Top 10 Air Travel Tips

Posted on: 05/10/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Yesterday I covered the Top 10 Tips to Hoteling, so today I’ll tackle air travel.

I’m on a plane quite a bit. I seem to average 6 to 8 legs a month. I’ve learned a few tricks, quirks and tips over the years that make travel easier… or at least more bearable. I’ll try not to repeat the obvious ones I covered yesterday in my hotel post like, “stick with one airline.” But definitely do that to earn free flights and other perks. So here they are…

The Frequent Travelers Top 10 Air Travel Tips:

  1. Live in a hub city: My friends Mark, Doug, Greg… almost all my friends who travel like I do… live in hub cities. Their airline can get to most cities in one leg. I however, do not live in a hub city. That means it takes me two flight to get to most places. If you plan on flying for a living… live in a hub city!
  2. Take the first flight of the day: It’s this simple: the earlier your flight, the greater the chance of you getting to your destination. Later flights depend on earlier flights, earlier crews, earlier maintenance and weather conditions. If just one of those Continue reading “Top 10 Air Travel Tips”

10 Tips to Hoteling

Posted on: 05/9/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

I’m in a hotel 6 to 10 nights a month (like next week I’ll be in a hotel for three nights while I teach at Azusa Pacific’s FAM Conference). Over the years I’ve learned a few tricks of the trade that have helped me get the most of the experience, taking advantage of the perks… and getting a better night’s sleep!

Frequent Traveler Tips to “Hoteling”

  1. Stick with one hotel chain: I used to jump around finding the best deal. But, in the long run, I lost out. Pick one chain, sign up for their frequent traveler’s program, and you’ll get all the perks (if you travel enough, you’ll often get free upgrades, free nights, free breakfasts…). This still works even if you don’t travel a lot. It will take more time, but you’ll earn rewards.
  2. Set air conditioner colder that you would at home: Don’t pay attention to Continue reading “10 Tips to Hoteling”

SmartPhone Safety Nets

Posted on: 05/7/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

If your child accesses iTunes today and simply clicks on the music video charts, one of the top 10 videos features topless girls dancing… something anyone can see in the free preview of the video.

Sad, but true. Literally today.

(I know, I know. I can foresee it now. Someone is going to email me and tell me, “Jonathan, why are you telling us this! This will tempt us to click on it!” And to that I say, “In a world where anyone can jump on Google at anytime and type ‘naked girls’ and see just that in a matter of seconds… I’m not telling you anything new.”)

The question I want to raise is, “Have you set some guardrails to help your kids steer away from these kinds of temptations?”

Let me ask Continue reading “SmartPhone Safety Nets”

Real Beauty Sketches

Posted on: 05/2/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

This brand new video from Dove was posted on April 14, 2013, and within two weeks it already had over 30 million views. The message of the video is simple: You are more beautiful than you think.

This video documents a little experiment. A forensic artist was asked to draw sketches of women based on their own descriptions. The artist can’t see the women making the descriptions… he just draws what they describe. Then he sketches another drawing based on how others describe these same women. Then we see the images side by side.

Wow!!! Take a peek at this amazing video.

My son Alec was the one who made me aware of this video. One of his ministry classes at Azusa Pacific University discussed it when it was first released and Alec posted it on his Facebook page. This discussion provoker was too good to pass up, so I wrote something you can use Continue reading “Real Beauty Sketches”

Top Words Used By Teenagers

Posted on: 04/30/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

What’s the most common word or phrase  you hear teenagers say? I want to know. (Use my comment feature and share your opinion.)

I ask because my friend Vicki called me the other day and asked me, “What is the one most common word or phrase teenagers say today?” Our online slang dictionary doesn’t sort by popularity.

My first hunch was to tell her, “I know, right?” No seriously… that’s the phrase I hear most teenagers say across the US today. They don’t realize they say it, but they say it.

“American Idol sucks this year.”

“I know, right?”

It’s a simple little phrase that I probably even said when I was a kid, but it’s come back with a new fervor. (“Fervor”? Really? Teens definitely aren’t saying fervor.)

But that’s not the phrase I gave her Continue reading “Top Words Used By Teenagers”

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Teenage Digital Devices

Posted on: 04/29/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

“It’s crucial to get to know them now in order to better understand who they’ll be tomorrow.” –The Teen Transition, Nielsen, 4/16/2013

I start the majority of my workshops with a youth culture quiz. I ask parents and youth workers, “Do you know today’s teenagers? Are you familiar with their culture, attitudes, habits and trends.”

But keeping up with today’s teen is no easy task, because the only constant is change… especially in the area of technology.

Take smartphone ownership, for example Continue reading “Teenage Digital Devices”

A Week Off

Posted on: 04/25/13 12:03 PM | by Jonathan McKee

I just spent a week hanging out with my bride on vacation. We used some airline miles and hotel points and went to a tropical escape (a pic I took yesterday) for 6 nights… and wow! It was so nice just having “us” time.

(This is rather ironic… as I’m writing this, here in my hotel just 30 minutes before we leave for the airport, my wife is now tugging at my shirt, saying, “Come hang with me.” So I’m neglecting her for 5 minutes to write to you about how important she is. This will be a quick post.)

We spent 7 days Continue reading “A Week Off”

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You Must Rest

Posted on: 04/18/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Tonight I leave for a week long vacation with my bride. You won’t be hearing from me for a week!

I’m so looking forward to this break. As I’ve grown older (and hopefully a little wiser), I’ve learned I have to go away on a vacation. If I don’t go away… I work!

Do not worship other Gods
Do not worship idols
Do not steal

Check, check, check…

Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy

Hmmmm… uh… does that mean the whole day?

It’s funny, but sometimes the commandment I have the most trouble keeping is the one that tells me Continue reading “You Must Rest”

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800 Youth Leaders

Posted on: 04/17/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Last weekend was a lot of fun for multiple reasons… but one of the big ones was my time hanging with over 800 youth workers at the YS Palooza event I taught at in Philly on Saturday. Allow me a minute to brag about Youth Specialties (YS) real quick.

I don’t work for YS. I speak at a lot of their conferences, and have written a handful of books published by them… but I’m just a “hired gun,” so to speak. As a guy who speaks at a lot of different conferences and events, I have to commend YS for the amazing job they are doing helping the front line youth worker.

Take last Saturday for example. At this event they brought in Continue reading “800 Youth Leaders”

18 Years Old

Posted on: 04/14/13 5:36 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Taught a parenting workshop today in Philly, getting ready to teach another one tomorrow (Monday) night at a church in Jersey. One of my favorite elements of teaching these workshops is talking with parents afterwards, trying my best to answer their questions, and hearing their stories.

I’ll share one story I heard that I found humorous.

A mother of several teenagers had an interesting experience the night before the workshop. A group of teenagers came over to the house, and two of them were intoxicated. They weren’t fit to drive and were most likely going to Continue reading “18 Years Old”