Diversity in Ministry

Posted on: 03/25/09 11:24 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Many of you have seen our FOUR MINUTE videos, bringing you a four minute glimpse of various aspects of ministry. Our most recent video was launched last Sunday, a video from my good buddy Fred Lynch.

Fred is well known in urban youth ministry settings with almost 20 years of youth ministry experience. He is the founder of Urbnet, a National Network of Urban Youth Workers. Fred is also the editor of our SLANG DICTIONARY and co author of our hit e-book, What’s a Fo’ Sheezy, a book with over 300 questions from “slanguage” to get teenagers talking.

In this quick little video, Fred addressed the need for the Church to become a safe haven where diverse groups can become connected.

(If you receive this blog via email, click here for that YouTube video.)

You can see past FOUR MINUTE videos here.

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4 Replies to “Diversity in Ministry”

  1. funny how the four minute video was three minutes this time – reminds me of a college event I went to in texas a few years back called ‘one day’ – it actually lasted three days. needless to say, I ran out of food. lol

    so true though- it reminded me of ephesians 2:14-18, “for christ himself has made peace between us jews and you gentiles by making us all one people. he has broken down the wall of hostility that used to separate us. by his death he ended the whole system of jewish law that excluded the gentiles. his purpose was to make peace between jews and gentiles by creating in himself one new person from the two groups. together as one body, christ reconciled both groups to God by means of his death, and our hostility toward each other was put to death. he has brought this good news of peace to you gentiles who were far away from him, and to us jews who were near. now all of us, both jews and gentiles, may come to the father through the same holy spirit because of what christ has done for us.” nlt

    i’m lucky to be serving in metro dc where there’s as many ethnicities as there are politicians. for example, in my youth i can think of either students and/or parents of students from cameroon, ethiopia, serbia, finland, honduras, el salvador, puerto rico, panama, saudi arabia, egypt, and more. it’s a constant challenge to make them all feel welcome when they show up because they all have different cultures. however, it is a beautiful thing to see them worshiping together – a true taste of what’s to come.

    great job with the video josh & fred – very encouraging and challenging. it truly is christ who unites us, here on earth and in heaven. btw, I’ve never seen that many plates on a single table at a restaurant before – amazing!

  2. hah! josh is my imaginary friend – he was talking to me throughout the video. i meant ‘jonathan’ – you’re not bad either 🙂

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