Sigh. No matter how this one turns out… it won’t be pretty. Christians are going to be dragged through the mud once again. It’s the age ol’ story:
Kid goes to strict Christian school that doesn’t allow dancing.
Kid signs contract agreeing he won’t dance.
Kid gets asked to prom at other school.
Kid asks principal if he can go.
Principal basically tells him, “If you don’t want to graduate.”
Kid goes to prom anyway (years of TV have taught him well).
School says, “Your suspended, you can’t take finals, and you can’t graduate.”
Kid shows up on CBS News whining about school, announcing he is going to sue the school.
There it is. Here’s the video:
Who’s wrong here? (how’s that for a discussion starter with your kids?)
The Christian school is definitely going to take a beating by the press with this one (the comments below the CBS video are hilarious. Wow. They remind me of the comments from 12-year-olds to my recent blog about ‘Twilight’)
Stupid rules aside… it’s sad… people’s word (even contracts) just doesn’t mean much to anyone any more.
That’s right. Even though I think this school might have some rules that are way more strict than I would have… the kid agreed to a contract. Don’t sign up for something if you don’t plan on sticking with it.
(ht to David R. Smith for the link)
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