A Book Alec Enjoyed

Posted on: 11/26/09 2:27 PM | by Jonathan McKee

My son is a pretty good reader; he also likes video games, and Anime… that’s why I thought he might enjoy Mark Olmos’ new book, Age of the Fallen.

Age of the Fallen is a piece of Christian fiction about Japanese teenagers who fight against enemies from an unseen world, demons who are pushing desperate and confused teens to suicide every day. The book’s characters are real and believable. I could see something like this becoming a graphic novel.

When I read the first few chapters and saw the Japanese themes, the video games, etc…. I thought, “Alec (my 16 year old) would love this!” I gave it to him and he devoured it. Here’s his comments:

As a Christian have you ever wondered about the unseen spiritual war that goes on around you every day? What would you do if you could actually see into the spiritual realm and physically fight against fallen angels with spiritual swords of truth? For the main characters in Mark Olmos’s book, Age of the Fallen, this is an every-day reality.

The setting takes place in modern day Japan, where a group of young Christian teens live and fight against the temptations and challenges of everyday life. From the minute you begin reading till you turn the last page; the novel is creative and shocking. The author gives you an entertaining plot and at the same time describes the intense reality of spiritual warfare with masterful clarity. 

After reading this novel you will not only be very entertained, but you will perceive the world around you differently. And the next time you are tempted to do something bad you might consider that it’s not just a random thought that pops into your head, but a demon whispering in your ear.    

If this is your cup of tea, I encourage you to check it out yourself and post a comment.

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2 Replies to “A Book Alec Enjoyed”

  1. I’ll have to check it out. If Alec likes fantasy he should check out “The Door Within” trilogy by Thomas Wayne Batson or “House of Dark Shadows” by Robert Liparulo. Both are great “Christian” reads for teens.

  2. I really enjoyed this book. Olmos is a great storyteller and his characters are varied and likable. It’s Frank Peretti’s “This Present Darkness” meets modern Asian teens with Ted Dekker-ish thrill-ride action. It’s also a book that makes you stop and think about spiritual influences in everyday life.

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