Contemplating “Suicide Squad”

Posted on: 08/18/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Suicide-squad“Outside you’re amazing, but inside you’re ugly.”

“We all are.” (Harley Quinn, Suicide Squad)

Imperfection isn’t anything to celebrate. But awareness of your own flaws is a step in the right direction.

That’s probably why I enjoyed DC Film’s Suicide Squad so much. It’s the story of a band of notorious criminals given a second chance to use their strengths to do good, and in the process, they discover a sense of comradery and purpose. It’s a story of redemption.

Don’t get me wrong. This movie is far from an afterschool special you’d show your kids (although today’s parents seemed to miss that memo—the theatre was packed with kids). Like most Hollywood heroes today, the characters are gritty and flawed. At times the Continue reading “Contemplating “Suicide Squad””

Netflix Binging

Posted on: 04/12/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

girl_watchingphone-DP.comAnd how we can use Netflix to connect with our kids

It’s funny how the proliferation of mobile devices is actually changing the way young people watch entertainment. One of the biggest changes is video streaming.

Think about it. At the turn of the Millennium, had you ever even heard the word “Netflix”? It wasn’t until 2001 when the company’s name began gaining recognition because Best Buy gave them exposure. You, like me, might remember them in the early 2000’s as a unique way to “rent movies” through the mail. Then come 2007 they began their video streaming services…

…and entertainment changed.

Now if you walk through a college dorm and see a Continue reading “Netflix Binging”

Best Movie of the Decade

Posted on: 12/19/15 5:25 PM | by Jonathan McKee

starwars-fa posterI just saw the best movie I’ve seen in a decade… twice!

For those who have been following my Insta or Twitter… you’ve been hearing little blips of my excitement about the new Star Wars film that premiered this weekend. I went with my son on opening day (official opening day, Friday… I’m getting too old for midnight premiers), and then again with my girls the next day.

Sooooooooo good!

It was so fun, not only as a 45-year-old man who saw the original Star Wars as a kid back in 1977, but also as a parent now seeing this film 37 years later with my own teens.

But don’t let me lead you astray; this film isn’t Continue reading “Best Movie of the Decade”

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Teen Media Consumption 2015

Posted on: 11/9/15 6:25 AM | by Jonathan McKee

12yrgirlipadHow many hours per day do your kids digest entertainment media and technology?

Think about it for a moment. If you add up all the screen time, music, social media, video games, TV, mobile video… all of it! How many hours would it be?

Common Sense Media just did the math in their exhaustive study of thousands of teens (13-18) and tweens (8-12), and the total hours today’s young people spend soaking in media per day might surprise you Continue reading “Teen Media Consumption 2015”

Top 5 Scary Movies… and 1 TV Show

Posted on: 10/31/15 4:37 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It-Follows-scaryIt’s Halloween in America today (as I write here from South Africa), and for many of us, that means it’s time to sit down on the couch, pop some popcorn and watch something scary.

This generation loves scary movies, and honestly, most the films they watch are nothing but feeble attempts at the genre. So what scary flicks are actually worth watching?

As a movie reviewer, I get an opportunity to watch quite a bit of movies, and chat with some pretty cool film makers and talk about this genre. So what are my favorites?

Here’s my top 6 scary flicks… five movies… and one TV show (it’s my list, my rules!), in no particular order Continue reading “Top 5 Scary Movies… and 1 TV Show”

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Loving Jurassic World

Posted on: 06/17/15 3:38 PM | by Jonathan McKee

JurassicWorldQuality movies have been difficult to find of late. I’m a big “movie buff” and lately I actually find myself going to the theatre less and less, not because of time or money… but because of lack of selection.

Enter Jurassic World stage left.

I was interested in this one from the first preview. Maybe it’s because I remember the feeling sitting in the theatre next to my wife in 1993 and seeing those dinosaurs looking so lifelike I felt like I was truly visiting Jurassic Park.

Then the disappointing sequels.

Then a decade without Continue reading “Loving Jurassic World”

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Giving Away Avengers Tickets

Posted on: 04/29/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

avengers-age-of-ultronWINNER POSTED! (see below)

You know how much I like movies… so I thought I’d have a nice little contest and give away some Avenger tickets for the new film coming out this Friday! (Your choice of the tickets, or the Blu-ray of the first film)

That means you have to respond fast, because I’ll give these tickets away Friday morning!

Winning is simple. I just want to know your opinion. So use this blog’s comment feature to comment in this post and tell me Continue reading “Giving Away Avengers Tickets”

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Favorite Easter Clips

Posted on: 04/1/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Ben-Hur-meets-JesusYear after year I encounter powerful movie, TV and YouTube clips that provoke meaningful discussions about Easter and Christ’s sacrifice for us (we even saw one last season that we highlighted on our The Gospel According to The Walking Dead blog).

Out of all the clips I encounter year after year and highlight on our Holiday Ideas page… these THREE CLIPS stick out as some of my favorites for Easter Continue reading “Favorite Easter Clips”

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Teenaged Doubters

Posted on: 02/26/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Teenage-DoubtersWhenever I talk with today’s teenagers, I see them processing what I tell them. It’s almost as if they are weighing it in their minds:

“Does he really know what he is talking about?

Does this make sense?

Would this make my life better…or worse?”

Today’s adults don’t have presumed authority. Kids don’t take us at our word. We’ve raised a generation who grew up watching Nick and the Disney Channel where they’ve learned that parents and teachers are Continue reading “Teenaged Doubters”

Content with My Sin

Posted on: 01/23/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

this is where I leave youI Just finished watching a movie on my flight, This is Where I Leave You. The film was extremely well written, with powerful performances and real-to-life characters. There was just one problem… I walked away content with my own sin.

Life sucks. So do what feels good at the moment.

Here lies the struggle: touching film… bleak perspective

One of the main reasons I enjoyed the movie was the authentic characters with genuine problems. They were blemished, just like me and just like the people sitting in the pews with me every week. But the reason I actually sit in the pew every week is because I desperately need Continue reading “Content with My Sin”