Reaching LGBTQ kids

Posted on: 05/1/18 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

I’m away with my wife celebrating 27 years of marriage… having a blast with her, I might add… but we’re checking email every other day and doing about 15 minutes of work those mornings (not sure if that is allowed on vacation, but we’re both doing it).

Every time I log in and check into the real world I see an article addressing something in the world of LGBTQ, like raising genderless kids, or the new bill in California that everyone is freaking out about, or churches desperately wanting to know how to reach out to kids experiencing same-sex-attraction (SSA), and yes… the event we’re launching this fall helping church leaders respond to this issue in grace and truth.

Yes, it’s becoming a subject churches are almost afraid to chime in on… because what can they say? In California, for example, the new Assembly bill 2943, which passed in the assembly and is awaiting vote in the state senate, is restricting attempts to “take the gay away”. Some Christians are scared this is going to take away our freedom of religion… but most sources are saying that is just hype, in fact the bill is mostly targeting those “charging a fee” for “conversion therapy.” I’ll let you read both sides and decide.

But in this tumultuous climate, my friends Sean McDowell, Greg Stier and I have decided that churches are looking for answers how to show the love of Jesus to a generation of young people who are being taught “everything is okay”… so we are going to launch an event this November 2 and 3 in Orange County, CA equipping church leaders to reach a “fluid” generation, specifically addressing this LGBTQ issue (many of you already heard some buzz about this event on my Facebook page last week). Pray for this event… you’ll be hearing more from me about it soon. (And no, we won’t be promoting conversion therapy… Jesus is the only one who can change messed up people like you and me).

Meanwhile… I’ve been stumbling across some really helpful articles and resources helping Christians with this issue, what to say, and better yet- what NOT to say. The first was this article about serving people in the church who struggle with SSA. I don’t know the author Stephen Altrogge, but now I want to meet him. Great article/interview.

Second, I love this website from some Christian leaders who experience SSA and seem to really have an amazing grip on how to live a life of Biblical faith while struggling with this. I love this article about what the Bible actual says about the issue. Good stuff. I plan on investigating more on this site.

If you’re ever curious what articles I’m reading… I always link the “offsite articles” I read any given week on our Parents website… just scroll down on the front page to the box with those links. You can’t miss it.

5 Replies to “Reaching LGBTQ kids”

  1. Thank you, for addressing this area of ministry! I’ve been searching sites also. Some sites seem to have far too much compromise for my convictions. I’m looking for the LOVE of Christ with NO comprises.

  2. I’ve been searching sites also. Some sites seem to have far too much compromise for my convictions. I’m looking for the LOVE of Christ with NO comprises.

  3. My original comment is not being posted. Let’s aee what happens now!
    I’ve been searching sites also. Some sites seem to have far too much compromise for my convictions. I’m looking for the LOVE of Christ with NO comprises.

  4. What is also lacking is support for Christian parents of these kids. I an the Christian parent of an adult transgender child and have come across quite a few other parents in this situation in my small country town (both Christian and non Christian parents) but there is only one other of the Christian parents like me who believe that this is not God’s plan for our children. All the other parents are affirming it. Neither of us has found support in the church either – people don’t know how to talk to us. We are both grieving but it isn’t recognised as such because our kids are still alive. People don’t ask how the kids are going and how we are managing our circumstances. We are grieving the loss of our sons who both insist the person they were born as is dead. My son has been verbally aggressive if I use his birth name. It is as if I have lost a child but there has been no funeral – no one to come and hug me and grieve with me. This is a very lonely experience for parents such as myself. But I have received much consolation from the Lord and learned much sitting at His feet during this time. I encourage you in this endeavour but praying that something can also be done for the parents too.

  5. Wow, both articles pasted definitely have a hard time understanding reality. My question would be is what to do say to the person with same sex attraction who isn’t “struggling”?

    Def have this thing taped. I want to pop some pop corn for this one.

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