. It’s so cool seeing students praying one-on-one with counselors. Every student has a unique situation and I think one-on-one counseling is essential (I’ve jumped on my soapbox about this before) in these situations. It’s fun being just a small part of what’s going on at this junior high camp this week.

As I mentioned, I brought the family with me and we’ve been having a fun time traveling Southern Washington in between my speaking. Today we are hitting the Seattle downtown. My wife and kids have never been there, so today I’ll take them to the Pikes fish market, the pier, the Space Needle, etc. Fun stuff.

Gotta run. Just wanted to keep you posted!

If you think of it, pray for me each night at 8PM Pacific Coast time as I’m speaking to this group of junior high students.

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Social Networking Growth Explodes

Posted on: 06/4/09 9:27 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Just when you thought Facebook couldn’t get any bigger…

Social Networking (MySpace, Facebook, etc.) continues to grow and expand, reaching new age groups and slowly replacing good ol’ email.

You know… those little quizes like “What are you doing right now?” Or “25 Random Things About Me.” According to a recent Nielsen Online study, the latter quiz took 13.9 billion minutes of our time this year, compared to only 1.7 billion last year. “That’s a 700 percent increase,” as this Yahoo Tech News article puts it.

Great article. I encourage you to read it. Other interesting tidbits from it:

  • Twitter saw a 3712 percent year-over-year increase, clocking in nearly 300,000 total minutes for that site in April 2009
  • MySpace still rules the video streams. Users spent 384 million minutes viewing video on MySpace in April vs only 113.5 on Facebook
  • Facebook holds our attention more than any other site
  • People like blogs and social networks better than email
  • The greatest growth for Facebook has come from the 35- to 49-year-old crowd, and has added twice as many 50- to 64-year-old members than it did of the under- 18 group.


Personally… I’m not sure that these trends are healthy. Even though technology can be a positive thing, I don’t like how much it’s replacing face to face conversation. Don’t hear me wrong. I think these technologies can be great, when used in moderation. But there’s a point where we need to just say, “enough.”

I touch on this subject quite a bit in my upcoming book, Connect. (I’ve posted about this social isolation trend before)

I’ve been resisting the pressure to twitter, Facebook, etc. for a while now, with some criticism. But for me, personally, I have enough technology in my life. Any more, and it’s gonna start hindering my face to face relationships (with my wife and kids especially). So I will continue to use some technology (I text my son and my daughter, I use email and a social network site to keep tabs on friends), but I’m resisting others.

Marko (Youth Specialties CEO) made a recent decision to cut off his blog, Twittering, etc. He talks about it in his last blog post. I respect that decision. It’s an individual decision- one we have to moderate ourselves.

Food for thought!

(ht to David)

My Son is Driving

Posted on: 06/1/09 9:20 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It’s official. He’s on the streets!

I took Alec to his driving test Friday. He turned 16 a couple weeks ago and had been looking forward to this day for a while now. But as any good American knows… a trip to DMV is always a unique experience.

That morning Alec was a nervous wreck. I tried to console him, assuring him that I wasn’t worried and he’d do great. He’s been driving with us (with his permit) for the last 6 months and he’s shown really good improvement. He cautious, comfortable and aware. Aside from a few “slam on the brake moments” over the months… I was pretty confident that he’d do well.

When we arrived at the good ol’ DMV we checked in and he pulled his car up to the spot where the “tester” meets you in the car and takes you on the drive. I stood outside, chatting it up with a security guard.

There were several cars in front of my sons and two “testers” were on duty. One was a middle aged lady, the other was a blonde girl that couldn’t be more than 20 years old. At first glance, I couldn’t believe she was one of the “testers.” I thought she was some 16-year-old girl getting her license.

I went to the car to check in on my son. I asked him, “did you see the two ladies testing?” His eyes got really big and he replied, “Oh yeah. I hope I get the hot one!”


