If you’d like a sneak peek

Posted on: 01/17/17 4:23 AM | by Jonathan McKee

As one of my regular blog readers, you know I enjoy giving you unique opportunities to read and try out resources before they’re even finished, chiming in with your opinion. This month I have one of those opportunities.

At the end of this month I’ll turn in a finished manuscript to my publisher—my newest book-in-process—The Teens Guide to Social Media and Mobile Devices. This is the first time I’m even releasing this title (it comes out later this year).

Here’s where you come in. I’m looking for Continue reading “If you’d like a sneak peek”

The drawbacks of constant connectivity

Posted on: 01/3/17 4:33 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Do you ever think about the ramifications of “constant connectivity” with our devices?

Do your kids?

I’m actually writing a book on it right now. That’s probably why I found this video so intriguing… and a great resource as well. In fact, I’d show this incredibly insightful little video to today’s young people at youth group, at church, or even at home after a family meal. Then if time is short, I’d ask one question:

“Is he right?”

Tons of application here Continue reading “The drawbacks of constant connectivity”