Whooops! Wrong CONNECT

Posted on: 12/8/09 11:21 AM | by Jonathan McKee

This is a funny story… although it probably wasn’t too funny for the person that hit the wrong key on the keyboard, resulting in thousands of newly printed books being pulled. Whooops!

Most of you know that my brand new book CONNECT is due on the shelves in January, but I’m supposed to get copies this month (hundreds of you have already pre-ordered those copies and already received the free ppt training we’re giving away to anyone who buys the book from us).

For weeks now, the question has been… when this month? For those with a short attention span- the answer is- probably around Christmas. You’ll just never guess as to why

I never tell people the exact release dates in case of a mess-up. We just have been telling people a nice broad DECEMBER. Well… let me let you in on a huge whoops that is being corrected as we speak.

My publisher was actually going to get those books to me the day before Thanksgiving. I was thrilled, because then I would have been shipping them to you all and you probably would have had them in your hands right now! But, when the books were finished being printed, Fed-ex couldn’t deliver the 1,000-plus books I ordered before Thanksgiving, so we scheduled the delivery for the Monday after Thanksgiving. Meanwhile, my publisher overnighted one copy- hot off the press- and I received that two days before Thanksgiving.

On Thanksgiving day I’m hanging out with my family and my dad is thumbing through the book (the book that my publisher has already printed thousands of). My dad asks me, “What is this weird punctuation I keep seeing in the indented sections?”

Now, let me put this in perspective. I have proofed this book probably four times in the last three months. My publisher has editors, those editors even have proofers, then they send it to me for my two cents… then I send it back to them if I have any changes, etc. etc. The thing gets read and tweaked about 20 times in the last few months. When I got the copy off the press, I browsed through it quickly, but I didn’t look in detail. My dad, however, was reading through an entire chapter.

Apparently someone hit the wrong button when the final draft got sent to the printer. I don’t know how it happened… but every indented section in the book (every quote, every indented example, etc.) was somehow coded wrong and has some bizarre punctuation that makes it look like Spanish punctuation or something. Take a peek at this pic I snapped of one of the indented sections:

Those errors are throughout the whole book on that initial printing.

So on Thanksgiving day I’m emailing my publisher, “I’ve got some REALLY bad news.”

Long story short, thousands of books were recalled, and now they are being reprinted (within the next week, I think). We’ve all been waiting for a new date. Just today, they have told me that I will see the new “error free” copies, early in the week of Christmas.

So those of you who pre-order, you will still get them from me before you get them from anywhere else (because they are rushing me the first copies). And, those that order from our web site will not only get them first, they will also get the free ppt training we are giving away to anyone who purchases from us.

So what’s the date? If I am shipping them the week of Christmas… those who choose PRIORITY MAIL will get them just a few days later, but those who choose the cheap media mail won’t get them till closer to New Years.


In defense of my publisher Zondervan… they’ve never made a mistake like this before with me, and they have been amazing through this process. They have promised to rush me my pre-order copies and are making every effort to help. Much thanks to all of them at Z!

And thanks to all of you who are being patient as well. I know, I know… we’ve said December all along. But usually I wouldn’t have pushed it this close to January. So thanks for your patience!

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My Movie Room

Posted on: 12/2/09 3:57 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Okay… so it’s not really a movie room. It’s a room in my house that my kids have always called “the play room.” It’s got a TV, some game systems, our family computer, a big corner couch.

Last weekend I got a crazy idea for decorating it… looks pretty cool, huh?

Quick contest: Take a peek at the border of movies around the top (I’ll tell you how I did that in a moment). First 5 people who comment below with the title of at least 15 of the 19 movies displayed in this picture… I’ll send you any one of my books for free- your choice. Bonus offer: The first person who sends me the CORRECT names of the directors of all 19 films… I’ll send you any three of my books for free! (make sure you include your email- never displayed- when you enter the comment so I can email the winners)

UPDATE: We have all 5 single book winners: Brian Senecal, Ryan Klein, Ed Overell, Jeff Gin, and Chris Miller have each named at least 15. And now Mike just won the bonus prize too. Good job! Thanks all for playin!

The movies around the top border are actually laser disc covers. For those of you who aren’t total movie geeks like I am… Laser discs are those big silver things that looked like records before DVDs. They actually were the “hype” when VHS was still around. Laser discs had almost twice the resolution… so movie geeks owned them. Once DVD’s came out… movie geeks like me were left with a large collection of silver Frisbees!