I went back to the front of the DMV and stood with the guard and watched people getting back from driving tests- some happy… some not. I asked the guard if he saw a bunch of these people coming and going. He was telling me all kinds of stories- it was quickly evident that this guy had seen a lil bit of everything when it came to people passing and failing their tests. So I asked him, “What is the biggest reason people fail their tests?”

Without hesitation he listed three things. “Oh, that’s easy. The railroad tracks up the road actually have a sign telling you to stop, and people often fly right through those. Then there is a “yield” where it is written on the road- but no sign. People sometimes don’t even slow down for that either. Lastly, people pull into the bike lanes too soon for a right hand turn. People need to wait for the dotted lines.”

I thanked him for his insight and quickly passed it onto my son, still in the car waiting for his “tester” to arrive.

God must have answered his prayers… he got the “hot one.”   🙂

I don’t know if he was more nervous or me.

As he was out driving with Paris Hilton, I asked the guard, “So can you tell if the person passed or failed as soon as they pull up?”


As my son pulled up in the car, I couldn’t read his face. I snapped a quick picture with my phone. He was soooooo nervous. I looked to the guard.

The guard said, “He passed.”

Sure enough… he had zero corrections. He aced it.

Props to the “hot one.”


So watch out. My son is now on the road… and my insurance is now through the roof. Aye aye aye.

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Good ol’ Fashioned Customer Service

Posted on: 05/28/09 12:13 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Today I had an experience that was rare… good ol’ fashioned customer service.

It started with a burnt out brake light. My son just turned 16 (aye aye aye!!!), and he takes his drivers’ license test tomorrow. (did I mention… aye aye aye!!!) The first thing the DMV guy is gonna do is check the car to make sure it’s in proper working condition, including all signals, brake lights, etc. Our right brake is out… so I needed to fix it before my son’s test tomorrow.

Lori (my sweet bride) has been kindly reminding me all week to fix that. Today (24 hours before the test) I decided to try to be a man, open the trunk and figure out how to replace this simple tail light.

Aye aye aye!!!

What happened to simple old tail lights that can be removed with a screwdriver? I needed a Phd to take this thing apart! So I opted to take it to a trusted mechanic around the corner from my house. The place is called “Scotty’s” and they have taken care of my cars for years. Lately they haven’t seen much of me because we have newer Nissans… and those cars just don’t break down! But I rolled in there and asked if they could replace the light for me.

20 minutes later they were done and they told me, “you’re all set!” and handed me my keys.

I asked, “How much do I owe you.”


“Come on,” I argued. “Let me at least pay for the bulb.”

“Just bring it back in when you need something done.”

I wish businesses would learn from this model. Of COURSE I’m going to bring my car back there. That’s actually why I brought it to them in the first place. They’re not only honest and reliable… they know how to “hook a brotha up” every once in a while.

When we started offering my books for sale on our web page, a friend with a keen business mind gave me a piece of advice. He said, “if you every have someone complain that their book didn’t arrive or was damaged… don’t argue. Don’t worry about specifics. Just ship a new one immediately no questions ask.” He said, “You’ll make a lifetime customer.”

I’ve followed his advice. It happens only a couple times a year- so it costs us very little. If someone orders a book and, a few weeks later, emails me with a problem, we immediately send them a new package Priority Mail. I always just tell them, “If the other book ever shows up, just give it to someone who needs it. Sorry for the trouble.” This always makes them happy… and hopefully I’ve made a friend.

Customer Service 101.


It was nice to be on the receiving end of it today.

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Posted on: 05/1/09 2:53 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Remember the cool guy in the latest Die Hard film… the guy that could run and jump in ways that seemed almost impossible? Remember the “free-running” in the opening scene in the semi-recent bond film Casino Royale?

This is a physical activity (or some say it’s an extreme sport) called Parkour or Freerunning (feel free to click on that link if you really want to know the difference between the two). Either is amazing.

If you really enjoy it, check out a French film titled B13. The film’s only so-so, but the free-running is amazing! (Typical Luc Besson produced stuff… like The Transporter. Very cool fight scenes… mediocre film.)

