Running Sad

Posted on: 12/3/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Those of you who are my Twitter followers have read an occasional tweet about my training for a marathon. The marathon was this Sunday, December 2nd… a sad day for me.

The disappointment didn’t hit Sunday, it hit me like a knife 45 days ago.

Training was going great until that day. I was running one of my long days, with a goal of 17 miles that day, and Continue reading “Running Sad”

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My Artistic Skills

Posted on: 11/26/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Every year when we break out the Christmas ornaments… my kids start making fun of my baby Jesus.

Yes. I made it… when I was about 10 years old! It was a church ornament-making party and I made this amazing Baby Jesus ornament with my excellent, artistic, ornament-making skills!

My kids weren’t impressed. In fact, they’ve come up with some really mean names for this ornament over the years.

Come on… it’s not that bad… or is it? (note the curly-cue)

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Random Thankfulness

Posted on: 11/22/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

A simple and short post to share some of the random things that I’m thankful for this week:

  • Old fashioned chocolate donuts
  • The feeling 5 minutes into a kayak ride when you just notice the silence
  • Encouragement from a friend when I needed it
  • Fresh water… whenever we want it!
  • Chips and salsa
  • Continue reading “Random Thankfulness”

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Soaking in Gungor

Posted on: 11/19/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

This past weekend has been exhausting… and refreshing.

I had the privilege of teaching once again at the National Youth Workers Convention (NYWC), this time in Dallas. I taught two workshops, shot three training videos and went to numerous meetings. As much as I actually enjoy most of these venues… I think my favorite moment of the entire weekend was a few minutes with the band Gungor.

I have to confess, I’m not a fan of a lot of Christian music. Don’t get me wrong. I like some Christian music, we even have a rule in our house where we only listen to worship music the first and last hour of the day. So we’re always on the lookout for good worship music.

My daughters and I “homeshare” our iTunes account so we constantly Continue reading “Soaking in Gungor”

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No Voice

Posted on: 11/5/12 9:48 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It’s been a long time since I’ve lost my voice… but it’s gone!

This is a scary thing for me, especially when I’m scheduled to speak. It happened last Wednesday night about 8:00 PM. I spiked a fever and my throat started hurting. Thursday morning I woke up with a sore throat and a raspy voice. I worked for a few hours that morning… because I’m a man! Men don’t get sick!

By noon, I admitted I was mortal, tapped out, and went to bed.

My biggest fear was Continue reading “No Voice”

Highs and Lows

Posted on: 10/16/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

This past weekend Lori and I packed up my girls (Alec had to work) and took them with us to the National Youth Workers Convention (NYWC) down in San Diego, about an 8-hour drive south of us.

As always, the weekend was rewarding on so many levels… here’s just some random highlights for me personally… and a lowpoint.


Lunch with Greg Stier: Our first day there, the four of us connected with my good friend Greg Stier for lunch. You have to know Greg or have heard him speak to understand what a blessing he is. Greg ministered to the four of us more than he will ever know in that hour lunchtime.

Worship on Sunday morning: On Sunday morning, NYWC provided a 1 hour worship service featuring the band Brilliance, with David Gungor, who apparently is Michael Gungor’s Continue reading “Highs and Lows”

This Weekend at NYWC

Posted on: 10/11/12 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Someone recently asked me how long I’ve been teaching workshops at the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention (NYWC)… and I couldn’t even remember. It was back when NYWC was pretty much the only convention!

I mean, I’m no Jim Burns… Jim had Noah in his junior high group… but I started teaching workshops at NYWC back when I was working full time with Youth for Christ, and that’s over 11 years ago. I’m guessing that this is probably my 13th year??? And I’ll be teaching two workshops this year in both San Diego and Dallas.

It’s fun digging out some of my old training PowerPoints (I keep all of that stuff). One of the first workshops I taught at NYWC was Continue reading “This Weekend at NYWC”

Parenting “Gamers”

Posted on: 10/1/12 6:40 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Teaching our kids video game discernment isn’t an easy task today. Some games are so extremely across the line it’s an obvious- “sorry, not in this house.” But today’s parents will find many games where they might need to try to pick there battles (I’ve written about this before).

My 19-year-old son has always been a video game buff, and I’ve always tried to stay a little bit current with games, especially now that we have our video games review page for parents. Yesterday he showed me this trailer for the new Assassin’s Creed 3 video game. I gotta admit… it was kinda catchy. Interesting historical stretch.

The most important principle I emphasize with parents today is Continue reading “Parenting “Gamers””

Running… for You!

Posted on: 09/24/12 4:05 PM | by Jonathan McKee

I’ll keep this short and sweet. I need your help.

If you enjoy the free resources, articles and discussions that our ministry provides, here’s an opportunity for you to let us know. We only do this once a year– I run, my daughter Ashley runs, and my daughter Alyssa runs– all raising funds for this ministry so we can keep providing you with free resources, training and ideas.

My daughter Alyssa has already raised almost $500, and Ashley (pictured running to the right) is right on her tail. Both think they can raise more than me! So you decide… who do you think you should sponsor?   🙂  All the funds that all three of us raise through this event goes 100% to the free resources we provide on and websites.

Sponsoring us is easy: just click on the button to your left which will bring you to this page and choose GENERAL DONATION, or any of our three names from the dropdown menu. It all goes to the same place. All gifts are tax deductible and help us continue to provide you with free resources!

Thanks so much!!!

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