Reducing Teen Sexual Activity

Posted on: 12/4/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

between the sheetsIn a world where 64% of high school seniors have already engaged in sexual intercourse, most parents would welcome programs or information helping reduce teen sexual activity. But there lies the debate. What actually works?

Planned Parenthood claims to have developed a sex education program cutting the number of sexually active eighth-graders by about 15 percent. That might not sound like much, but Planned Parenthood backers would be quick to tell you Continue reading “Reducing Teen Sexual Activity”

Our New “Toddler”

Posted on: 12/2/14 6:42 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Golden Doodle PuppyIt’s been a long time since we’ve cared for an infant of any kind, and we’re getting a ginormous dose of it this month… raising our new puppy.

Honestly, I think our kids were easier than this!

Saturday we drove and picked up our brand new Golden Doodle named Pippin (yes, from Lord of the Rings… and Jaws, if you’re a serious film nerd). His mom’s a Golden Retriever and his dad is a Poodle. He’s 7 weeks old, clumsy, adorable… and “so fluffy I’m gonna die!”

He’s inside with us all the time and he’s a peeing machine! We have to Continue reading “Our New “Toddler””

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Death of the Dining Room

Posted on: 11/25/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Family DinnerAs families and friends gather together for the holidays, the big question I have is… where will they gather?

Their dining room?

The kitchen?

It’s funny how much you can tell about a society’s social norms solely from the changes in its home design. Think about it.

  • Do you have a dining room?
  • Is your kitchen sink near the social center of your house?
  • What year was your home built?

Today’s homes have two glaring changes compared to homes from a few decades past Continue reading “Death of the Dining Room”

What are your top three?

Posted on: 11/20/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Top-10-youth-ministry-booksWINNERS POSTED- see below.

A few weeks ago I was sitting with a group of youth workers and one of them asked me, “What are the top three youth ministry books you’d recommend we read, if we could only buy three?”

Great question.

This one caused me to pause for a few moments, after all, I’ve read a variety of insightful books that have helped me through my years of youth ministry (that lot in the picture are a pretty good bunch). But which three have proved foundational?

I’ll list the three books I shared with those youth workers that evening, and then I’ll ask you the same. What three youth ministry books have been the most influential and foundational for your ministry? (I’ll even make this a contest—chime in with a comment Continue reading “What are your top three?”

A book signing

Posted on: 11/18/14 9:58 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan-SignThis Weekend the YS Store asked me to do a book signing where I’m speaking at the National Youth Workers Convention in Atlanta, a fun opportunity to connect with people who’ve bought my books. (Curious which book sold out on the first day of this convention in Sacramento?)

So if you’re heading to this convention in Atlanta, be sure to stop by the YS Store at 3:15 on Saturday.

If you’re NOT going to be there in Atlanta… NO WORRIES. I’ll do this:

order any of my books from me this week, and I’ll personally autograph them for you. Feel free to order books for your entire volunteer team… I’ll sign every last one of them!

My TV Interview about Sex

Posted on: 11/13/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

More-Than-Just-The-Talk-WEBToday I’m being filmed for a Canadian TV show- a Christian talk show. We’re filming several segments about my upcoming book to parents, More Than Just the Talk (coming this February/March), and then some bit on how to open the doors of dialogue with today’s teenagers.

It’s interesting, as I’ve been preparing for this, taking a peek at some of the newest studies about teen sex, I keep seeing the same assertions. “We need to talk with our kids about this regularly!”

It doesn’t matter how liberal or conservative the report Continue reading “My TV Interview about Sex”

Curb Your Phone Addiction

Posted on: 11/10/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

phone-addictionDo your kids spend too much time on their phones?

Do YOU spend too much time on your phone?

Wanna app that will help you see exactly how much time you’re on your phone?

I think many people are becoming self aware that they spend too much time staring at screens (I won’t bring up that you’re staring at one now… because I actually WANT you to be reading this), because we’re seeing more and more blogs and funny parodies about “smartphone addiction” and I’m even hearing many teenagers admit they spend too much time on their phones.

If you’re curious exactly how much time, then try the new app called Moment which not only helps you track exactly how much time you’re using your phone each day, but also can help you set limits, with occasional “nudges” when you approach those limits.

Last month a similar app was introduced Continue reading “Curb Your Phone Addiction”

Zombie Senior Retreat

Posted on: 11/4/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Zombie Camp TXI’ve been speaking at camps for almost 20 years, and I gotta admit… this is a first!

I received a call this summer from a camp director of a big camp in TX and he told me, “I’d like you to speak at our camp this winter, but it’s going to be a little bit different than the typical senior high retreat.”

He wasn’t kidding. This camp is going all out. Each year they have anywhere from 500 to 1000 students at these retreats, but this year they are hosting a “Zombie Senior High Weekend” and they have Hollywood makeup and set designers Continue reading “Zombie Senior Retreat”

I’ll go as a slut

Posted on: 10/29/14 10:25 AM | by Jonathan McKee

subway-slutty-costumeRemember when Halloween costumes were as simple as a cowboy hat and boots, or a sheet with holes poked in it? Today it’s not that simple. And if you’re a female the pressure is on… the burden to be sexy.

Mean Girls said it years ago, and today’s teens know it to be true. Halloween is the one time a year where girls have an excuse to dress like sluts.

Last night NBC’s brand new show Marry Me jested about this reality when Dennah and Annie discussed what costumes they’d wear this year:

Dennah: I’d love some feedback on my costume. Two years ago I went as a slutty nurse and then last year I was a slutty judge. But this year I’m just going to cut out the middleman and go as a slut.

Continue reading “I’ll go as a slut”

Ashley’s Unconventional Speech

Posted on: 10/28/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Ash-HomecomingLast Friday night Lori and I got a chance to escort Ashley onto the football field at halftime for the Homecoming “Royal Court” while the commentator read her speech.

I guess I should have know what to expect, knowing Ashley. But here’s what was read while we escorted her in front of hundreds of parents:

“First and foremost, I would like to thank God. He is my everything and the only reason I’m good at anything. Special thanks to my parents. I am blessed by your support for me and the food we eat together is pretty fantastic. Shout out to my best friends Jenny and Makayla; my heart is with you both, always, the Foran Van, and Mimi’s cafe for making those delectable buttermilk spice muffins, for without which I wouldn’t be who I am today!”

It’s just so… Ashley!

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