They guys over at Entertainment Weekly just posted a blurb about an upcoming MTV show called Ultimate Parkour Challenge. Dang! I might actually have to watch MTV!  (I block it in my house… never found anything even slightly redeeming on the channel)

Here’s a fun YouTube video about Parkour that the E.W. guys linked (the music is a little monotonous… but the Parkour is excellent)

(I just had someone email- at the very end of this video during the credits there is some foul language. I never watched the credits… but if you do, beware.)

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Volunteering Stinks!

Posted on: 04/23/09 1:10 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Yeah… I said it. There are times that it stinks to be a volunteer! (You probably didn’t foresee that coming from a guy who wrote a book about volunteering!)

I volunteer for my daughter’s jr. high track team. Since it’s only jr. high, it’s actually through our local ‘park and rec’ (don’t ask me to explain why. This is California. It probably doesn’t make sense).

Here’s where it gets weird. Since it’s a school track team, I went and got fingerprinted, filled out paperwork at the district, got a background check, etc. No big deal… I expect that as part of volunteering (I just talked about the importance of this in my blog last week about the killer “Sunday School Teacher”). But two weeks into the volunteering… the head coach emails me this email:

I just was notified that park and rec needs you to fill out their paperwork and get fingerprinted for them too. Please take care of this.


Do you wonder why we have trouble getting volunteers? (Maybe that’s why I’m the only parent out there!)

The volunteer recruiting principal violated here is what I called the “Oh, by the way” jab, in chapter 2 of my book, THE NEW BREED. We shouldn’t bring on volunteers, only to spring all kinds of, “Oh, by the way, I need you to…” obligations on them later.

“2 separate fingerprintings!” Hilarious!

So today I filled out my 8th form, got fingerprinted a second time… and I’m off to track practice!

Missions Trips

Posted on: 03/31/09 1:00 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Spring break varies in date around the country. For most of us out here in California it’s the week before Easter (once called “Easter Break”… in the great days of old).

For many of us in youth ministry, Spring Break means missions trips, a growing trend. My three kids are all going to missions trips around Spring Break this year.

My 11 year old, Ashley, went on her missions trip last Saturday. All the 6th graders went to downtown Sacramento where they served food to homeless people at the Sacramento food bank. Ashley said that the homeless people were very polite and said nice things like, “Your smile brightens up my day.” She saw a guy wearing a “Chelsea” shirt and ended up talking soccer with him for quite a long time. (How many 11-year-old Americans do you know that can name a bunch of Chelsea’s starting players?)  🙂

From there they went to the grocery store. They were divided into groups of three kids and were given 15 dollars to try to buy food for four: the three in the group and one other person. They then set out to find a person to give the third meal to.

They finished the day by walking around the city and praying for Sacramento. It was a great experience for Ashley.

My 13-year-old, Alyssa, leaves for her trip this Thursday. Alyssa will be going to downtown San Francisco where they’ll be helping out the homeless, serving food and washing feet. Yes, washing feet! The 7th and 8th graders serve all weekend. This is an amazing experience for them.

My 15-year-old son, Alec, leaves Sunday for his trip, a weeklong trip down in Downtown Los Angeles and Watts. They will be serving the homeless, loving people on the streets and initiating conversations with many people they encounter.

I’ve been so impressed with these missions trips that I actually interviewed the guy behind the whole thing. Last year we recorded this as a podcast, Episode #16 on our Podcast Page. I encourage you to give it a listen.

Prayer warriors: pray for my kids and the others that will be on missions trips this next week!

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Top 10 Signs You’re Born in 1970

Posted on: 03/18/09 9:53 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Today I turn 39… my last year as a “young man!”

That’s right. I have one year left of claiming that I’m “thirty-something.” Then, when I’m filling out applications and they ask me to choose my age bracket… it will look like this:

Under 12

Don’t worry… I’m really not thinking this way. I actually love it exactly where I am in life right now. All three of my kids are still at home (two in middle school, one in high school), my wife and I- our relationship has never been better… no complaints.

