On TV Last Week

Posted on: 06/28/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee


Last week I was interviewed on live TV, the Canadian TV show 100 Huntley Street, sharing ideas from my new book about how to actually connect with our kids who can’t seem to pry their eyes from their mobile devices.

The interview was fun– take a peek:

Continue reading “On TV Last Week”

Your Honest Feedback

Posted on: 06/23/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee you’d ever wanted to share your two cents on a book before it was published… now’s your chance. I’m looking for a small group of people who would be willing to screen my new book, “If I Had a Parenting Do Over” and give me their honest feedback.

That’s it. The only catch is that I need a quick turn around. I’d send you an e-copy of the manuscript this Friday, and I’d need your comments back by the following Friday, July 1.

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same place same device

Posted on: 06/21/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee’m beginning to do a lot of radio interviews again with the release of my new book, and somehow this question always comes up:

What is the biggest issue parents are dealing with today?

I don’t even have to blink, because the answer is so apparent: smartphones and social media.

Yes, in a world where sexual fluidity, drug dependency, and shrinking moral values are abundant, even those issues are being propagated through the medium of social media, primarily through that device in our kids’ pockets. And whenever our kids choose to rant, or feel confused and/or depressed… where is their go to source for information as well as the platform they choose to express themselves?

Continue reading “same place same device”

8th Grader’s Amazing Impersonations of Trump, Clinton and Sanders

Posted on: 06/20/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

8th grader grad speechThe video is going viral. It’s garnered literally a million new views since I saw it 12 hours ago. It’s an 8th grader’s graduation speech.

This is no grad speech I’ve ever heard. His name is Jack Aiello, and he just graduated from Thomas Middle School outside of Chicago. This kid nailed the mannerisms of presidential hopefuls Trump, Cruz, Clinton, Sanders… and even our current commander in Chief. Sure, the kid is only in 8th grade and the voices aren’t dead on… but he’s truly got a gift impersonating the mannerisms.

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Are Today’s Teens Taking Less Risks?

Posted on: 06/13/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

teen-risks-sex-texting-marijuanaAre kids having more sex than years prior?

Are kids smoking more or less pot?

What about texting and driving?

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) just released their brand new Youth Risk Behavior Survey, a study released every other year asking teenagers about risky behaviors such as smoking, drinking, fighting at school, sexual activity… and even if they wear a seatbelt. The report breaks the numbers down by state, race, or grade, as well as providing national averages.

Here’s a few highlights:

  • 41% of high school students have had sexual intercourse (58% of seniors).
  • 30% of high school students are currently sexually active (46% of seniors)
  • 39% of high school students have ever used marijuana (50% of seniors)
  • 22% of high school students are current users of marijuana (28% of seniors)
  • 42% of high school students have texted while driving a car in the last 30 days (61% of seniors)

Continue reading “Are Today’s Teens Taking Less Risks?”

Giving you a free book

Posted on: 06/8/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

52-Ways-to-Connect-MONEY-PRODUCTI’ll make it simple: anyone who buys my brand new book on Amazon (the Kindle version released TODAY!), and posts an “Amazon verified purchase” review… I’ll send you any one of my parenting books for free… and personally sign it for you.

It’s that simple. Buy it from Amazon and review it—you get a book free from me.

Why? Because Amazon “verified purchases” hold a lot of clout with Amazon. So I desperately want my cherished readers (that’s you) chiming in on Amazon and posting good reviews of my books.

Here’s how you can do it: Continue reading “Giving you a free book”

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I want the truth… kind of

Posted on: 06/2/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

A few good menIn 1992 Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson gave incredible performances in the riveting movie, A Few Good Men. In their memorable exchange, Nicholson’s character Col. Nathan Jessup barked out a line so profound that it made it into the AFI’s list of the 100 best movie quotes:

Col. Jessep: You want answers?

Kaffee: I think I’m entitled to.

Col. Jessep: You want answers?

Kaffee: I want the truth!

Col. Jessep: You can’t handle the truth!


That word has metamorphosized quite a bit over the last two decades. Continue reading “I want the truth… kind of”

Your Smartphone Obsessed Kids

Posted on: 05/31/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

52-Ways-to-Connect-MONEY-PRODUCTIt’s coming this month…

In fact, I’m getting early copies in two weeks, so I’ll be personally signing every single book you pre-order!

I’ve gotta confess: this book was such a fun project! It’s a combination of research and hands-on parenting experiences revealing the most effective venues and connection points that actually work for today’s parents who want to connect with their “over-connected” kids. It’s packed with practical stuff parents and caring adult mentors can use to engage in meaningful conversations!

Order now HERE in our new store!

SNL Mocks Christian Films

Posted on: 05/24/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

SNL-mocks-christian-moviesSaturday Night Live (SNL) has been poking fun at Christians for years. The question I want to ask is: is there any validity to their jesting? Or more importantly, can we learn anything from it?

A few weeks ago SNL did a sketch mocking the film God’s Not Dead (and the sequel), mixed with the recent controversy about Christians refusing to provide services for gay weddings.

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