A fun new podcast

Posted on: 12/3/19 3:31 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Disney Princesses, Hallmark films, giving your kids screens…. these are all topics we’re talking about in a new podcast I’m a part of.

The podcast is called The Plugged In Show, and Focus’ Plugged In team of writers has invited me to join in with them to discuss movies, music, TV and the entertainment young people love.

Being completely honest… I love these guys! (And I used the term “guys” loosely, because one of them is a girl!) They are really fun. Most of them are movie buffs like me, so we really have a fun time getting together and talking about movies, music, Netflix… name it. Plus, we’re ALL parents. Two of us are empty nesters, one has teens and tweens in the home now, and one is a pregnant mom of a toddler. So a really fun variety.

In Episode One we started out of the gates talking about Disney Princesses, what we like, what concerns us. Then we segue to a conversation about the hours young people are spending soaking in entertainment media each day. Episode Two comes out within the week and we dissect Hallmark Movies…are they good? Cliche’? Trash? Or an amalgamation of it all?

Fun stuff!

Each podcast is just 30 minutes and typically has about 4 of us engaged in the discussion. Subscribe via APPLE PODCASTSor GOOGLE PODCASTS… or read more on the PLUGGED IN SHOW page.

(Oh… and if you want to give it a quick listen on your device and then RATE us with a large number of stars… that always helps!)