It’s funny. I was browsing my web site and found the e-ZINE I wrote 9 years ago (wow…that’s a lot of EZINE’s we’ve sent out between then and now) … the week I was turning 30. I wrote it as a 29 year old. I included a top 10 list that really isn’t about turning 30; it’s about being born in 1970.

Listen to this rant:

I sit today and write to you all as a 29 year old. But next week . . . I will be 30. So for just this once, allow me to vent!

Next week, I will be regarded as “the old guy” to all teenagers and I will soon graduate to “the old fat guy,” finally reaching my pinnacle as “the old fat bald guy!” My life as the “the young guy” is gone quicker than “New Coke.” (what ever happened to that stuff?). Next thing you know I’ll fall and break my hip and start spending all my miscellaneous cash on Rogaine and Preparation H. The signs of the times are here . . . I’m turning 30 . . . I’ve seen it coming for a while:


Top 10 Signs That You’re Turning 30

10. You’re still bummed when Tuesday nights roll around because they cancelled the A-TEAM.

9. You feel like Jeff Goldblum in The Fly because of the amount of hair growing out of your ears!

8. You find yourself watching Adam Sandler movies just for the soundtrack.

7. McDonalds is no longer good- it’s SIN! It looks good before you partake of it, but after you indulge, it hurts you deep within.

6. The youth you work with don’t understand why you peg your 501s

5. Your spouse regularly asks you when you’re going to start exercising and if you’re really going to put that much mayonnaise on your burger!

4. You’re embarrassed if anyone sees your 501s because your waist size is now bigger than your length

3. You just bought stock in Diet Coke

2. Your parents just gave you a subscription to Modern Maturity

1. You wake up every night by at least 5:30 AM to pee because you can’t make it through the night any more.

There! It’s all out of my system. I’m actually going out this weekend with my best friends and our wives. Then we will indulge in my wife’s incredible cheesecake that she makes for me once a year- I’ll save you a piece!


Ooooooh! I remember that cheesecake! That was good. This year I get banana cream pie!  MMMMMmmmmmmm!

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Posted on: 02/19/09 11:39 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It’s time for me to go to the great state of Pennsylvania once again (yes, speaking in PA for the second time this month). Tomorrow I fly through Chicago to Scranton, PA, where I’ll grab a car and drive to a small town called Dallas, PA and speak at a camp for the weekend.

I’ll be speaking to a few hundred middle school kids Friday night, Saturday morning and evening… and closing off Sunday morning. For those of you who’d be willing to pray… If I can ask, please pray as I’ll be presenting the Gospel on Friday night, then spending time talking about living a “real faith” the rest of the weekend. I love middle schoolers.

The weather doesn’t look half bad for PA at this time… in the teens. Still cold for this California boy! But I always appreciate prayer for my travels. It basically will take me about 12 to 13 hours just to get from my front door to the camp’s front door… then another 12 to 13 back home Sunday.

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Romance This Weekend

Posted on: 02/13/09 11:14 AM | by Jonathan McKee

I’m excited… this weekend is Valentines Day, and I’m actually home with my wife and family (don’t even ask how many times I’ve been traveling speaking on this weekend! It’s good to be home.)

Tonight i’m going out to the movies with my li’l lady and some good friends of ours. We’re going to grab dinner and a quick movie (the Kevin James mall cop flick… looks funny. Plus, I need to preview it because my kids want to see it- I don’t trust PG-13). Then tomorrow night we’re just hanging at home. Probably hang with the kids for a while, then break out a box of Kleenex and watch Nights in Rodanthe (with Richard Gere and Diane Lane- it’s based on the book by Nicholas Sparks- the guy who wrote The Notebook, A Walk to Remember and Message in a Bottle). I actually saw the film on the plane a couple weeks ago. I wasn’t planning on watching the whole thing… but I got sucked in. I knew Lori would like it… so i just rented it for V-day.  🙂  (Definitely a snuggle on the couch together movie)

That’s my big plans for the weekend… nothing much… but it’s always fun to have an excuse for even more romance. I hope the rest of you married folks have something special planned!

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