Top 10 Things I Learned After 1 Week in an RV

Posted on: 09/15/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

RV-trip-funnyJust got back on a really fun trip, just me, Lori and my parents for one week in an RV, traveling 1,000 miles across four states, from Boise, through the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone.

We all had a great time. Here’s what I learned:

  1. Farts are twice as loud in an RV.
  2. Each stop at the gas station required a month’s salary! (Yes, this baby drank like a camel at the pumps!)
  3. Always check the connection on your sewer hose before pulling the “black waste” valve. (Can you say fountain o’ feces?)
  4. Bears look way bigger face-to-face.
  5. Sex is not an option when staying with your parents in an RV.
  6. One week’s beard growth makes me look older, not sexier (but then again… who really cares when you go back and read number 5?)Jonathan Lori RV trip
  7. A little camping dirt makes Lori look sexier (which sadly, only multiplies the frustration of number 5).
  8. My girls’ Barbie Dreamhouse shower was bigger!
  9. As fun as it was to spend a week in nature, it was really fun to stream Netflix on the last night in our hotel!
  10. The Grand Tetons… Yellowstone… the flickering of the changing leaves in a meadow of Aspens… a herd of elk basking by the water… Wow! Our God is a magnificent artist!

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