But when I saw the covers the other day, I thought, “Hey, those would make a good border around the room!”

There you have it!

Pretty cool, huh?

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Looking at Colleges With Alec

Posted on: 11/7/09 11:18 PM | by Jonathan McKee

I am in Southern California this weekend speaking at a big junior high event put on by the South California Nazarene churches. I decided to bring my son Alec with me so we could look at some “SoCal” (Southern Calif.) colleges. He’s a junior in high school right now, but we wanted to get an idea of what schools to consider.

Usually when I travel I just grab a cheap rental car. But since I have Alec with me,  I dropped a few extra bucks and rented a brand new Camero (what can I say… as a frequent renter, Budget gave me a deal!) Alec is loving touring SoCal in a new Camero- makes for a fun father/son weekend. He had me quick a few pics of him in the car to send to text to his buddy back home!

Friday the two of us went by Biola University and took an official tour. Alec really liked what he saw. We had heard from several friends that Biola had a real “community” feel… almost like family. The campus was really friendly. I was also impressed that every student is required to get a Bible minor.

Today when I finished speaking we stopped by Vanguard University near Newport Beach. Very pretty location. We couldn’t get the official tour there because of my speaking schedule (who’s gonna give a tour at 5 p.m. on Saturday?)  But we stopped by and asked random students on campus about the school. The students were very nice and informative. The dorms looked nice- we even went in the cafeteria- didn’t look half bad. It was hard to get a “feel” for the campus at night- so it was hard to compare to Biola. But we liked what we saw. (Obviously we’ve been looking at academics at these schools too… but the “on campus” peeks give you a look at things that you can’t see from reading brochures about majors, minors, requirements, etc.)

Tomorrow (Sunday) we are going by Point Loma. We have a friend attending there right now (one of the students I interviewed on our podcast last year) and she’s gonna show us around. We’re staying the night in San Diego right now- truly one of the more beautiful locations in the U.S.

The weekend has been great so far. Alec keeps mentioning how excited he is about college now. I’m excited to hear that out of him (Muuuuuaaaaahahahahah! My college “tour” weekend has worked exactly as I planned!)

One thing all three of the colleges have in common: they’re gonna break us financially!!!!   🙂 

My kids are worth it!   (although if any of you would like to introduce me to anyone in admissions or on any scholarship commitees at these schools… feel free!)   🙂

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Running for You

Posted on: 10/15/09 2:44 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Last Saturday I ran 10 miles… for you!

Saturday was one of our ministry’s fund-raisers, a little event called ENDURE. People either biked 100 km or ran 10 miles. I opted to run, because that only takes 90 minutes, and riding would take 4 hours!  🙂

As a blog subscriber, you probably are familiar with the fact that those of us at www.TheSource4YM.com love to provide you with truly free resources, articles and training ideas. So last Saturday, I did something to make that happen. I ran to keep the resources free.

The run was fun. I had been training for it and had worked up to 10 miles, even running 10 miles a few times just weeks before the race. But race day was a little harder, probably because I had spent a ton of time loading and unloading for the event just hours before. My legs were tired! Regardless, I finished at an average of a 9:01 pace. (I had hoped to beat 9:00)

For those of you that are just hearing about this for the first time… you can still help!

I sent out an email to our EZINE subscribers (that’s a free weekly newsletter that highlights the new resources and articles on www.TheSource4YM.com every week) asking them for their help. I wanted to give you an opportunity as well.

I know that there are literally tens of thousands that use our free resources that have no budget. We want to be able to keep providing to those people. So for those of you that have the means to help out just a little, jump onto this page: www.TheSource4YM.com/Endure/donate.asp and make a tax deductable donations via VISA/MC. You can make it a general donation, or you can sponsor me; either way the money goes 100% toward the free resources, articles and training ideas we provide.

It can be $10, $25, $50, or $100. Just do whatever you feel. I ran the 10 miles… you just run your card through!  🙂

I thank you for the important work you do as youth workers and parents. You truly are the reason I do what I do. Thanks for allowing Christ’s love to work through you!

God Bless,

Jonathan McKee, President, TheSource4YM.com

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Confirming My “Nerd” Status

Posted on: 09/8/09 6:20 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Monday was a holiday, and in our house we tried something really fun: Lord of the Rings Day! (Yeah… we’re really pushing our “nerd” status with that one.) That’s right. We watched the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy in one day… the extended edition! It was quite an undertaking.

