Netflix Binging

Posted on: 04/12/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

girl_watchingphone-DP.comAnd how we can use Netflix to connect with our kids

It’s funny how the proliferation of mobile devices is actually changing the way young people watch entertainment. One of the biggest changes is video streaming.

Think about it. At the turn of the Millennium, had you ever even heard the word “Netflix”? It wasn’t until 2001 when the company’s name began gaining recognition because Best Buy gave them exposure. You, like me, might remember them in the early 2000’s as a unique way to “rent movies” through the mail. Then come 2007 they began their video streaming services…

…and entertainment changed.

Now if you walk through a college dorm and see a Continue reading “Netflix Binging”

Do Carl’s Jr.’s Sexy Ads Sell?

Posted on: 03/10/16 9:43 AM | by Jonathan McKee

memphis-bbq-Carls JrDoes sex sell?

Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s is known for their over-the-top sexy ads. From Paris Hilton sensually washing a Bentley while eating a burger, to two girls getting in a scuffle at the BBQ grill and seductively intertwining to eat the Memphis BBQ burger.

The question is… do these ads actually sell burgers?
Continue reading “Do Carl’s Jr.’s Sexy Ads Sell?”

Today’s Teens Compared to Yesterday’s Teens

Posted on: 02/23/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Today's Kids DrinkWould you guess today’s young people are drinking more or less alcohol than you when you were a teenager?

What about drugs? More or less?



Last week released an article with a title saying, “Today’s teens have babies less than you did.” Then the words “have babies” scroll off the screen and are replaced by the word “fight.” Then “drink.” Then “use meth.”

The article goes on to compare the results of the Continue reading “Today’s Teens Compared to Yesterday’s Teens”

Fun Resources for the BIG GAME

Posted on: 02/2/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

super bowl quizIt’s almost Super Bowl time… and that means our annual BIG GAME Quiz!

For those of you have been following for the past few years, you probably look forward to the fun little FREE resource we provide every year called the Super Bowl “BIG GAME Quiz!” (I just posted it HERE). This quiz is a fun little party game you can use at your Super Bowl party at your church or your home. People fill out the quiz as they enter your party, predicting scores, catches, runs, etc., then you fill out the results during the game and tally up the winner (and PLEASE… remember to tally up the answers during the game because that’s how the quiz works). Continue reading “Fun Resources for the BIG GAME”

Top TV in 2015

Posted on: 12/14/15 8:49 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Families-Watch-Walking-DeadWhat are the top shows Americans are watching in 2015? Nielsen just cranked out the results.

But note that I said, “Americans” …not American teens or American families. That’s a huge difference, simply because Grandpa watches a whole lot more TV than my generation and my kids’ generation (today’s teens like screens, but primetime TV isn’t the top activity on their list). So don’t be surprised when you see Dancing with the Stars and NCIS on the list, and you don’t see The Voice (a teen favorite) on the list.

But Grandpa’s influence aside, you’ll still notice America’s love for Continue reading “Top TV in 2015”

Teen Media Consumption 2015

Posted on: 11/9/15 6:25 AM | by Jonathan McKee

12yrgirlipadHow many hours per day do your kids digest entertainment media and technology?

Think about it for a moment. If you add up all the screen time, music, social media, video games, TV, mobile video… all of it! How many hours would it be?

Common Sense Media just did the math in their exhaustive study of thousands of teens (13-18) and tweens (8-12), and the total hours today’s young people spend soaking in media per day might surprise you Continue reading “Teen Media Consumption 2015”

Top 5 Scary Movies… and 1 TV Show

Posted on: 10/31/15 4:37 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It-Follows-scaryIt’s Halloween in America today (as I write here from South Africa), and for many of us, that means it’s time to sit down on the couch, pop some popcorn and watch something scary.

This generation loves scary movies, and honestly, most the films they watch are nothing but feeble attempts at the genre. So what scary flicks are actually worth watching?

As a movie reviewer, I get an opportunity to watch quite a bit of movies, and chat with some pretty cool film makers and talk about this genre. So what are my favorites?

Here’s my top 6 scary flicks… five movies… and one TV show (it’s my list, my rules!), in no particular order Continue reading “Top 5 Scary Movies… and 1 TV Show”

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The Gospel According to The Walking Dead

Posted on: 10/13/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Families-Watch-Walking-DeadAmerica popped popcorn and settled into their couches Sunday night to watch one of their favorite TV shows… a cable show, no doubt… The Walking Dead. The show drew even more viewers than Sunday Night Football.

I was in SoCal speaking at the National Youth Workers Convention this weekend, so my brother took the reins of our fastest growing blog, The Gospel According to The Walking Dead, writing an amazing post discussing the Season 6 Premiere, and provoking an intriguing discussion about Romans 12. His post was so nerdtastically captivating, I asked him to write more upcoming discussions for the blog.

Here’s just a snippet of his post:

This is what I love so much about this show. Alexandria serves as the perfect metaphor Continue reading “The Gospel According to The Walking Dead”

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Miley’s VMA Reprise

Posted on: 08/24/15 7:35 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Miley-VMA-host-censoredThis coming Sunday night MTV will be exhausting all means necessary to garner one thing: ratings.

MTV has a history of stooping to new lows for ratings for their Video Music Awards show. This year’s new low will be Miley Cyrus hosting the show.

Yes, MTV exploiting Miley is nothing new. But this year they’ve been already pushing the envelope, utilizing Miley’s desperation for attention in their TV ads for the upcoming awards show. Maybe you’ve seen them: the topless ad (with little greenscreen dots covering the essentials), the “giving us the finger” ad, or the cloud of smoke adContinue reading “Miley’s VMA Reprise”

Binging… not Bonding

Posted on: 04/6/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Conventional wisdom would tell us that the more time we hang with our kids, the better, right?

Not so fast.

Our new Parenting Help article on this week reveals some very surprising research that will make parents rethink “quantity time.”

Think about it. What does your “quantity time” with your own kids look like?

Here’s a funny, but sobering little YouTube video from Continue reading “Binging… not Bonding”