Contemplating “Suicide Squad”

Posted on: 08/18/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Suicide-squad“Outside you’re amazing, but inside you’re ugly.”

“We all are.” (Harley Quinn, Suicide Squad)

Imperfection isn’t anything to celebrate. But awareness of your own flaws is a step in the right direction.

That’s probably why I enjoyed DC Film’s Suicide Squad so much. It’s the story of a band of notorious criminals given a second chance to use their strengths to do good, and in the process, they discover a sense of comradery and purpose. It’s a story of redemption.

Don’t get me wrong. This movie is far from an afterschool special you’d show your kids (although today’s parents seemed to miss that memo—the theatre was packed with kids). Like most Hollywood heroes today, the characters are gritty and flawed. At times the Continue reading “Contemplating “Suicide Squad””

The Volunteer from Hell: Part III

Posted on: 08/16/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

background checkYou’ve discovered an amazing potential volunteer… but you don’t want to mess anything up!

You’ve taken the advice of experts and dedicated actual time out of your schedule each week for recruiting and keeping volunteers. Then you took the next step and actually asked them to serve in a small way, a one-time opportunity that was easy for them to say “yes” to, and that gave them a taste of your ministry. After that, you’ve met with them several times and they seem like a perfect fit…

But how can you make sure they don’t turn into the Volunteer from Hell?

Continue reading “The Volunteer from Hell: Part III”

The Volunteer from Hell: Part II

Posted on: 08/11/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee week I began a 3 post series in my blog about those ministry volunteers who make our lives miserable. How can we avoid getting ourselves in this mess in the first place?

Great question.

Let’s continue with our 3 effective ways to screen volunteers so you avoid ‘The Volunteer from Hell.’

In the first post, I addressed the importance of actually calling references. Not just asking for references… but using them. (How many of you have skipped this step?)

Today, let’s talk about the second way to avoid ‘The Volunteer from Hell’… Continue reading “The Volunteer from Hell: Part II”

The Volunteer from Hell

Posted on: 08/9/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Serial KillerWhenever my dad and I teach a workshop about recruiting, retaining, training… and even firing today’s New Breed of volunteers (based on our book on the subject), we can guarantee we’ll get questions about ‘The Volunteer from Hell.’

You know the one I’m talking about. That one volunteer that you either inherited or recruited without thinking. We’ve all had them. I had one. She was terrifying.

The question most people ask is, “How do I get rid of this volunteer?” (Garlic and a cross?)

Allow me to ask a much better question: “How do I make sure I never recruit this volunteer?”

Continue reading “The Volunteer from Hell”

Behind the Writing

Posted on: 08/2/16 9:11 AM | by Jonathan McKee

We just made a funny little graphic for my blog’s new book store with a picture of all my books… and it had 20 covers. That made me pause.

Twenty! Wow. It doesn’t even feel like twenty.


If you asked me about each one of them I could probably tell you the story of writing it, where I was (The New Breed I pounded out the majority of my half in one weekend, The Guy’s Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket… I wrote on my back patio, 52 Ways to Connect with Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid… on a LazyBoy)… it’s fun to reflect. But it just doesn’t seem like Continue reading “Behind the Writing”

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3 Ways to Use Pokémon Go for Conversations

Posted on: 07/28/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Pokemon GoEveryone is jumping on the Pokémon Go craze… the most viral fad since the Harlem Shake. Every news channel has given their take on it, explaining it play by play, analyzing it’s effect on the work place, even providing tips how to play it at work without getting fired.

And that’s the thing. Pokémon fever isn’t just for kids. Go to the park near your house. You’ll see Continue reading “3 Ways to Use Pokémon Go for Conversations”

Summer Youth Ministry

Posted on: 07/19/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Youth ministers know we have a FREE TRAINING TOOLS page with all kinds of free training, including FREE TRAINING VIDEOS. (How to connect with kids, how to get teenagers talking, how to share your faith, how to lead games, how to lead skits… check it out!)

We’re halfway through our summer ministry. Take a peek at our brand new Summer Youth Ministry training video if you haven’t seen it yet!



From Disney Star to Vixen

Posted on: 07/11/16 4:21 PM | by Jonathan McKee

demi-lovato-body-sayDemi Lovato is in the headlines again with her sexy new release, Body Say.

Sadly, her story isn’t very unique:

  • Disney star. My own girls watched her show Sonny with a Chance and the Camp Rock movies.
  • At age 18, she dropped out of a tour because of some “emotional and physical issues” (self-mutilation, eating disorders).
  • She returned to the scene with a new confidence… in fact… the name of her new album last year was Confident, sporting her new sexy look… and sexy new songs (you probably our post about her song Cool for the Summer, a song about her desire for a lesbian hook up).

Well Demi’s back, and she’s pushing the sexy envelope again with her Continue reading “From Disney Star to Vixen”

The Draw of Nudity

Posted on: 07/7/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

dating-nakedIn 2013 The Discovery Channel launched a show with the title Naked and Afraid. It’s now in its 5th season. The following year VH1 launched Dating Naked. The Season 3 premier was on last week.

What’s next… Bowling Naked?

Nudity has been a draw for audiences since before I was born, but now, much more commonplace. Many of you might recall an article I wrote on the subject in 2013, The Naked Truth. That previous TV season had seen a 407 percent increase of “blurred nudity” than the season prior.

Continue reading “The Draw of Nudity”

TV Christianity

Posted on: 06/30/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

the real onealsIn my lifetime I’ve noticed a huge shift in opinion about Christians and the local church… and it ain’t been good! “Christian” is rapidly becoming a naughty word.

If you ever turn on TV or go to the movies, it’s not uncommon to hear the perception that faith is at the root of a vast number of societal ills. In fact, some have even studied these perceptions of faith and Christianity.

The question I want to ask is, where are people learning this?

Two answers emerge Continue reading “TV Christianity”