I told my kids that they could each invite one friend. We had a few friends over to spend the night- the night prior, but I had everyone go to bed at a decent hour, because we had a 7:30 a.m. start time. Here’s the schedule I made:

7:15 AM: Be eating breakfast
7:30 AM: Begin Fellowship of the Rings (208 minutes, or 3 hrs 28 minutes)
BREAK-15 minutes at disk change
Finish at 11:15 AM
BREAK- 15 minutes
11:30 AM: Begin Two Towers (223 minutes, or 3 hrs 43 minutes)
1:00 PM: Resume Two Towers
Finish at 3:45 PM
BREAK- 15 minutes
4:00 PM: Begin Return of the King (250 minutes, or 4 hours 10 min)
6:00 PM: DINNER BREAK FOR 30 MINUTES– at disk change
Finish at 8:40 PM

We kept to the schedule pretty well with fun food breaks (donuts in the morning, hot wings mid day, pizza, then deli sandwiches for dinner). Our dinner break ended up being combined with a 15 minute walk. We were all craving some outdoor exposure! In actuality we finished at 8:51 p.m., a little over 13 hours from when we started! Whew. We are true nerds.

During the film, most of the kids (my kids are 12, 14 and 16) stayed tuned in. My son dozed off during The Two Towers for about 10 minutes. And at the beginning of Return of the King I noticed my 14 year old laying upside down on the couch watching the movie backwards through a compact mirror from her purse. But overall, we kept dialed in for all 13+ hours.

We did pause the film or rewind a scene or two. For example, we always like to watch Bilbo explode into a tizzy fit when he asks Frodo if he can see his ring one last time (We watched that in slow motion).

Watching all three films in a row, we noticed a few things. Here’s some of our random observations.

  • Legolas is by far the biggest stud (or “Beastly” as my son would say) in the film. His one-armed horse mount, at full gallop in The Two Towers is probably his best move, if not the taking down of the giant elephant creature in Return of the King.
  • I eat like a Hobbit. (I want to adopt the practice of both “second breakfast” and “elevensies.”)
  • Frodo wins the “most irritating” award with his monotonous fickle mood swings (Not to mention, a few of his “Oh my Sam” moments were just a little awkward)
  • When the eagle rescues Frodo and Sam from Mount Doom at the end, we all agreed that it would have been much simpler if the eagles would have just flown them there with the ring IN THE FIRST PLACE!
  • Frodo is in desperate need of a manicure
  • Fellowship was the best of the three
  • Two Towers, although good, was my least favorite of the three
  • Frodo doesn’t pronounce Gandalf’s name “Gandolph,” as many do, but “Gand Alf!”

It was a great day. Call me a Hobbit, but my favorite part was the hot wings that we snacked on during The Two Towers!

Side note: there were some great discussion starters in the film that our ministry provides (for free of course) with discussion questions, etc. You can find those here, herehere, and here.

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Alec’s Black Belt

Posted on: 08/22/09 3:18 PM | by Jonathan McKee

It was a fun day in the McKee household. My 16-year-old earned his black belt today in a Korean art called Tae Kuk Mu Sul.

Alec started Karate at the end of grade school, but was in one of those schools that graduates kids regardless of whether they earned it or not. (Congrats! You’re to the next level. That will be $50 more for the belt!) He worked his way all the way up to red belt in that school (only brown and black to go), then decided to try this other school (Tae Kuk Mu Sul) that was less “businessy” and more about training.

Alec started over at white belt at Tae Kuk Mu Sul and worked hard for a little over 2 years now.

All month he’s been working towards his blackbelt test. Today he earned it.

Exciting stuff! I’m proud of him. Quite an achievement.

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Indiana and Notre Dame

Posted on: 08/15/09 5:42 PM | by Jonathan McKee

I just finished teaching a workshop to youth workers from 8 different churches in South Bend, Indiana. It was a fun time– great people.

I had never been to South Bend before. The hotel I stayed at was right across the street from Notre Dame. I walked over to the campus- beautiful. Really amazing.

Just a few weeks before I was in Boston and visited Harvard. Sorry… Harvard’s campus doesn’t hold a candle to Notre Dame. Notre Dame felt so much more like a community, where Harvard felt like a bunch of buildings crammed into the middle of a crowded city. I’m sure there is much more to an education than the “feel” of the campus… but as for atmosphere… Notre Dame wins by a longshot. Pretty cool football stadium too.

