That Was PG-13?

Posted on: 10/18/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Rock of Ages is yet one more example of why parents shouldn’t offer a blanket “yes” to PG-13 movies.

“But mom… the movie doesn’t have any nudity!”

Neither does the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition… would you buy it for your teenager?

Parents might wanna to rethink this one.

Maybe it’s just because I graduated from high school in 1988, or maybe it’s because I actually have groups like Foreigner, Journey and REO Speedwagon on my iPod… whatever the reason, when I first saw the preview for Rock of Ages, starring Alec Baldwin, Tom Cruise and Catherine Zeta-Jones… I thought it looked really good.

My wife Lori and I went to see it, and we were immediately captivated by the music. The movie was funny, creative… and WOW… was it uncomfortably sensual Continue reading “That Was PG-13?”

Highs and Lows

Posted on: 10/16/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

This past weekend Lori and I packed up my girls (Alec had to work) and took them with us to the National Youth Workers Convention (NYWC) down in San Diego, about an 8-hour drive south of us.

As always, the weekend was rewarding on so many levels… here’s just some random highlights for me personally… and a lowpoint.


Lunch with Greg Stier: Our first day there, the four of us connected with my good friend Greg Stier for lunch. You have to know Greg or have heard him speak to understand what a blessing he is. Greg ministered to the four of us more than he will ever know in that hour lunchtime.

Worship on Sunday morning: On Sunday morning, NYWC provided a 1 hour worship service featuring the band Brilliance, with David Gungor, who apparently is Michael Gungor’s Continue reading “Highs and Lows”

This Weekend at NYWC

Posted on: 10/11/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Someone recently asked me how long I’ve been teaching workshops at the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention (NYWC)… and I couldn’t even remember. It was back when NYWC was pretty much the only convention!

I mean, I’m no Jim Burns… Jim had Noah in his junior high group… but I started teaching workshops at NYWC back when I was working full time with Youth for Christ, and that’s over 11 years ago. I’m guessing that this is probably my 13th year??? And I’ll be teaching two workshops this year in both San Diego and Dallas.

It’s fun digging out some of my old training PowerPoints (I keep all of that stuff). One of the first workshops I taught at NYWC was Continue reading “This Weekend at NYWC”

Dissecting R-rated Movies Like Looper

Posted on: 10/10/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

“Looper was awesome!”

“It’s rated R for sex and violence. I don’t want to watch that trash!”

These comments were from two different friends of mine, both dedicated believers. So, who’s right? Or more specifically, is “art” even appropriate when it includes “inappropriate” material?

It’s definitely a risky endeavor providing reviews for films like we do on our Movie Reviews & Quick Q’s page on both our parents website and youth ministry website, because no matter which way we side, we draw criticism. Everyone’s scale is different. If I call Pulp Fiction a good movie, some will wholeheartedly agree… and some will write me off as a liberal who’s gone to the dark side.

Being real, I think Pulp Fiction is an amazing movie… while dangerously irresponsible. Bad guys are the heroes, drug use is glorified, and killing is just no big deal. So do I call it “Theatre Worthy” on our movie scoring scale, or do I say “Skip it,” because of moral objections?

In this post I’ll give you a glimpse into the method behind my madness, letting you know why I’d give Looper a “Theatre Worthy,” but films like Sin City a “Skip It” (when both films were extremely well done). Continue reading “Dissecting R-rated Movies Like Looper”

Jersey Shore Shrinks as it “Grows”

Posted on: 10/8/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Parents are always shocked to find out that Jersey Shore is the number one show watched by teenagers. The question is… will it remain #1 for its final season?

The answer to that question might be good news… but a sad commentary about our society.

The situation (no pun intended) is intriguing. Season 6, which started last Thursday, might be taking a precarious leap. The show might just possibly be revealing actual consequences of behaviors this season Continue reading “Jersey Shore Shrinks as it “Grows””

Flying Pie Pizzaria

Posted on: 10/7/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

As a true lover of pizza, I have to give a shout out to a small little place called Flying Pie Pizzaria in Boise. Tonight I ate there for the second time, and the experience actually surpassed my expectations… which wasn’t an easy task, because I loved the place the first time.

Last year was my first trip to Boise. I flew out for the weekend to preach in a small downtown church and teach a parenting workshop. Matt, the youth worker, booked me again this year to come speak to the congregation and do another workshop.

When he booked me I told him, “We’ve gotta go to that cool little pizza joint again!”

So not even an hour after I landed Continue reading “Flying Pie Pizzaria”

Bikini Basketball Association

Posted on: 10/4/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

“Have to play basketball well… and you have to look good in a bikini.”

Sexualization of our women at its finest.

If you’ve heard me speak to parents or you’ve read my blog for even a little while, then you’ve probably heard me mention the sexualization of our young girls. “Sexualization” is what the American Psychological Association describes as, when a person’s value comes only from his or her sexual appeal or behavior, to the exclusion of other characteristics. In other words, forget skill, academic ability or personal character… are you sexy?!!

Well, I think the Bikini Basketball Association just added another example to the list. This video tells it all:

My favorite line is, “What’s next, bikini beach volleyball?”

Raising Kids in a Divorced Home

Posted on: 10/3/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It’s interesting to notice the trends in the questions I receive from parents after my parenting workshops. Last year one of the most common questions I received was, “Am I too late to try all of this with my 18-year-old?”

This year, the number one question I receive, without a doubt, is, “How can I build values into my kids when my ‘ex’ is teaching something completely different in his/her house?” I probably hear that question at least twice in every city I speak.

What a great question. It’s difficult enough for two parents in the same home trying to raise kids today. Add a split home into the mix… it will take even more communication and more work.

After hearing this question a bazillion times, it dawned on me, I should probably get someone with experience in this situation to offer some help. So I called up my buddy Lane Palmer, one of our ministry’s writers, and asked if he could address this issue since he had been divorced, remarried, and only has partial custody of his two teenagers Continue reading “Raising Kids in a Divorced Home”

Parenting “Gamers”

Posted on: 10/1/12 6:40 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Teaching our kids video game discernment isn’t an easy task today. Some games are so extremely across the line it’s an obvious- “sorry, not in this house.” But today’s parents will find many games where they might need to try to pick there battles (I’ve written about this before).

My 19-year-old son has always been a video game buff, and I’ve always tried to stay a little bit current with games, especially now that we have our video games review page for parents. Yesterday he showed me this trailer for the new Assassin’s Creed 3 video game. I gotta admit… it was kinda catchy. Interesting historical stretch.

The most important principle I emphasize with parents today is Continue reading “Parenting “Gamers””

More Than Just Method

Posted on: 09/26/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Yesterday Todd sent me this and I couldn’t help but share it with you. (I love his honest “skepticism.”)

Many of you might recognize his name… Todd Pearage is a full time youth pastor and father of three, who also moonlights writing movie reviews for us, and music reviews for Interlinc. Todd always is on the lookout for practical Christian resources for youth workers.

Hey Jonathan, I can’t help but give you some feedback about your latest DVD project, Real Conversations: How to Share Youth Faith Without Being Pushy.

Remember, this is from the guy who wasn’t that excited about it when you first told me that you were working on a video-based curriculum on evangelism. Honestly, the first thought I had was, “Another evangelism curriculum?” But, over the next few weeks as you shared more and more about your vision and direction of this DVD, I started to get really excited.

Too often curriculum like this appears to be written in think tanks by people who aren’t in the trenches. Those folks might deliver solid, well-written Bible lessons. Unfortunately, it often lacks realism. The stories are far-fetched and the “problems” are out-dated or not really problems at all.

And let’s be honest Continue reading “More Than Just Method”