The hours leading up to Jesus’ death as told by two children

Posted on: 03/30/18 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Okay… this is completely adorable.

Here’s the story of Easter from the perspective of two small children. It’s the Gospel story in less than three minutes on YouTube! How’s that for being relevant to today’s generation of young people!

Take a peek. Continue reading “The hours leading up to Jesus’ death as told by two children”

Easter talks, ideas, movie clip discussions…

Posted on: 03/28/18 9:54 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It’s amazing how many FREE resources there are that can help us dialogue about Jesus this week approaching Easter.

I was just clicking through our movie clip discussions page and watched some amazing clips (from secular movies no doubt) with CLEAR Gospel presentations or scenes begging for discussion (I still can’t believe how clear Steven Spielberg’s film Amistad presented the Gospel!!)

For those of you in ministry who are looking for impactful Easter discussions… we’ve got a bunch of free ones Continue reading “Easter talks, ideas, movie clip discussions…”