I’m now back in Chicago- I fly out tomorrow. I grabbed some Giordano’s Pizza, my favorite pizza across the nation… off to bed soon.


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40 and Still Hot

Posted on: 08/3/09 2:23 PM | by Jonathan McKee

I’m back home from WI, I preached both services at my home church yesterday, and now I’m back in the office today getting a ton done (I never can take a day off the first day back from a trip- WAAAAAY to much to do. If I spend one day working solid, catching up, then I can relax much easier the next day. Tomorrow I’ll take off.)

Tomorrow is a special day in our house… Lori (my beautiful bride) turns 40! That’s right. She will officially be the hottest 40-year-old on the planet!

I’m 39. What can I say. I nabbed an older woman!

I’m treating her and her best friend Dixie to manicures and pedicures at a Salon tomorrow morning. Then Dix will take her to lunch, returning her to me shortly after. I’m hanging with her in the afternoon (we might even watch Anne of Green Gables– one of her favorites. That’s right- I’m a man and I might watch Anne of Green Gables!!!!), and then I’m taking her out tomorrow night.

Lori and I have been married over 18 years. She’s my best friend, she’s the person I enjoy talking with more than anyone, she’s still extremely hot EVEN AT 40, and I want to spend as much time with her as possible! Gotta go. Work to do!


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My Youth Pastor 20 Years After High School

Posted on: 07/27/09 10:14 AM | by Jonathan McKee

“I’ll never forget when he took me to lunch.”

“I remember looking in the bleachers and seeing him there at my basketball game.”

“His wife Sherrie had us all over for a slumber party.”

Funny… no one remembered any of his sermons or talks, but we all remembered how he loved us, made us feel accepted, and how much he invested in our lives relationally.

I’m talking about my youth pastor from 20 years ago. You see… this past weekend I had a 20 year high school reunion, but not with my school… with my church youth group.

Imagine that. Do you ever wonder what the kids in your church’s current youth group will look like in 20 years? What will they have to say about their youth pastor?

The whole idea of a “youth group reunion” began last fall when some of my old high school church friends started Facebooking each other, “Wouldn’t it be fun to get everyone together again, “etc. After 4 or 5 of us kept saying it, we decided to make it happen. We emailed as many people as we still knew and came up with a date. Then we started spreading the word.

Last Friday and Saturday night we got all of us together. Friday night was “family night” (we had infants, toddlers, tweens and teens) and Saturday night was just couples and individuals. What a great time!

Our youth pastor from back then, Paul, is now one of our church’s associate pastor. He and his wife Sherrie came to the party along with my dad and mom (my dad was the senior pastor when I was in high school). Among the “youth group kids- all grown up” were a doctor, a few state workers, a professor at Eastern College in PA, a nurse, a couple youth ministers, an associate pastor, a missionary in China, a manager of Toys R S, a hotel manager, a few stay-at-home moms and a handful of people in business for themselves. Almost every single one of them is plugged into a church right now, many of them involved in ministry.

On Saturday night we had an “open mike” asking people to share their favorite “Paul” story. We shared stories of him hanging out with us on backback trips, snow trips, his visits to our campus and sports events… amazing what people remembered. We spend over 30 minutes just lifting him up and thanking him for his investment in our lives.

It was amazing how after 20 years, the quality people remembered the most was Paul’s relational investment in our lives.


New Brunswick

Posted on: 07/11/09 9:10 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Tomorrow morning I fly off to New Brunswick, CANADA to be the keynote speaker at an event called Tidal Impact. I just finished speaking on the opposite U.S. coast near Seattle with my family (good times)… this coming week (CANADA) I’m bringing my wife with me. (sweet!)

I always enjoy my times speaking in Canada. I’ve never spoken at this event before. Apparently 600 to 700 youth and leaders gather from all over Atlantic Canada where they will run VBS programs, serve the homeless, act in community cleanup, etc. I’m excited.

I’m going with the theme REAL (I blogged about that when I was brainstorming it), a theme I’ve done once before. I’m really excited about my time with the youth and leaders.

My wife and I will also have time to do a little site seeing in NB. Anyone know what we should do/where we should go? Feel free to comment… I’ll be checking/approving comments at least once a day on my trip.


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